Welcome to the IBM Maximo Monitor Auto AI Lab
(Version: 8.5)

You will learn about Monitor's capabilities to use AutoAI to identify and deploy a prediction machine learning model to Maximo Application Suite

In this lab we will show you how to use AutoAI to identify, train and then deploy to a prediction machine learning model to Maximo Asset Monitor. You will learn how to:

  1. Use the provided Jupyter notebook that will contain Python code to train, test and deploy machine learning model to Maximo Asset Monitor

  2. Use the provided Maximo Asset Monitor custom function to make predictions as new time series data is received in Maximo Asset Monitor

  3. Create Asset Types and devices using simulated pump data.

  4. Create an Asset Type and Asset dashboards to see the pump data and model predictions in Monitor


This Hands on Lab requires:


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This Hands on Lab is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third party code objects invoked within this lab are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Apache Software License, Version 2.