Setup Device Types

In this exercise you will create the pump Device Type and data in Monitor IOT Platform that will receive the simulated pump data in the lab. Create a Pump Device Type in Monitor.

You can create Device Type in the UI or Programmatically.

Create Pump Device Types in UI

To be able to ingest device data using Monitor you must first define the format of the data using a Device Type.
In this exercise you will, create a Device Type named pump_co and 2 Devices named 11111096 and 111137F8.

  1. Login to Monitor from the Maximo Application Suite Navigator page. Click

  2. Click Connect devices tile or click On the Connect menu
    Connect devices tile

  3. Click Open Platform Service application in the top-right corner to open the Watson IoT Platform tenant associated with this Monitor tenant in a separate browser tab. Connect devices tile

  4. Go to the Device Types menu, and click Add Device Type. Connect devices tile


Make sure to replace co in the device type name with your own initials.

  1. Enter pump_co in the Name and Description fields - where co should be replaced with your initials. Note that for the rest of this lab, Click Next.

  2. Enterpump_co in the Manufacturer and Device Class fields. Later you can Dimensions that can be used in Monitor to filter and aggregate assets in Summary Dashboards. Click Finish to save your changes.
    Connect devices tile