Welcome to the IBM Maximo Health, Predict and Utilities Lab for MAS version v8.7


This lab is still being developed, incomplete and may have errors. We provide it to get your feedback and allow you to reference the materials as the labs are built.

This lab provides step-by-step instructions and code examples to help you learn about the product capabilities in IBM Maximo, Health and Predict - Utilities.

You will:

  • Setup Watson Studio for Health and Predict - Utilities model templates and SDKs.
  • Understand what models and notebook templates are included with Maximo Health Predict and Utilities for understanding Utilities Asset Condition.
  • Prepare asset data for model templates
  • Load Historical asset data for Substation Transformer assets into Manage.
  • Understand the Pump Data Dictionary
  • Load Historical Pump device data using real Kaggle Pump data into Monitor.
  • Create an Estimated Time to Asset Failure Prediction Model.
  • Create an asset Failure Probability Prediction Model.
  • Create an asset Anomaly Detection Model.
  • Create a Prediction Group to identify which assets to use with a Predict trained model or algorithm.
  • Create and use asset Health scoring to understand asset condition.
  • Create an Asset Investment Optimization project to address asset's that are in poor condition.
  • Optionally install and configure App Connect Integration server to load asset data into Health and Predict - Utilities.

Before getting started ensure you have completed the prerequisites. Prerequisites:

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See the Copyright page for how this Maximo Hands on Lab Exercise is licensed.

Updated: 2021-07-13