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Review VPC Infrastructure

To check your VPC resources in IBM Cloud, browse to the VPC Infrastructure dashboard at

VPC dashboard

From the left menu, list the VPCs,


List the Subnets for VPC,

VPC Subnets

Click the linked subnet name to view the new subnet details,

VPC Subnet Details

You should see a public gateway attached with a floating IP.

Go to Floating IPs,

Floating IPs for VPC

Go to Public gateways,

Public gateways for VPC

Go to Access control lists,

Access control lists for VPC

Notice, there is 1 Inbound rule and 1 Outbound rule defined.

Go to Security groups,

Security groups for VPC

Click on the linked security group to review the secuirty group's details,

Security group details

Click the Rules tab,

Security group Rules


You are awesome! You created a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with a subnet, a security group with access rules to control inbound and outbound traffic, and attached a public gateway with a floating IP as an access point.


Next, create an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service instance for VPC.