Deploy and Configure a PredictionModel Custom Function in Monitor


Skip steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 if you are in the Think2021 Hands on Lab session. These steps have already been done for you.

In this exercise you deploy a Monitor Custom Function to call the Prediction Model to make prediction. Custom Functions are stored in Github Repositories. Functions must be added to an Asset Type and scheduled in a pipeline to run.

Here is the Architecture flow for this tutorial. Architecture flow

  1. In order for Maximo Monitor pipeline to access private Github repositories you must create a token. Login to Github.

  2. Create a personal access token for your custom function repository using these instructions

  3. Append the token to the URL in See the already updated URL for the custom function to call the PredictionModel in the ai_prediction/

    PACKAGE_URL = 'git+'

  4. Save and commit the changes to the github repo.

    git add ./custom/ git commit -m "my function changes" git push origin master

  5. Custom Functions are stored in Github Repositories. They are added to a Monitor catalog by registering them. Register the function using this script.

    python3 ./scripts/

  6. After registering the function in Monitor, you can add the PredictionModel custom function from the catalog to pump_co Asset Type. This will enable the function to run every 5 minutes and make a prediction using latest meter readings. Navigate to the Setup menu. Search for and pick the pump_co asset type and click on the Setup Asset Type Link Setup Asset Type

  7. Click the + icon to add a data item function as a calculated metric to your Asset Type. Setup Asset Type

  8. Search for the PredictionModel function. Setup Asset Type

  9. Set the value for the Model Name to the one you used in the earlier exercise Deploy and Configure a Prediction Model Custom Function in Monitor that includes your initials. modelname = power_random_forest_yourinitials.mod Each Asset can have multiple associated metrics which track sensor readings over time. Since the model you created requires speed, flow, voltage, CURRENT to predict POWER Select the those as input metrics to the function. Click the Next button. Setup Asset Type Setup Asset Type

  10. Set the name of the Output metric name to power_prediction This will have the predicted power value returned from your Model invoked by your PredictionModel custom function. Setup Asset Type

  11. The pipeline is scheduled to run ever 5 mins by default. You must wait five minute for the pipeline to execute and calculate your
    Setup Asset Type