Pre-Requisite Instructions

Here are the required pre-requisites for contributing to The Maximo Labs.

Install Python 3

It is recommended to install and use the latest release of Python 3.
First install Homebrew on Mac and then Python 3:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install python3

Install MkDocs

You will be using the package installer for python (pip) to install MkDocs within a python virtual environment (venv).
First lets get the python 3 virtual environment up and running:

cd ~
python3 -m venv max-py3
cd max-py3/bin
source activate
python -V
pip -V
pip list

Create virtual environment

Then you will install the MkDocs packages and verify the packages has been installed:

pip install mkdocs
pip list

pip list after MkDocs package is installed

You can deactivate the virtual environment with this command:


Additional Information

Package Installer for Python:
Python 3 virtual environments:

Git / Github setup

  1. Get a Github account
  2. IBMers can get access to the IBM Github area here:
  3. Access the Github repo of the IBM Maximo Labs here:
  4. Access the latest published labs here:
    (This might not contain the latest changes from the Github repository)

Clone the github repository down to your local machine:

cd ~
mkdir Github
cd ~/Github
git clone
cd maximo-labs

Now build the complete site on your local machine:


Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ and take a look at the complete IBM Maximo Labs locally.

To find these contribute instructions navigate to http://localhost:8080/contribute

Next step

You are now ready to either add to an existing lab or create a new lab from scratch.