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Deploy sample application to IKS cluster

In this lab, you will deploy the Petclinic application into your kubernetes cluster. Check the lab introduction to learn more about this application. Logs from the application will be used for analysis in the next set of labs.

Step 1: Deploy the Petclinic application

Use the IBM Cloud Shell to deploy the sample Petclinic application.

  1. Get the source code from the Git repo

    Clone the repo. Run the commands listed from the the IBM Cloud Shell.

    git clone
    cd kubernetes-logging-and-monitoring/src
  2. Deploy four microservices of the sample petclinic application by running the command below:

    kubectl create -f k8s/app/
    $ kubectl create -f k8s/app/
    deployment.apps/api-gateway created
    service/api-gateway created
    deployment.apps/customers created
    service/customers-service created
    deployment.apps/vets created
    service/vets-service created
    deployment.apps/visits created
    service/visits-service created
    This deploys Deployment and Service resources for each microservice component.

  3. Verify the deployment resources. Note that 4 pods and 4 services in addition to deployments and replicaset are created for this deployment.

    kubectl get all
    $ kubectl get all
    NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/api-gateway-575f59b7d8-7jhmc   1/1     Running   0          52s
    pod/customers-687749cfb-g8mkv      1/1     Running   0          52s
    pod/vets-6bb6655b7f-wkbcw          1/1     Running   0          52s
    pod/visits-784749c647-lczr6        1/1     Running   0          52s
    NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
    service/api-gateway         NodePort     <none>        80:32002/TCP   52s
    service/customers-service   NodePort    <none>        80:32003/TCP   52s
    service/kubernetes          ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP        12h
    service/vets-service        NodePort    <none>        80:32005/TCP   52s
    service/visits-service      NodePort   <none>        80:32004/TCP   52s
    NAME                          READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/api-gateway   1/1     1            1           52s
    deployment.apps/customers     1/1     1            1           52s
    deployment.apps/vets          1/1     1            1           52s
    deployment.apps/visits        1/1     1            1           52s
    NAME                                     DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/api-gateway-575f59b7d8   1         1         1       52s
    replicaset.apps/customers-687749cfb      1         1         1       52s
    replicaset.apps/vets-6bb6655b7f          1         1         1       52s
    replicaset.apps/visits-784749c647        1         1         1       52s

Step 2: Deploy Ingress resource

When deployed the sample application to a non-Lite tier IKS cluster, it's possible to expose the application with an external hostname.

  1. Retrieve Ingress Subdomain. Ensure the value for variable MYCLUSTER is set.

    echo $MYCLUSTER
    Lookup the value for ingress subdomain and set that value to the environment variable INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN.
    ibmcloud ks cluster get -c $MYCLUSTER
    export INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN=`ibmcloud ks cluster get -c $MYCLUSTER --output json | jq -r '.ingressHostname'`
    echo "\n Ingress subdomain: ${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}"
    Retrieving cluster c0i8ggbd0hnsl5uiaelg...
    Name:                           rj-iks-monitoring
    ID:                             c0i8ggbd0hnsl5uiaelg
    State:                          normal
    Status:                         All Workers Normal
    Created:                        2021-02-11T01:28:33+0000
    Location:                       dal10
    Pod Subnet:           
    Service Subnet:       
    Master URL:           
    Public Service Endpoint URL:
    Private Service Endpoint URL:
    Master Location:                Dallas
    Master Status:                  Ready (13 hours ago)
    Master State:                   deployed
    Master Health:                  normal
    Ingress Subdomain:    
    Ingress Secret:                 rj-iks-monitoring-2bef1f4b4097001da9502000c44fc2b2-0000
    Ingress Status:                 healthy
    Ingress Message:                All Ingress components are healthy
    Workers:                        2
    Worker Zones:                   dal10
    Version:                        1.18.15_1538
    Creator:                        -
    Monitoring Dashboard:           -
    Resource Group ID:              ee06e1f30dde43d4a01d71be7501d9bb
    Resource Group Name:            rj-resources
    Ingress subdomain:

  2. Set the application domain name Replace <INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN> in k8s/ingress.yaml file with the value that you retrieved in the previous step by running the following command:

    sed -i "s/<INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN>/${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}/" k8s/ingress.yaml
    Users on Mac:
    sed -i "" "s/<INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN>/${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}/" k8s/ingress.yaml
    Verify the igress value was substituted correctly:
    $ more k8s/ingress.yaml
    kind: Ingress
    annotations: /$1
    name: api-ingress
    - host:

  3. Deploy the Ingress resource

    kubectl create -f k8s/ingress.yaml
    $ kubectl create -f k8s/ingress.yaml created

Step 3: Verify petclinic application

If everything goes as planned, the petclinic application can be accessed at https://petclinic.<INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN>. By default, an internal database is used to stored data. Get the application URL by running the comand below.

echo "https://petclinic.${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}"
Copy the URL into a new browser window to view the Petclinc application landing page.

IKS Private Endpoints

Step 4: Deploy MYSQL database to the IKS cluster (Optionally)

Instead of running the petclinic application on an internal database, you may choose to deploy an instance of MYSQL database on the same IKS cluster.

Step 4.1 - Prepare Persisent Volume

There are various persistent storage options to store the data of MYSQL DATABASE, local storage and cloud storage and etc. For the simplicity, the local file system system on the Node server is used for this repo. Execute the command below to create a 5Gi local-volume.

kubectl create -f k8s/mysql/local-volumes.yaml

Step 4.2 - Create a secret storing MYSQL credential

User and password of MYSQL database is stored in a secret resource for security reason.

kubectl create -f k8s/mysql/mysql-secret.yaml

Step 4.3 - Deploy MYSQL database

One deployment, one service and one persistent-volume-claim resources are created when deploying MYSQL database.

kubectl create -f k8s/mysql/mysql.yaml

Step 4.4 - Populate MYSQL database

To populate MYSQL database running on the cluster,

  1. Retrieve the pod information where MYSQL database is running.
kubectl get pod -l app=mysql

NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-6d87765586-2q7sn   1/1     Running   0          19h
  1. Store the pod name of MYSQL.
  1. Copy SQL files to the pod.
kubectl cp k8s/mysql/sql/mysql-schema.sql $MYSQL_POD:/tmp/
kubectl cp k8s/mysql/sql/mysql-data.sql $MYSQL_POD:/tmp/
  1. Populate MYSQL database
kubectl exec $MYSQL_POD -- sh -c 'mysql -uroot -ppetclinic petclinic < /tmp/mysql-schema.sql'
kubectl exec $MYSQL_POD -- sh -c 'mysql -uroot -ppetclinic petclinic < /tmp/mysql-data.sql'
  1. Retrieve data from MYSQL database for verification.
kubectl exec $MYSQL_POD -- sh -c 'mysql -u root -ppetclinic -e "select * from vets" petclinic'

mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
id    first_name  last_name
1 James   Carter
2 Helen   Leary
3 Linda   Douglas
4 Rafael  Ortega
5 Henry   Stevens
6 Sharon  Jenkins

Step 5: Run sample application on MYSQL database

MYSQL database has been successfully deployed in the same IKS cluster. Now, you are goint to run the sample petclinic application on MYSQL database instead of the internal database.

Step 5.1 - Store database connection information in configMap

To store MYSQL database connection information in configMap resource,

kubectl create -f k8s/mysql/mysql-configmap.yaml

Step 5.2 - Modify sample application deployment to run on MySQL DB

kubectl apply -f k8s/mysql/mysql-customers-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/mysql/mysql-vets-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/mysql/mysql-visits-service.yaml

Step 6: Verify petclinic application

  1. Retrieve Ingress Subdomain.

    echo https://petclinic.$INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN
    $ echo https://petclinic.$INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN

  2. Access the petclinic application via https://petclinic.$INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN. Now, it's running on MYSQL database instead of the internal database.