Create Physical & Logical Interfaces

IoT device data must be mapped from physical devices that are reading the metrics on assets to a logical interfaces that represent that whole asset or system you will monitor. Physical Interfaces are what are used to save the device data into the Monitor. Logical Interfaces are what Monitor uses to create asset types and assets with their corresponding metric values. In this exercise you will use Monitor to create:

Create the Physical Interface


Alternate option for step 5 is to click Use Last Event Cache enter the name of the device ID 111137F8. Which ever you have in your data. pump_co event will appear if you already have the simulator running. This corresponds to the Python device simulator script you will run in the next exercise. See image for Event cache

  1. Still in the Watson IoT Platform, go to the Device Types tab menu, search then select pump_co, Interface

  2. Click on the Interface tab menu and click Create Physical Interfacebutton. Enter the name pump_co_pi, Click Next. Name Interface

  3. Click Create event type button Create Events

  4. If your pump simulator is sending data you can wait for the dialog to fill in with your event data. Otherwise you can set the payload by click on Create event type button. Import Add Device Event Type to the Physical Interface by uploading a json file that contains a payload similar to the one below. Replace co with your initials for your eventID.

    { "EventName": "event", "EventDescription": "Device event", "EventID": "pump_co", "Payload": { "evt_timestamp": "2020-01-19T03:59:53.03Z", "speed": 1124, "head": 54.424, "pump_mode": "a", "flow": 115.934, "voltage": 274, "POWER": 2.664, "CURRENT": 8.69 } }

  5. In the dialog click on Import link and drag the event_template.json file into the dialog. Import

  6. Click the Add button

  7. Click the Add Property button. You must change the type from string to timestamp for the evet_timestamp. Click Select button.
    Event cache

  8. click the 3 dots on the evet_timestamp row.

  9. Click edit pencil icon

  10. Click select box for Event named. Event cache

  11. Click the check box next to evt_timestamp and change the Event, Data Type to String(Date Time) Event metrics

  12. Click Done. Event cache

  13. Click Done. Again. Event cache

You now are able to save the device data that is sent from any device to this Device Type physical interface named pump_co_pi. Stay on the current page and continue to the next exercise below.

Create the Logical Interface

Logical interfaces allow you to map the metrics from the physical device types into a single Entity Type for Monitor.

  1. Click Create Logical Interface button. Create Interface

  2. Change the default name pump_co_li, click Next. Name Interface

  3. Tick the Allow Additional Properties to ON and then Click Add Property button. Event cache

  4. Click the Select button for the evt_timestamp. Change Timestamp

  5. In the dialog Type field, select String (date-time) and click Save button. Timestamp

  6. Click Add Property again for all the remaining metrics leaving the values as is shown below. evt_timestamp speed head pump_mode flow voltage) POWER) CURRENT

  7. Click Next, click link No event notifications Event cache

  8. change to All events and click the x to close the dialog box. Event cache

  9. Click Apply, then Done. Event cache

  10. Click Activate twice. Event cache Event cache

  11. Click Done. Event cache

You now are able to create dashboards and calculated metrics using the device data that is sent by any device into Monitor. You must wait upto 10 minutes to start seeing your devices show up in Monitor.