Create and View Dashboards

In these exercises you create the dashboards in Monitor. - Create an Asset dashboard provides individual asset performance for the pump selected. - View an Asset dashboard - Create an Asset Type dashboard that summarizes performance across multiple assets of type pump_co

Create Asset Dashboard in Monitor

  1. In Monitor, click Setup tile setup assets

  2. Enter pump_co in the search field and then click pump_co search for asset type

  3. Click on the link for 111137F8 edit dashboard

  4. Click Dashboards tab dashboards

  5. Click : icon and select edit to edit the dashboard Connect devices tile

  6. Click import icon import dashboard json

  7. Browse to the dashboards folder and select the asset-instance-dashbard.json file Connect devices tile

  8. Click Save and close button save asset dashboard

View Asset Dashboard in Monitor

  1. Click Monitor menu Monitor menu

  2. Search for pump_co in the search field search for asset type

  3. Click 111137F8 asset search for assets

  4. Click Asset Metrics Dashboard tab metrics dashboards

  5. View dashboard view dashboard

Congratulations you imported and viewed an Asset Dashboard.

Create Summary Asset Type Dashboard in Monitor

  1. In Monitor, click Setup menu Setup

  2. Enter pump_co in the search field and then click pump_co in results. Asset Types

  3. Then click Manage Asset Types link Dashboards

  4. Click Dashboards tab Dashboard Tab

  5. Make note of the Daily Time grain selected. This means that the dashboard will aggregate calculations for the 24 hours. So the maximum, minimum, mean and last values will be calculated for the last 24 hours. Dimensions selected are used to further filter the displacyed calculated metrics just for those assets. Select the serialNumber dimension. This will allow you to choose just one asset of that type in the dashboard. Click Add Dashboard button Add Dashboard

  6. Make note of the Daily Time grain selected. This means that the dashboard will aggregate calculations for the 24 hours. So the maximum, minimum, mean and last values will be calculated for the last 24 hours. Dimensions selected are used to further filter the displacyed calculated metrics just for those assets. Select the serialNumber dimension. This will allow you to choose just one asset of that type in the dashboard. Click Next button Connect devices tile

  7. Select pump_mode and last from the Methods drop down field to calculate the last value in the last 24 hour day.
    Then click on Configure Dashboard button Last

  8. Browse to the dashboards folder and select the asset-instance-dashbard.json file Edit Dashboards

  9. Click Create button Create Dashboard

  10. Monitor is processing the metric calculations for the selected aggregation period. Note the Preparing Dashboards message Preparing Dashboard
    Return back to this screen to see the dashboard once the calculations have completed processing.

Congratulations you imported and created an Asset Type Dashboard that calculated aggregated values for a selected time period Monitor provide hourly, daily, monthly and yearly aggregation periods you can use on the dashboard.