Create new lab

Creating a new lab follows the same process as under Add content:

  1. Prepare your Git branch
  2. Make changes
  3. Commit and push your changes
  4. Create Pull request
  5. Clean up branches locally and remotely (Github)

The only difference is the first time you execute step "2. Make changes", then follow this process:

  • Follow step "1. Prepare your Git branch" under Add content.
  • Come back here and run the below "Make first changes for new lab".
  • Go back to Add content and run from step 3.
    (You are done here :-)

Make first changes for new lab

The following steps are used to crate a new lab based on the provided template

1. Replicate Template to your lab

Select the template_1.0 folder Select template folder

Make a copy of the template_1.0 folder Copy template folder

Rename the template_1.0 copy folder to <product>_<version> for wich this new lab is intended,
e.g. monitor_live_demo_asset - it should now look like this: Rename template folder


It is important that this structure is kept consistent cross all labs in order to easily build and deploy the complete set of labs.

2. Modify the mkdocs.yml file

The mkdocs.ymlfile holds the configuration of the new lab, i.e. some generic information about the new lab, like location of where the site will be created during the build and also which .md (markdown) files it consist of based on the navigation information.

Select and open the mkdocs.yml file located in the root of you new lab folder Select mkdocs.yml

Edit the marked areas suitable for your new lab Edit mkdocs.yml

Which could look like this Edit mkdocs.yml

Save the file.


The nav: definition holds the navigation menu for the new lab.
It is only and that need to have some mandatory information, as explained below. The rest of the markdown files and navigation menu is defined by the way the lab is structured and how many exercises it consist of.

3. Modify the file

The file is the landing / welcome page for the new lab.

Select and open the file located in the docs folder of you new lab Select

Edit the file and make sure to change the marked areas suitable for your new lab Edit

Which could look like this Edit

Save the file.

Remember to do this:

Update the Updated at the end of this file to current date once the new lab is ready.

4. Modify the file

The file contains a list of the Contributors to this lab as well as the Change Information.

Select and open the file located in the docs folder of your new lab. Edit the file and make sure to change it so it's suitable for your new lab Edit

Which could look like this Edit

Save the file.

Remember to do this:

Update both sections when the lab is ready.

5. Add the new lab to the build script

First we need to update the file located in the maximo-labs root folder. This file contains the shell script for building the entire IBM Maximo Labs static web site.

Select and open the file Select

Scroll down to find # Build the template level: Edit

Copy the section and paste it above the #### DON't CHANGE THE BELOW MANDATORY... line. Change the comment and the lab= variable to match the folder of the new lab. Edit

Save the file.


Please don't change anything else!

6. Build and verify your lab content

In a terminal navigate to the root of this git repo and execute the build script:


It could look like this: Edit

Wait until it has finished building the whole site. Edit

Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in order to verify that the build was successful.

The new lab has not yet been added to the in the toplevel page, so you need to navigate directly to the new lab, e.g. http://localhost:8080/monitor_live_demo_asset in order to verify that your changes look as expected.


Press control-c to stop the web server and get back to the prompt.

Congratulations, you have now created the foundation for the new lab following the structure and consistensy of the entire IBM Maximo Labs site.

Now you "only" need to add all the content to the foundation, by adding markdown files and images according to the structure.


The mark down files in your new lab should contain examples on :
- how to use chapters
- how to link to other md files in your lab
- how to link to chapters in your lab
- how to link to external sites
- how to link to images (please add plenty)
- how to add a table
- how to add admonitions (like this Tip section)

Remember to do this:

Go back to Add content and run from step 3. (You are done here :-)


It is good practise to commit your changes often and at least once the foundation is in place.