Send Device Simulated Data

In these exercises you will start sending pump data to Monitor IOT Platform. This will allow us to make predictions on power in the later exercises.

Update Environment Settings

  1. The simulator needs to know the name of your organization, device type, device id and security Token. Edit the file named .env_example and save it as .env using the values below.

  2. Get the Organization, API Key and API Token from your MAS Administrator. Here is an example of the format of an example credentials file.

    "tenantId": "your_TENANTID",
    "_db_schema": "your_SCHEMA",
    "db2": {
        "username": "your_DBUSERID",
        "password": "your_DBPASSWORD",
        "databaseName": "your_DBNAME",
        "security": "SSL",
        "port": your_DBPORT,
        "httpsUrl": "https://your_DBURL",
        "host": "yourDBURL"
    "iotp": {
        "asHost": "",
        "apiKey": "your_IOTP_APIKEY",
        "apiToken": "your_IOTP_APITOKEN"
  1. Get the values for fields like TOKEN, DEVICE_TYPE for the devices you created in the Create Devices exercise for the 1 of pump devices 111137F8 Browse

  2. For SOURCE_DEVICE_ID this is the name of the Device ID in the source data csv file. See example file provided by the instructor named /data/maximo-auto_ai_pump_data_111137F8.csv

  3. For DEVICE_ID this is the name of the Device ID in the Monitor.

Start the Python Simulator

This exercise includes Python Simulator that reads a csv file maximo-auto_ai_pump_data_111137F8.csv. with the pump data and sends the rows of data for the pump device you specified in the previous exercise. The event_payload.json looks like: json { "evt_timestamp": "2020-01-19T03:59:53.03Z", "speed": 1141, "head": 61.298, "pump_mode": "a", "flow": 1226.936, "voltage": 438, "POWER": 18.93, "CURRENT": 32.6 }
1. If you are using PyCharm as your Integrated Development Environment select and right mouse click select Run Run Simuilator

  1. If you are using a local virtual environment cd into ../scripts and invoke the script by typing the following command:

Verify the Device data

  1. To be able to ingest device data using Monitor you must first define the format of the data using a Device Type.
    In this exercise you will, create a Device Type named pump_co and 2 Devices named 11111096 and 111137F8.

  2. Login to Monitor from the Maximo Application Suite Navigator page. Click Launch

  3. Click Connect devices tile Connect devices tile Or click On the Connect menu

  4. Click Open Platform Service application in the top-right corner to open the Watson IoT Platform tenant associated with this Monitor tenant in a separate browser tab. Open Platform Services

  5. Go to the Devices menu. Enter the Device ID 111137F8 in the search box. Click Recent Events. It might take a moment to get values as shown in the image below. Recent Events

Optionally you can repeat this exercise with the other pump 11111096 using it's training data

Congratulations you now pump device data flowing that you will use make a prediction model and monitor in dashboards.