Build MAS Health and Predict Demonstration

Follow the steps in this lab in your own environment to create the necessary components to deliver the Maximo Application Suite (MAS) v9 Health and Predict Demo Script. The data for your system can be provided by the instructor or you can create your own assets too for some of the exercises.

  1. Login to MAS Applications
  2. Setup Health Asset Permissions
  3. Setup Default Health Asset Condition Scores
  4. Create an Asset
  5. Setup Health Score Groups
  6. Create a Score Group
  7. Create score type
  8. Create group using Custom Scoring Methodology
  9. Create custom matrix
  10. Plan replacement plan template for Substation Transformers
  11. Create investment project

To keep track of the items that you create, append your initials to the end of the name, so that they’ll be easy to find and delete.


This lab requires the following:

  • A working MAS environment with Maximo Manage, or another Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system, Maximo Health, Maximo Health and Predict, IBM Maximo Models for Electrical Distribution and Maximo Optimizer installed.
  • Sufficient asset data to run the analysis and get insights
  • User id with application access to Health application.
  • User id with access to a site. Otherwise you will get a warning This user doesn't have access to any site. Site access is required to access ASSET object

Login to MAS Applications

Launch Health on the Applications tab. If Health tile is not present on applications tab, ask your MAS admin has to enable it.

  1. After you login using the credentials provided by your instructor, navigate to the
  2. From the main MAS page, select the Applications tab navigate_to_health
  3. Click the Launch link on the Manage, Health or Predict tile. To setup permissions in the next exercise you will go to Manage.
  4. This displays the assets grid page with a table of assets and their health scores for the user's currently assigned site. assets_page

**Note if the user isn't assigned to a site they will not see any assets. **

Setup Health Asset Permissions in Manage

In order to allow users to edit source record on Action button on the Health asset details page you must first configure the Health application security groups in Manage using the steps below.

  1. Go to Manage Application. assets_page
  2. Choose the Security group application. assets_page
  3. Search on the HEALTH group and click enter key. assets_page
  4. Click the Applications tab.
  5. Select Assets assets_page
  6. Click the Grant listed options for the application
  7. Enable options for asset actions assets_page
  8. Click Save Group. assets_page
  9. Go back to Healthapplication and login using the user to ensure the operation is now possible.

Setup Default Health Asset Condition Scores

Maximo Health v9 includes the ability to automatically active Asset Condition scoring for all assets that don't belong to a score group. After you activate the default asset condition scores, any new asset you create will also use the out of the box default score group to calculate asset condition for Health Risk and Criticality. Asset that are already part of score group will be skipped.

Watch the video on Default Asset Condition Scores

Activate the Default Score

In this exercise you enable the Default Score.

  1. After you Log into IBM Maximo for the first time you will be reminded to enable the Default Score.
  2. Press the Activate Button to enable the Default Scores. default_scores_form
  3. Make sure you have create assets and they have the required dependencies set. An Asset Priority, Work orders or Service Requests set against the asset. Asset installation date and asset expected life based on Manufacture.
  4. Optionally you can choose to activate the scores later. Go to Setting Group and Groups tab to find the Default_Score group to enable it.
  5. Check the group to see if the default scores have been activated. You will see Health, Risk and Criticality calculated for all your assets. default_scores_group

Asset scores will begin to be calculated using the Default_Score group. You can also verify if the scoring is working by viewing assets using the Asset Table List page. If the Health, Risk ad Criticality score don't apper it likely because there data missing for it to be calculated. You can bulk update missing data for Installation Date in the Asset Table List page simply by clicking on the column and row asset value and entering the information in the pop up dialog.
You can also view the Asset Condition Scores for Health, Risk and Criticality on the Asset Details page.

Create an Asset

In this exercise you create an asset in IBM Maximo Manage. You will use this asset later to measure it's Meantime Between Failure and see how it's value performs versus other assets using a Chart.

In order for the Meantime Between Failure Score to be calculated you also are required also create an unscheduled emergency work order. Let's start by first creating the asset and then a work order.

To create an example asset for Meantime Between Failure score make sure you enter the following asset fields:

  • Asset Number: "AH016"
  • Description: "Submersible pump 20 hp rotary"
  • Asset Type: "Pump"
  • Status: Active
  • Installation Date: 6/1/20
  • Expected Life: 10 ( Manufacture suggested life - 20% for example)
  • Vendor: Armstrong
  • Manufacturer: Armstrong

  • Log into IBM Maximo. Open IBM Maximo Application Suite.

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the IBM Maximo login page.
  • Enter your username and password to log in.
  • Launch Manage on the Applications tab. If Manage tile is not present on Applications tab, ask your MAS administrator to enable it for your user id.

  • Navigate to the Asset Module. Select to Asset Module. From the main Maximo menu, select Assets > Assets.

  • Create a New Asset:

  • Open New Asset Form. In the Asset module, click on the New Asset button to open the asset creation form.

  • Fill in Asset Details:

  • Enter Asset Number. In the Asset Number field, enter a unique identifier for the asset (e.g., AH016).

  • Enter Description. In the Description field, enter a detailed description of the asset (e.g., Submersible pump 20 hp rotary).
  • Select Asset Type. Locate the Asset Type field and select the appropriate type from the dropdown menu (e.g., Pump).
  • Enter Installation Date. Enter the date the asset was installed. Use the date picker to select the date (e.g., 2024-05-21).
  • Enter Vendor Information. In the Vendor field, enter the name of the vendor from which the asset was purchased (e.g., Siemens).
  • Enter Manufacturer Information. In the Manufacturer field, enter the name of the manufacturer of the asset (e.g., ABB).
  • Enter Expected Life in Years. In the Expected Life field, enter the expected operational life of the asset in years (e.g., 20).

  • Save the Asset. After filling in all the required fields, click the Save button to create the asset record in Maximo.

  • Click Save to store the new asset record.

  • Select the asset status to Active:

  • From the Common Actions menu on the left, find the Status menu to launch the status Form. change_asset_status

  • Choose Active from the New Status dropdown menu and click Save button. change_asset_status

Setup Health Score Groups

When you first login to the Health Application, there is a universal table list view of all managed assets.

Scores that are shown in this view, and others, are created from the Scoring Settings section on the left nav bar.

  1. Hover over the left nav bar to expand it. Select the Scoring Settings section on the left nav bar setup_settings menu

  2. Create a scoring group by choosing assets that have similar behavior. Groups are bound to an asset query.

If there are any scoring groups already created, they will appear on the Groups tab of the Scoring settings page.

  1. Scroll through the pages to see what groups have already been created. setup_assets

There are 2 ways to create asset condition scores in Maximo Health. The first way is using the Maximo Formula Engine.
The second way is use Watson Studio to customize the Jupyter notebook templates provided in Maximo Health or accelerators . Each asset class has it's own notebook template. See the documentation for the list of asset classes IBM provides. You can configure the Score Settings using a text file with a .cfg extension to specify how to calculate Asset Health, Risk and Criticality.

Alternatively, scoring methodologies can be created from scratch directly in the UI.

Create a Scoring Group

To create a score group for Substation Transformers, click the Create a scoring and DGA group button, and complete the form.

  1. Click the Create a scoring group + button. setup_assets
  2. Complete the open fields for Name and Description.
  3. Select the radio button for asset to identify the Object.
  4. Select the radio button Connecting group to notebook in response to Configure scoring and DGA by.
  5. Click Select to pick a notebook. setup_assets
  6. When prompted, scroll and select the IBM Transformers Tap Changers DGA 6.0.1.
  7. Click Use notebook. setup_assets

Pick a Query

To identify which assets each notebook your formula engine setting are applied to a the group of assets you must pick a asset query. In this case select, substation transformers.

  1. Click select to pick a query. setup_assets
  2. When prompted, scroll and select the EUORG1_EUDEMO_ST
  3. Click Apply setup_assets
  4. Click Create setup_assets

Activate Score

Once created, the group will display. The next step is to activate each of the scoring methodologies from the notebook.

  1. Click each score in sequence, starting at the top. setup_assets
  2. On each score screen, review the scoring methodology, and select Active. setup_assets
  3. Use the breadcrumb to return the Scoring Group page.
  4. Ensure that all of the scores are Active. setup_assets

Create Score Type

To create your own asset conditions scores, you can use custom score from the UI, return to the Scoring Settings page by clicking the breadcrumb at the top of the page.

Select the Score types tab on the page to create a new score type. Existing score types will display on the page.

  1. Click the Scoring Settings breadcrumb at the top of the page. setup_assets
  2. Select the Score types tab. setup_assets
  3. Click the Create new score type button. setup_assets

Create a New Score Type

Complete the form for the new custom score type. The score type can be customized with new ranges, colors and icons.

  1. Complete the open fields for Name and Description.
  2. Leave the remaining fields as they default.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Return to the Groups tab to set up the custom score methodology. Select the Groups tab.

Create Group for Using Custom Score Using Notebooks

Create a Scoring Group

Follow similar steps as those using the notebook to create a custom score methodology for substation transformers in this case, a proxy for efficiency.

  1. Click the Create a scoring and DGA group button. setup_assets
  2. Complete the open fields for Name and Description.
  3. Select the radio button for asset to identify the Object.
  4. Select the radio button Building scores in response to Configure scoring and DGA by.
  5. Click select to pick a query. setup_assets
  6. When prompted, scroll and select the EUORG1_EUDEMO_ST.
  7. Click Apply. setup_assets
  8. Click Create.

Add Score Type

Once created, the group will display. The next step is to create the custom score methodology itself.

When adding a score type, existing score types with appear, including the Substation Efficiency just created.

  1. Click the Add score button. setup_assets
  2. Select Substation Efficiency from the score options.
  3. Click Done. setup_assets

Add Contributor

From the Substation Efficiency score page, the custom score methodology can be built using various contributors, formulas, or groups.

  1. Click the + in the contributor section of the page. setup_assets
  2. From the Add a contributor popup, select the tile FACAGESAMPLE.
  3. Click Add. setup_assets

Add Contributor Weight

For this example, only one contributor is used, but often there will be several contributors. Therefore, a weight must be assigned to each contributor. In this case, 100%.

Value: The ability to create custom scores, with any data available, allows the user to account for unique operating environments and conditions.

  1. Click the Pencil icon.
  2. In the popup, change the % weight to 100.
  3. Click Save. setup_assets
  4. Change the Active button to Yes.

Create Custom Matrix

View Matrix

Now that the score methodologies are built, and active, scores will appear in multiple views.

To use the custom score in a matrix, a custom matrix must be created.

  1. Hover over the left nav bar to expand it. setup_assets
  2. Select the Assets section on the left nav bar to return to the table view.
  3. Click the Matrix icon to move to the matrix view. setup_assets

Configure Matrix

To customize the matrix, click the setting icon in the upper right of the screen. Adjust the fields so that Health appears on the y-axis, and Substation Transformer Efficiency on the x-axis.

  1. Click the cog symbol.
  2. In the Name field, type Substation Efficiency and Health.
  3. In the Y-axis field, select Substation Efficiency.
  4. Select the 100-0 radio button under Y-axis direction.
  5. In the X-axis field, select Health.
  6. Select the 100-0 radio button under X-axis direction. setup_assets

Also, fill in the colors of the matrix so that the assets with poor health and poor efficiency appear red or high in the upper right corner.

  1. Click High radio button.
  2. In the Matrix, click on the upper right box to turn it red. setup_assets
  3. Continue with Medium and Low to complete the matrix view to match the example. setup_assets
  4. Click Save as to save the matrix and set it as the default. setup_assets

Create Replacement Plan Template for Substation Transformers

Replacement Plan Templates

The matrix provides a good view from which to select assets for an investment project. However, a plan template must be complete for any asset class in a project. To set up a plan template, go to the Asset investment optimizer tab.

  1. Hover over the left nav bar to expand it.
  2. Select the Asset investment optimizer section on the left nav bar. setup_assets
  3. Click the Plan templates tab. setup_assets
  4. On the Plan templates tab, click the + symbol to create a new plan template. setup_assets

Create an Asset Replacement Template

Complete the form for the replacement plan template.

  1. Select SUBSTATION_TRANSFORMER from the selection list or other asset class. Note if there is already a replacement plan template for an asset class, a new one cannot be created
  2. In the open field, type Sample replacement plan template for Substation Transformer
  3. Select Replacement for Plan type.
  4. Enter 8 for Expected downtime in hours.
  5. Enter 50000 for Estimated capital cost.
  6. Enter 30000 for Estimated operating cost.
  7. Enter 150000 for Estimated failure cost.
  8. Enter 30 for Expected life in years.
  9. Click Create. setup_assets
  10. Hover over the left nav bar to expand it.
  11. Select the Assets section on the left nav bar to return to the matrix view. setup_assets

Create Investment Project

Assign Assets

To assign a set of substation transformers to an investment project from the matrix page, filter the assets, and drill down to the table view and add assets to a project.

  1. Use the pulldown, and select Substation Transformers (shared) from the list. setup_assets
  2. Select the red box in the matrix to show the table view of the assets. setup_assets
  3. From the table view, select 50 from the pulldown at the bottom of the table.
  4. Select the box at the top of the page to select all of the assets on the table. setup_assets
  5. Select Create investment project. setup_assets

Create a Project

Complete the form on the Create a project page.

  1. In the open field, type ST Demo Project.
  2. In the Summary field, type Demo project for Substation Transformers.
  3. Enter 25 for Duration in years.
  4. Select 2Q for Target start quarter.
  5. Enter 2023 for Target start year.
  6. Click Create setup_assets
  7. Once the ST Demo Project page appears, hover over the left nav bar to expand it.
  8. Select the Assets section on the left nav bar to return to the matrix view to add more assets to the project.

Add Assets from the Matrix

From the matrix view, drill down once more to the table view and add additional assets to the project.

  1. Select the yellow box in the middle top row of the matrix to show the table view of the assets. setup_assets
  2. From the table view, select 50 from the pull down at the bottom of the table.
  3. Select the box at the top of the page to select all the assets on the table. setup_assets
  4. Select Add to investment project. setup_assets

From the popup, select the ST Demo Project to add the new set of assets to the existing project.

  1. Select ST Demo Project from the set of projects. setup_assets
  2. Click Add
  3. From the Edit project page, click Save. setup_assets
  4. Click Save from the Confirm save popup. setup_assets

Create and Run Investment Strategies

To test different investment strategies, move to the Asset investment optimizer tab to create the first strategy Maintain risk.

  1. Hover over the left nav bar to expand it.
  2. Select the Asset investment optimizer section on the left nav bar. setup_assets
  3. From the Projects tab, click on ST Demo Project. setup_assets
  4. Click the + to create the first strategy. setup_assets
  5. From the popup, make sure the Strategy selection is Maintain risk, the click Create. setup_assets

Once the strategy is created, run the analysis. It may take some time to complete. The user can leave the screen and the analysis will continue to run.

  1. Click Run analysis setup_assets

Create the second investment strategy Reduce risk and run it.

  1. Click the + to create the second strategy. setup_assets
  2. From the popup, set the Strategy selection is Reduce risk.
  3. Set the Target risk score to 7.
  4. Click Create. setup_assets
  5. Click Run Analysis. setup_assets

Create the third investment strategy Stay in budget and run it.

  1. Click the + to create the third strategy. setup_assets
  2. From the popup, set the Strategy selection is Stay in budget.
  3. Set the Opex to 810000.
  4. Set the Capex to 1350000.
  5. Click Create. setup_assets
  6. Click Run Analysis. setup_assets

Meantime Between Failure

To calculate the count of how many assets are achieving or not achieving the meantime to failure requires that you specify threshold goal to achieve. For example what is the number of hours an asset needs to go to achieve the meantime of failure goal. Assets who have a meantime between failure less than the number of hours means they are failing earlier than required and therefore aren't meeting the meantime between failure. Meantime between failures is calculated using the amount of time an asset goes before it has an unscheduled work order. Where the work order is either a corrective maintenance or emergency maintenance. The meantime between failure is calculated by summing the total amount of time between installation and the first and subsequent unscheduled work order divided by the total number of unscheduled worker order occurrences.

Create Threshold on Charts Page

To create a meantime between failure threshold consider the group of assets that you are measuring performance for. Consider creating separate thresholds for a groups of similar expected performance assets within an asset class like pumps and other thresholds for assets that are part of a system and require similar performance considerations like an HVAC system.

For this exercise you will create a MTBF performance threshold for an asset class. You can use pumps that have a similar asset class, type, manufacture and model. There are two ways to create Thresholds. One is on the Asset Charts page,

If you haven't previously created any Thresholds. The other way to create them by going to the Score Settings page.

  1. Navigate to the Asset Charts page. setup_settings menu
  2. Click Create threshold button.
  3. Fill in the form values and click the Save button. setup_settings menu
  4. Select the box at the top of the page to select all of the assets on the table. setup_assets
  5. Select Create investment project. setup_assets

Create Threshold on Score Settings Page

Create a Threshold anytime by navigating to the Score Settings After you create the threshold it will be made available as an option on MTBF chart on the Charts page.

  1. Navigate to the Score Setting page. setup_settings menu
  2. Click Funnel button.
  3. Select the previously created Threshold you want to use for the current View and click the Save button. setup_settings menu

The other way to create them by going to the Score Settings page.

  1. Navigate to the Asset Charts page. setup_settings menu
  2. Click Create threshold button.
  3. Fill in the form values and click the Save button. setup_settings menu
  4. Select the box at the top of the page to select all of the assets on the table. setup_assets
  5. Select Create investment project. setup_assets

Add Required Data on Asset Details

To calculate an asset's meantime between failure (MTBF), the asset's installation date must be known. Assets that are unable to display their MTBF value will show an i icon in the MTBF column and asset row in Asset Table Page or on the value card of the Asset Details Page. By clicking on the i icon, a dialog will open where you can set the installation date. Suggested values for the installation date are also provided.

  1. Navigate to an Asset Details Page change_asset_status
  2. Click the an i icon on the MTBF value card.
  3. Choose the installation date using the Calendar control inf the dialog. If you don't know the installation date consider using the suggested value of when the asset was first added to Maximo.
  4. Click save to save the installation date.
  5. The MTBF value card will be updated when the MTBF calculation is recalculated in the crontask.

Add Required Data on Asset Table

  1. Navigate to an Asset Table Page change_asset_status
  2. Click the an i icon on the MTBF value card.
  3. Choose the installation date using the Calendar control inf the dialog. If you don't know the installation date consider using the suggested value of when the asset was first added to Maximo.
  4. Click save button to save the installation date. change_asset_status
  5. The MTBF value card will be updated when the MTBF calculation is recalculated in the crontask. You will see a status message letting you know the value will be calculated. change_asset_status

Troubleshoot MTBF

If an asset's MTBF value doesn't appear in the Asset Details page or Asset Table page after you have entered and the asset's installation date and the crontask has run then check to see if there are any filters applied to the crontask that remove your asset from the list of assets to be calculated for MTBF.

  1. Navigate to the crontask in Manage. change_asset_status
  2. Search on MTBF and click on the MTBF crontask. change_asset_status
  3. Review the crontask parameters to see if the value would descope your asset from being calculated. change_asset_status
  4. Remove or correct any filters that my descope your asset from being included in the MTBF score calculation task. and click the save button to save the crontask settings.


Congratulations. You now have completed the MAS v8.11 Health and Predict Demo setup lab and are ready to demo.