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Setup IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig

IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig is a cloud-native, and container-intelligence management system that you can include as part of your IBM Cloud architecture. Use it to gain operational visibility into the performance and health of your applications, services, and platforms. It offers administrators, DevOps teams and developers full stack telemetry with advanced features to monitor and troubleshoot, define alerts, and design custom dashboards.

Step 1: Deploy IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig

To deploy an instance of IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig,

  1. Login to IBM Cloud in a browser.

  2. Click here open the Monitoring page and view the IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig instances provisioned under your account.

    To create IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA

  3. Select Create instance at the top-right corner.

  4. Select a location, for example Dallas (us-south). (Pick the location where the IKS cluster resides.)

  5. Select Graduated Tier - Sysdig Secure + Monitor as the pricing plan.

  6. Enter a service name or accept the default. Leave Resource group as Default.

  7. Click the Create button to create the new service instance.

    Created IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA

Step 2: Connect your Kubernetes cluster to Sysdig

Sysdig Agent collects metrics from Kubernetes pods and sends it the Sydig instance. The agnent should be installed on each pod of your Kubernetes to begin monitoring. The Sysdig agent is installed via a DaemonSet which ensures an instance of the agent is running on every worker node.

  1. Login to IBM Cloud in a browser. Open the IBM Cloud Shell and connect to the cluster as described in Step 3 here.

  2. Get the service key. Goto the Sysdig instance and click on Edit sources to get to this screen. Copy the command shown for Public endpoint and edit the line to include few changes.

    Sysdig install agent

    Change the value for sysdig_capture_enabled: true and add a new parameter --imageanalyzer as shwon in the command below. These changes relates to enabling Sysdig secure and Capture. Note that the Sysdig service key, endpoint and tags are sent in as paramters. Run the new command in the Cloud Shell terminal.

    curl -sL | bash -s -- -a SYSDIG_ACCESS_KEY b -c COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT -ac 'sysdig_capture_enabled: true' --imageanalyzer
    $ curl -sL | bash -s -- -a 4de2635d-8615-4721-a73d-9be869a16bdb -c -ac 'sysdig_capture_enabled: true' --imageanalyzer
    * Detecting operating system
    * Downloading Sysdig cluster role yaml
    * Downloading Sysdig config map yaml
    * Downloading Sysdig daemonset v2 yaml
    * Downloading Sysdig agent-slim daemonset v2 yaml
    * Downloading Sysdig Image Analyzer config map yaml
    * Downloading Sysdig Image Analyzer daemonset v1 yaml
    * Creating namespace: ibm-observe
    * Creating sysdig-agent serviceaccount in namespace: ibm-observe
    * Creating sysdig-agent clusterrole and binding created
    * Creating sysdig-agent secret using the ACCESS_KEY provided
    * Retreiving the IKS Cluster ID and Cluster Name
    * Setting cluster name as iks-cluster-user-0/c18i9ihd018m2dgi1vo0
    * Setting c18i9ihd018m2dgi1vo0
    * Updating agent configmap and applying to cluster
    * Setting tags
    * Setting collector endpoint
    * Adding additional configuration to dragent.yaml
    * Enabling Prometheus
    * Configuring Analysis Manager endpoint to You can also use the -am option to explicitly specify it.
    * Setting Analysis Manager endpoint for Image Analyzer
    configmap/sysdig-image-analyzer created
    Processing all-icr-io as all-icr-io
    secret/all-icr-io created
    configmap/sysdig-agent created
    * Deploying the sysdig agent
    daemonset.apps/sysdig-agent created

  3. The agent install step creates a set of resources under ibm-observe namespace. To view those changes, run the command as shown below from the CLI environment:

    kubectl get all -n ibm-observe
    $ kubectl get all -n ibm-observe
    NAME                              READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/sysdig-agent-kdp52            0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2m36s
    pod/sysdig-image-analyzer-zjhz7   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2m35s
    NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
    daemonset.apps/sysdig-agent            1         1         0       1            0           <none>          2m36s
    daemonset.apps/sysdig-image-analyzer   1         1         0       1            0           <none>          2m35s
    Wait until the two agent pods for agent and image-analyzer are in the Running state. One agent is installed one per worker node. Additional pods will be listed for the LogDNA service, if installed.

Step 3: Accessing Sysdig console

  1. Go back to the monitoring page and click on the View Sysdig link to open the landing page.

    Launch Sysdig

    The Explore tab is open by default. We are now ready to explore various features of Sysdig.