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Monitoring with custom metrics

In this exercice, we will see how to generatge custom metircs using a Prometheus client and mock multiple access to API endpoints. The sample application called WoLaM extracted from the tutorial here. This project includes the code to generate custom metrics.

For instance, review line 29 here to see how the custom metric wolam_api_counter is defined.

Step 1: Setup the application

  1. Setup manifests for the application

    Ensure the valeu of INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN is set based on the sample application deploy steps from this lab.

    echo "Ingress subdomain: ${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}"
    Replace <INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN> in k8s/ingress.yaml file with the value that you retrieved in the previous step by running the following command:

    sed -i "s/<INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN>/${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}/" k8s/monitor/app-log-analysis.yaml
    Users on Mac:
    sed -i "" "s/<INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN>/${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}/" k8s/monitor/app-log-analysis.yaml
    Verify the igress value was substituted correctly:
    $ more k8s/app-log-analysis.yaml
    - host:
        - path: /(.*)

  2. Run the applicaiton

    Run the kubectl command to deploy the application. Two pods with name app-log-analysis-deployment should show in Running status.

    kubectl create -f k8s/monitor/app-log-analysis.yaml
    deployment.apps/app-log-analysis-deployment created
    service/app-log-analysis-svc created created
    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                                          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    api-gateway-575f59b7d8-vlm6x                  1/1     Running            0          12h
    app-log-analysis-deployment-595df69c5-77l5h   1/1     Running            0          20s
    app-log-analysis-deployment-595df69c5-gxwvh   1/1     Running            0          20s
    customers-687749cfb-vzblv                     1/1     Running            0          12h
    missing-image-6c677574d8-zqc57                0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          78m
    vets-6bb6655b7f-dpf88                         1/1     Running            0          12h
    visits-784749c647-t6tb9                       1/1     Running            0          10h

    Use the application endpoint to get to the WoLaM landing page.

    echo "https://observe.${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}"
    echo "https://observe.${INGRESS_SUBDOMAIN}"

    Wolam landing

    The application is now ready to send custom metric data.

Step 2: Monitor Metrics

  1. Generate metrics

    Go to the WoLaM application, select the Monitoring tab and generate few metrics. for eg: Development, London & 25.

    Wolam Generate

  2. View metrics

    To monitor the calls to a given api endpoint of the application, From the Explore tab, select Deployments. Select Metrics > Prometheus > wolam_api_counter_total in the Metrics and Dashboards dropdown. Select Time: Average, Group: Sum, Segment: endpoint.

    Go back to the WoLaM application, generate a few metrics after changing the region. To monitor the calls to a given api endpoint of the application by region, Select Time: Average, Group: Sum, Segment: region.

    Wolam API count