Forecast Custom Scores using a Notebook

Use an instructor provided notebook and demo data to create a Health score group and associate it to a score type like Health, Risk, Criticallty, End of Life. Calculate the current scoring and future forecasted scores using an historical score values provided in a csv file. Learn also how to extract future scores from third party for each asset. These instructions will be based off using the:

In this exercise you will use Watson Studio, MAS Health and Predict Utilities to:

  1. Upload the and Run the HPU Health Score Group notebook to create score group using forecast notebook template from
  2. Confirm Scoring groups have been created and scores have been calculated
  3. Handle Errors that may come up in the process

This notebook can only be run once per environment per site with the same set of assets.


  • Ensure you have access to asset data files for the MAS Health and Predict Utilities Demo Data
  • Ensure you have loaded the hpu_csv_demo data or hpu_csv_st into the Health and Predict Utilities system by completing the Load Data into Manage lab for the Utilities data.
  • Upload future notebook cfg file in HPU project as a data asset. Upload IBM-future-score-from-csv-sample-6.0.0-demo.cfg from to HPU project. Upload data asset1 Upload data asset2

Upload future notebook HPU project.

  1. Upload the Create Substation Transformer Future Scores notebook from the github in the to your project.

  2. Click 'New asset' button in the project, and filter for notebook type.
    New Asset

  3. Choose notebook type Choose notebook type

  4. Select the IBM-future-score-from-csv-sample-6.0.0-demo.ipynb notebook, and then click Create button. Choose notebook

  5. Save the notebook to a latest version.
    Save version

  6. Create a job named Run-IBM-future-score-from-csv-sample-6-0-0-demo for the notebook. Create job1

  7. Click Next, Next, Next, then Create. Create job2

  8. A Pop up message will show indicate the job is created successfully.
    Create job3

  9. The forecast notebook cfg file and notebook should upload to the configured project for HPU.
    Peoject info


Check the project id after entering a project to ensure that's the same one that's configured in system properties for HPU. Peoject id

Upload Files and run the Data Loader Notebook

  1. Upload the Create Substation Transformer Future Score Groups notebook provided by the instructor from the github repository to your project.
    Click New asset button in the project, and filter for notebook type. Select the 1.3_Create-ST-SG_FutureScores.ipynb notebook, and then click Create button. Refer to the instructions in Upload future notebook HPU project

  2. Click on the pencil icon next to your notebook to open it in edit mode.

  3. If the notebook fails to start, restart it. Click on the i icon , Environment tab, Running status dropdown select box and choose Restart

    Restarting Environment

  4. Run the first code cell to import packages.

  5. Fetch MX_BASE_URL and MX_APIKEY as instructued below and store it as HPU_Envs.json file in below format, then upload to ws project(If it's already prepared in previous exercises, skip this step).

    { "Instruction":{ "MX_BASE_URL":"Extract health or manage host, and replace * in https://*/maximo/, e.g Get from", "MX_APIKEY":"Application Administration -> Go To Administration -> Integration -> API Keys -> Copy key from admin user card or add an API key if does not exist. }, "MX_APIKEY":"****", "MX_BASE_URL":"" }

  6. Update the site id value to your SITE_ID in the second cell.

  7. Run the next cell to define the API call for Maximo.

  8. Run the next 3 cells to define function to create the following:

  9. The query that will be used to build the health scores.

  10. Get the scores list and activate the scores.

  11. Create the asset group, create scores for the asset group and clean up.

  12. Run the next cell to create the query for the Asset Scoring Group. This query will be made up of Asset Type and Site ID and prefix.

  13. Clean up and then create the Asset Scoring Group using the query from the previous cell. Build the scores with future notebook, and activate the scores, trigger the calculation. Wait for 5 minutes for the calculation to finish.

Confirm Score Group and Scores

To confirm if the Score Group and Scores were created do the following:

  1. Navigate to Maximo Health and Predict for Utilities for the provided environment.

  2. Go to the Scoring and DGA Settings application within Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities.

  3. Search for your Org or Site. Notice that there is a score group created for Substation Transformer Assets. Score Groups

  4. Click into the Score Group and notice all the Score Types created via the notebook listed in the Group Details section, and how it's connected to the future notebook.
    Group Info

  5. Click into any asset and see that the scores have calculated.

  6. Check future scores in Matrix Page. Go to Assets page, select the same query that is used in score group. Click the Matrix icon to switch to Matrix page.
    Choose query

  7. Click year plus button to check the summary information for future year, like 2023. future 1
    future 2

  8. Click any cell to drill in to see the related assets in a table view. Click year plus button to see which assets are in this range in next year and show the next year score values in the table. future 3

Congratulations you have learned how to use a notebook to create future score forecasts and verified the future scores in Matrix appeared.

In the next exercise you will learn how to train a WML model to forecast future score for each asset using the registered WML model in a notebook.