Welcome to the IBM Maximo Labs

In these hands-on labs you will learn how to get started with the different products that are available in the IBM Maximo portfolio. The labs are in different states of readiness for use shown below. Feel free to open issues and provide us feedback.


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Maximo Application Suite 9.0

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Maximo Application Suite 9.0 Overview Reliability Strategies
Visual Inspection
Understand Asset Health and Predictive Maintenance
Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Maximo Monitor Managed Gateway - OPC UA Setup Simulator Environment
Add a device to library
Create a Managed Gateway
Deploy and verify connectivity
Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Maximo Monitor Installation Installation of Maximo Monitor
Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
MAS TechZone Base Certified Image Instantiate a TechZone Certified Base Image
Prepare For Use
Update MAS
Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Maximo Monitor Managed Gateway - Modbus Setup Simulator Environment
Create a Managed Gateway
Add an industrial device
Deploy and verify connectivity
Add another industrial device
Deploy and view data in Monitor
Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
IBM Maximo Health and Predict Lab for MAS:
Health Setup Setup Health Asset Permissions
Setup Default Health Asset Condition Scores
Create an Asset
Health Score Groups
Create Score Type
Create Group Using Custom Score Notebooks
Introduction to Task Guide
Create Custom Matrix
Configure Matrix
Create Replacement Plan Template for Substation Transformers
Create Investment Project
Setup Thresholds for Meantime Between Failure Chart
Health Demonstration MAS Health and Predict Overview Task Guide
Using Asset Table View
Using Map View
Using Mean Time Between Failure Charts
Use Meantime Between Failure Chart
Matrix View
Work Queues View
Investigate Asset Details
Action Asset Create Work Order
Action Multiple Assets in Matrix
Compare Asset Investment Optimization Plans

Maximo Application Suite 8.11

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Maximo Monitor Modbus Simulator Use the Docker image
Use the Node-RED script
Maximo Monitor Live Demo Asset Create Monitor Devices
Prepare Raspberry Pi
Convert Pi to RPE Asset
Verify RPE is working
Maximo Monitor Edge Data Collector Setup Simulator Environment
Create Monitor Devices
Create EDC Integration
Deploy and Verify Integration
Create Monitor Metrics
Health, Predict and Utilities Setup Demonstration
Overview Task Guide

Maximo Application Suite 8.10

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Monitor Node-RED CSV Importer V2 Setup Node-RED Environment
Inject device data directly to Monitor
Inject device data through a gateway to Monitor

Maximo Application Suite 8.9

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Deploy MAS 8.9 Logistics
Post Deployment
Health, Predict and Utilities Setup Demonstration
Overview Task Guide
Setup Watson Studio
Setup Custom Scores
Create a Custom Score Using a Notebook
Forecast a Customer Score Using a Notebook
Train and Deploy Custom Score Forecast
Monitor Connect Setup Mobile Device in Monitor
Connect Mobile Device in Monitor
Verify Data Sent to Monitor

Maximo Application Suite 8.8

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Health, Predict and Utilities Setup Watson Studio
Understand Health and Predict Utilities Models
Data Preparation for Remaining Useful Life
Setup Utilities Assets in Manage
Understand Asset Health Scores
Create Health Scores using Notebooks
Create Utilities Predict Group and Load Sensor Data
Create Predict Asset Anomaly Detection Model
Create Predict Asset End of Life Curve
Create Predict Asset Failure Date
Create Predict Asset Failure Probability
Understanding Asset Metrics Data
Load Asset Meter Data into Monitor
Asset Investment Optimization
View and Configure Asset Matrix
Installing App Connect for Data Loading
Monitor Connect Setup Mobile Device in Monitor
Connect Mobile Device in Monitor
Verify Data Sent to Monitor

Maximo Application Suite 8.7

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Health, Predict and Utilities Setup Watson Studio
Understand Health and Predict Utilities Models
Data Preparation for Remaining Useful Life
Setup Utilities Assets in Manage
Understand Asset Health Scores
Create Health Scores using Notebooks
Understand Asset Investment Optimization
Create Utilities Predict Group and Load Sensor Data
Create Predict Asset Anomaly Detection Model
Create Predict Asset End of Life Curve
Create Predict Asset Failure Date
Create Predict Asset Failure Probability
Understand Asset Metrics Data
Load Asset Meter Data into Monitor
Installing App Connect for Data Loading
Monitor Asset Hierarchy Create Hierarchy
Assign Devices

Maximo Application Suite 8.6

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Monitor Node-RED CSV Importer Setup Environment
Get Node Red Script
Edit and Run Script
Suite Overview Monitor and Visual Inspection
Import Digital Twin into Visual Inspection
Import Digital Twin into Manage
Service Requests to Work Orders with Mobile Assist
Understand Safety
Understand Asset Health and Predictive Maintenance
Health and Predict Utilities v8.6 Understand Health and Predict

Maximo Application Suite 8.5

Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Monitor Functions Setup_Local Python Environment
Setup Device Types
Create Constant
Create Python Function
Create Python Expressions
Create Value Card in Dashboard
Monitor Auto AI Setup Local Environment
Create Device Types
Setup Devices
Send Simulated Data
Create Logical and Physical Interfaces
Create Dahsboards
Identify Model
Deploy Model
Add KPIs and Alerts to Dashboards
MAS Environmental Monitoring Sustainability Lab


Lab                                  Exercises                                                      
Monitor SaaS Connect Devices
Monitor Anomalies
Create Service Requests From Alerts
Create Image Cards on Dashboards
Create Summary Dashboards Using Dimensions
Create Value Cards on Dashboards
Visual Inspection (1.3.0) Create a Data Set and Prepare Images
Train and Deploy a Model
Project Creation for Inspections
Conduct Inspections
Setup Fail Pass Rate

Contribute to Maximo Labs

You can contribute by providing feedback or content for the Maximo Labs.

  1. Submit issues or enhancements that you would like to see to these labs.
  2. Contribute Content by becoming an author contributor of the labs.

Submit issues or enhancements

You can submit any feedback, questions or issues on the labs. We will address them in the issue or with improvements to future versions of the lab. Submit issues you encounter with the lab at https://github.com/IBM/maximo-labs/issues. Provide a description of the problem. Steps to reproduce the problem. What you expected should be there or happen in the lab.

For bugs please include steps to reproduce your issue. For enhancements please include why you need the improvement and suggestions for how we can improve a lab.

Contribute Content

If you want to write new labs or improve the existing labs, then find the instructions to do so here:

Lab Exercise
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Create new lab
New Lab Template Do something
Do something else


See the Copyright page for how the Maximo Hands-on Labs are licensed.

UPDATED: 2025-01-15