Setup Local Environment

In this exercise you will setup your local development environment.


These directions for are a Mac. Using Python v3.7.9 for Maximo Application Suite v8.4. Download Python for Windows at

Install and Create a Virtual Environment

  1. Launch Terminal

  2. Install Brew Follow directions here:

  3. Install the right Python Version v3.7.9 brew install python

  4. Install "pip". (Python Package Installer): sudo easy_install pip # for Mac try also removing sudo from the command

    For Python 3.8.10 try using instructions: python3 -m ensurepip --default-pip

  5. Install virtual environment to keep dependencies separate from other projects ### For Mac sudo pip install virtualenv ### For Windows pip install virtualenv

  6. Create a virtual environment use Python 3.7.9 for Maximo Application Suite v8.3 python3 -m venv iot-python3

Setup and Activate a Virtual Environment

  1. Open a new terminal window and change directory to your Virtual Environment directory.

    cd iot-python3

  2. Activate your virtual environment.

    For Mac

    source bin/activate

    For Windows


  3. The result in Terminal should be something like:

    For Mac

    (iot-python3) My-Mac: myuserid$

  4. Install Git.

    For Windows


    For Mac

    The easiest is to install the Xcode Command Line Tools.

  5. Clone the github repository.

    git clone repo provided by your instructor cd maxmio_autoai

  6. Within your project directory in the activated virtual environment, install Monitor Python Custom Functions SDK and dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  7. Apply export variables in terminal for DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for DB2 jars on Mac OS X only.

    For Mac

    cd "<replace with the git cloned project directory name>" export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<"replace with your virtual env directory>"/lib/python3.7/site-packages/clidriver/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/carlosferreira/ve/iot-python3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/clidriver/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

  8. Set PYTHONPATH to your project directory where you installed your virtual environment.

    For Mac

    export PYTHONPATH="<replace with your root_project_directory>"/maximo_autoai export PYTHONPATH=/Users/carlosferreira/Documents/AutoAILabs/iot-python3/maximo_autoai

  9. Go to Monitor, click on Services, click View Details of Watson IOT Analytics. Click on Copy and paste icon and copy the credentials into a file named beta-1_credentials.json file. Save the file in the project git cloned project directory name directory maximo_autoai. credentials

  10. Verify that you can get a local Python Script to run without errors. python ./scripts/

Install and Launch Jupyter

Jupyter is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and algorithms for working with AI Models and functions.

  1. Install Jupyter using instructions Use the Pip Install option.

  2. Start Jupyter Notebook process. Using a similar example steps below.

    cd /Users/student01/ve/iot-python3/bin source activate cd /Users/student01/MAS_AutoAI export PYTHONPATH=/Users/student01/MAS_AutoAI export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/student01/ve/iot-python3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/clidriver/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

  3. Launch Jupyter Notebook to edit Linear Regression Models.

    jupyter notebook

This opens a Jupyter notebook in the new browser window that opened. Browse to the notebooks folder. Click on the notebook to view the Notebook.

Download, Install and Configure CyberDuck for View Logs in Monitor

Depending on the version of Monitor it may use either the Database or Object Storage service store logs. To access the log files for custom functions in Cloud Object Storage. Install and configure Cyberduck to view logs. Connect to the Cloud Object Storage (COS) to download the custom function logs. You can access the credentials for accessing the service in Monitor under Services tab. Use tool called Cyberduck.   Download free version from: Web: Configure the setting in CyberDuck to connect to the Object Storage service included with Monitor.

  1. In Monitor, click on Services menu. Copy the settings for Object Storage as shown in the below into CyberDuck. Configure CyberDuck

  2. Open CyberDuck and create a New Connection.

  3. Select Protocol is S3 Amazon

  4. URL Server is taken from Monitor Object Storage Service  Cross Region Endpoints choose your region like US

  5. Copy Access Key ID  for your Tenant ID  

  6. Copy Secret Access Key  for your Tenant ID

  7. Click Connect Button.

  8. Hit refresh and navigate to your Asset Type and date folder to see and download your log files.

  9. You will see Entity_Type_ID in the first few lines of the log files for that Asset Type.

  10. Bookmark the page for your Asset Type so that you can navigate here directly next time you want to access logs.

Download, Install and Configure DBeaver

Depending on the version of Monitor it may use either the Database or Object Storage service store logs. To access the log files for custom functions in Database, install and configure Dbeaver client to view logs in the database table.
Connect to the Monitor Database Service to query database for custom function logs. You can get the database credentials for accessing the database service in Monitor under Services tab. Use a universal database client tool like Dbeaver to access the table.   Download the free community edition from Configure the setting in Dbeaver to connect to the Database service included with Monitor.

  1. In Monitor, click on Services menu. Copy the settings for Database and enter them as as shown in DBeaver. Get DB Connection Details

  2. Open Dbeaver. Select a New Database Connection option from the Database menu. New DB Connection

  3. Select IBM DB2 and click on Next button. Get DB Connection Details

  4. Enter the database settings from Monitor Database Service in DBeaver connection settings dialog. Get DB Connection Details

  5. Click test Connection Button.

  6. Click OK Button to save the connection.

Query Logs using DBeaver

Depending on the version of Monitor it may use either the Database or Object Storage service store logs. To access the log files for custom functions in Database use the following queries with Dbeaver client to view logs.

  1. Open Dbeaver. Click a Monitor Database Connection for BLUDB schema.

  2. Select New SQL Script from the SQL Editor menu. New SQL Statement

  3. Enter the the following query to get status of execution for all functions.


  4. Enter the the following query to delete old logs.


  5. Enter the the following query to purge successful runs.


  6. Enter the the following query to get last 10 logs.


Download, Install and Configure PyCharm

Using an integrated development environment helps improve developer productivity when writing Python scripts and Monitor Custom Functions. It is recommended that you download and install Pycharme Community Edition. It is a free IDE. To run Python Scripts in you should configure your Python Environment for each script you would like to run to reference the virtual environment you setup earlier.

  1. Follow the instructions to install Pycharm Community Edition.

  2. Start Pycharm.

  3. In the Project view, right click on the Python script file you want to run. Select edit configurations. See the example settings below. setup assets

  4. Set the Python Environment variable similar to what is shown below. It should reflect the installation directory of your virtual environment.


  5. Set the Python interpreter to your virtual environment.

Debug Functions

Functions can be run locally and also run within the pipeline. You typically want to make sure your function works locally before you git commit your function and register your function with Monitor.

  1. To run your function locally run Python script ../scripts/

  2. Git commit your function to a Github and they see if your data item for the calculated metric that calls your function runs. Functions that have a problem will cause an error and cause the pipeline to stop for all other function on on the Entity Type. You should resolve those issues quickly so that others aren't prevented from monitoring their own calculated metrics on the same Asset Type. If you see error message saying Analysis Stopped this means you have a pipeline processing error and that a custom function likely is causing it. It may also mean an input or output argument required by a calculated metric has been deleted or doesn't have a needed value. setup assets

  3. If your calculate metric runs but doesn't give the desired results see the log files for that Asset Type. Download, Install and Configure CyberDuck for View Logs in Monitor