Contributors to IBM Maximo APM V8.7 Lab

Change Information

Date By Description
2023-12-30 Jan Ekstrøm Restructured to work on Github Pages.
2022-06-16 Balaji Santhanakrishna, Carlos Ferreira and John Douglas Asset Health Scores
2022-06-16 Carlos Ferreira and Kewei Yang Added setup Watson Studio exercise. Wrote getting started and pre-requisites and overall editing of content.
2022-06-16 Juan Gu and Carlos Ferreira Added overview of Health and Predict - Utilities models.
2022-06-16 Satish Narasimha and Carlos Ferreira Added how to install and configure App Connect for use with Health and Predict asset data loading.
2022-07-01 Carlos Ferreira Data preparation lab and data dictionary lab.
2022-07-01 Hannah Carr Added how to upload asset failure history, sensor and device data and create a predict group using out of the box notebooks.
2022-07-13 John Douglas and Amy Huang Added AIO and Health Scoring Lab content.