Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 IBM Corp.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from ..model import (
from ..namespace import WD
from ..typing import (
from .sparql import (
from .sparql_mapping import SPARQL_Mapping

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SPARQL_MapperStore( SPARQL_Store, store_name='sparql-mapper', store_description='SPARQL endpoint mapper'): """SPARQL mapper store. Parameters: store_name: Store plugin to instantiate. iri: SPARQL endpoint IRI. mapping: SPARQL mapping. """ _mapping: SPARQL_Mapping
[docs] def __init__( self, store_name: str, iri: T_IRI, mapping: SPARQL_Mapping, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: assert store_name == self.store_name super().__init__(store_name, iri, **kwargs) self._mapping = KIF_Object._check_arg_isinstance( mapping, SPARQL_Mapping, self.__class__, 'mapping', 3)
@property def mapping(self) -> SPARQL_Mapping: """SPARQL mapping.""" return self.get_mapping()
[docs] def get_mapping(self) -> SPARQL_Mapping: """Gets SPARQL mapping. Returns: SPARQL mapping. """ return self._mapping
# -- Statements ------------------------------------------------------------ @override def _contains(self, filter: Filter) -> bool: it = self._filter_with_hooks(filter, 1, False) try: next(it) return True except StopIteration: return False @override def _count(self, filter: Filter) -> int: q = self._make_filter_query(filter) text ='(count (distinct *) as ?count)') res = self._eval_select_query_string(text) return self._parse_count_query_results(res) def _parse_count_query_results(self, results: SPARQL_Results) -> int: return int(next(results.bindings).check_literal('count')) _filter_vars: Final[Sequence[str]] = ( '?datatype', '?property', '?qt_amount', '?qt_lower', '?qt_unit', '?qt_upper', '?subject', '?tm_calendar', '?tm_precision', '?tm_timezone', '?tm_value', '?value', '?wds', ) @override def _filter( self, filter: Filter, limit: int, distinct: bool ) -> Iterator[Statement]: assert limit > 0 q = self._make_filter_query(filter) if (q.has_variable(q.var('subject')) and q.has_variable(q.var('property'))): order_by = '?wds' if self.has_flags(self.ORDER) else None return self._eval_select_query( q, lambda res: self._parse_filter_results(res, filter), vars=self._filter_vars, limit=limit, distinct=distinct, order_by=order_by, trim=True) else: LOG.debug( '%s(): nothing to select:\n%s', self._filter.__qualname__,*self._filter_vars, limit=limit, distinct=distinct)) return iter(()) # query is empty @override def _filter_pre_hook( self, filter: Filter, limit: int, distinct: bool ) -> tuple[Filter, int, bool, Any]: return self.mapping.filter_pre_hook(self, filter, limit, distinct) @override def _filter_post_hook( self, filter: Filter, limit: int, distinct: bool, data: Any, it: Iterator[Statement] ) -> Iterator[Statement]: return self.mapping.filter_post_hook( self, filter, limit, distinct, data, it) def _make_filter_query( self, filter: Filter ) -> SPARQL_Builder: subject, property, value, snak_mask = filter._unpack_legacy() q = self.mapping.Builder() with q.where(): subject_prefix: IRI | None = None if subject is not None: if isinstance(subject, Entity): q.matched_subject = self.mapping.encode_entity(subject) elif isinstance(subject, SnakSet): status, subject_prefix = self._try_push_snak_set( q, q.matched_subject, subject) if not status: return q # empty query assert subject_prefix is not None else: raise self._should_not_get_here() value_prefix: IRI | None = None if value is not None: if isinstance(value, Value): q.matched_value = self.mapping.encode_value(value) elif isinstance(value, SnakSet): status, value_prefix = self._try_push_snak_set( q, q.matched_value, value) if not status: return q # empty query assert value_prefix is not None else: raise self._should_not_get_here() with q.union() as cup: for _, specs in self.mapping.specs.items(): for spec in specs: if subject_prefix is not None: if not spec._match_kwargs( 'subject_prefix', subject_prefix): continue # subject mismatch if value_prefix is not None: if not spec._match_kwargs( 'value_prefix', value_prefix): continue # value mismatch value = spec.kwargs.get('value') if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, Entity): continue # value mismatch assert isinstance(value, Entity) if not value.iri.content.startswith( value_prefix.content): continue # mismatch value if not spec._match( subject, property, value, snak_mask): continue # spec does not match filter cup.branch() spec._define(q, with_binds=True) return q def _parse_filter_results( self, results: SPARQL_Results, filter: Filter ) -> Iterator[Statement | None]: for entry in results.bindings: stmt = entry.check_statement( 'subject', 'property', 'value', 'qt_amount', 'qt_unit', 'qt_lower', 'qt_upper', 'tm_value', 'tm_precision', 'tm_timezone', 'tm_calendar') if self.has_flags(self.LATE_FILTER) and not filter.match(stmt): yield None continue wds = self._parse_filter_results_check_wds(entry, stmt) self._cache_add_wds(stmt, wds) yield stmt def _parse_filter_results_check_wds( self, entry: SPARQL_Results.Bindings, stmt: Statement ) -> BNode | URIRef: return NS.WDS[stmt.digest] def _try_push_snak_set( self, q: SPARQL_Builder, target: SPARQL_Builder.TTrm, snaks: SnakSet ) -> tuple[bool, IRI | None]: subject_prefixes = set() for snak in snaks: if not isinstance(snak, ValueSnak): return False, None # no such snak vsnak = cast(ValueSnak, snak) if not in self.mapping.specs: return False, None # no such property for spec in self.mapping.specs[]: t = Filter.from_snak(None, vsnak)._unpack_legacy() if not spec._match(*t): continue # spec does not match snak spec._define( cast(SPARQL_Mapping.Builder, q), target, None, self.mapping.encode_value(vsnak.value)) if spec.kwargs.get('subject_prefix') is not None: subject_prefixes.add(spec.kwargs.get('subject_prefix')) if len(subject_prefixes) != 1: return False, None # no such subject return True, next(iter(subject_prefixes)) # -- Annotations ----------------------------------------------------------- @override def _get_annotations_pre_hook( self, stmts: Iterable[Statement] ) -> tuple[Iterable[Statement], Any]: return self.mapping.get_annotations_pre_hook(self, stmts) @override def _get_annotations_post_hook( self, stmts: Iterable[Statement], data: Any, it: Iterator[tuple[Statement, AnnotationRecordSet | None]] ) -> Iterator[tuple[Statement, AnnotationRecordSet | None]]: return self.mapping.get_annotations_post_hook(self, stmts, data, it) @override def _get_annotations( self, stmts: Iterable[Statement], ) -> Iterator[tuple[Statement, AnnotationRecordSet | None]]: for stmt in stmts: if self._cache_get_wdss(stmt) or stmt in self: assert self._cache_get_wdss(stmt) def it(property: Property) -> Iterable[AnnotationRecord]: for spec in self.mapping.specs.get(property, ()): yield from spec.kwargs.get('annotations', ()) annots = AnnotationRecordSet(*it( if not annots: annots = AnnotationRecordSet(AnnotationRecord()) yield stmt, annots else: yield stmt, None # -- Descriptors ----------------------------------------------------------- def _make_item_or_property_descriptor_query( self, entities: Collection[Item | Property], cls: type[Entity], lang: str, mask: Descriptor.AttributeMask ) -> SPARQL_Builder: q = cast(SPARQL_Mapping.Builder, self.mapping.Builder()) if self.has_flags(self.EARLY_FILTER): get_label = bool(mask & Descriptor.LABEL) get_aliases = bool(mask & Descriptor.ALIASES) get_description = bool(mask & Descriptor.DESCRIPTION) else: get_label = True get_aliases = True get_description = True instance_of_specs = self.mapping.specs.get( Property(WD['P31'], Item), []) label_specs = self.mapping.descriptor_specs.get( Property('label'), []) alias_specs = self.mapping.descriptor_specs.get( Property('alias'), []) description_specs = self.mapping.descriptor_specs.get( Property('description'), []) with q.where(): with q.union() as cup: for instance_of_spec in instance_of_specs: matched_entities = [ e for e in entities if instance_of_spec._match( *Filter(e)._unpack_legacy())] if not matched_entities: continue # nothing to do def push_values(spec): with q.values(q.matched_subject) as values: for entity in matched_entities: values.push(self.mapping.encode_entity( entity)) q.bind_uri( q.matched_subject, q.subject, spec.kwargs.get('subject_prefix_replacement')) cup.branch() filter = Filter(matched_entities[0]) matched_specs = {} if get_label: matched_specs['label'] = [ s for s in label_specs if s._match( *filter._unpack_legacy())] if get_aliases: matched_specs['alias'] = [ s for s in alias_specs if s._match( *filter._unpack_legacy())] if get_description: matched_specs['description'] = [ s for s in description_specs if s._match( *filter._unpack_legacy())] if not any(map(bool, matched_specs.values())): instance_of_spec._define(q) push_values(instance_of_spec) continue # test presence, nothing else to do with q.union() as cup2: for attr, specs in matched_specs.items(): for spec in specs: cup2.branch() instance_of_spec._define(q) with q.optional(): spec._define(q) ### # FIXME: This crashes Virtuoso! ### # value_language = spec.kwargs.get( # 'value_language') # if value_language is not None: # q.bind(q.strlang( # q.matched_value, # String(value_language)), # else: # q.bind(q.matched_value, q.var(attr)) ### q.bind(q.matched_value, q.var(attr)) push_values(spec) return q def _make_lexeme_descriptor_query( self, lexemes: Collection[Lexeme], mask: Descriptor.AttributeMask ) -> SPARQL_Builder: q = self.mapping.Builder()
with q.where(): pass return q