
Pre-Requisite Instructions

Here are the required pre-requisites for the Maximo exercises.

All Exercises

All Exercises require that you have:

  1. A computer with a Chrome browser and internet connectivity.

  2. User access to a Maximo Application Suite environment.
    Your Exercise facilitator should have provided you with the information on your access.

  3. An IBM ID. If you don't have an IBM ID you can get one here:

    • Click Login to MY IBM button
    • Click Create an IBM ID link
  4. Test your access to the Maximo Application Suite environment.

Health/Predict (set up private view on grid, starting with the grid view/main screen)

  1. From the grid view...
  2. To add the saved on the Filter icon, click on Edit next to Query, and choose EUDEMO_ST. Click Ok and Apply.

    img img img

  3. Click the three dots next to the drop down menu and choose Save as to save this group of assets.


  4. This user will now be able to see this view of assets when they login.
