
In this Exercise using Monitor you will learn how to :

  • Create a PythonExpression

Operations wants to be alerted when the temperature deviates more than 10 degress celcius. Create a PythonExpression to calculate the temperature_deviation by subtracting ambient_temp from the max_temp_YI constant you creted in the last exercise. You can use this calculated metric as an input an Alert Expression in inform the Monitor Remote operational support can be alerted when a packaging asset is operating too fare outside the required operating ranges.

The PythonExpression will add a new calculated metric temperature_deviation that you wil add to your asset dashboard.

Before you begin:

  • This exercise requires that you have completed the pre-requisites required for all Exercises.

  • This exercise requires that you have completed the previous exercise.

Create a Python Expression in Monitor

  1. In Monitor, select Setup Assets tab, search for Sample_Packaging_Hopper_Type_yourinitials . Click on your Device Type and click on Setup Asset Type button.
    Setup Asset Type

  2. Click Data tab, + button to add a new calculated metric from the catalog. Enter Puthon in the search field of the Monitor catalog.
    Search catalog for the Python Function

  3. Click PythonExpression option and theSelect button to add the function to your Asset Type.
    Create a Python Function  

  4. Set the calculation data item expression to the value below. This will calculate the difference between the ambient temperature and the maximum temperature constant you added in the previous exercise.


Choose input metric  

  1. Set the output name to temperature_deviation
    Choose input metric

Next Step

Nice work getting to here. In the next exercise, you will add your calculated metrics ambient_temp_over_max_status, temperature_deviation and ambient_temp_over_max_status to your asset dashboard.