Add Calculations, Alerts and Update Dashboards

Monitor calculations allow you to process time series data or do other scheduled activities. Calculations could be to check how much the actual power consumption deviates from the prediction power consumption from the pump. If this deviation is too large it could indicate there is a anomaly that needs to be investigated. In this exercise you will:

  • Add Calculations to add a new metric called predicted_power_max_deviation using a formula power_prediction * 1.2
  • Add Alerts to raise an alert when the actual POWER is greater than maximum_predicted_power_deviation.

Add Calculations

To see and monitor the values of calculated metric in Monitor, you must add the metric, calculated metrics and alerts to an asset dashboard. In this exercise you will add the new calculated metric named power_prediction_co_max_deviation to your asset calculated metrics to calculate the maximum power prediction allowed.


Remember to replace co with your initials in the name of your own asset type if you aren't in an instructor led lab. Remember to replace co with the initials that you used for your power prediction calculated metric.

  1. Click Setup menu. Search on pump_co. Click pump_co Asset Setup

  2. Click on Manage Asset Type to see the metrics that have already been added to your asset type for your pump_co. Asset Setup

  3. Click on the Data tab, expand the Metrics and Calulated Metric These are the raw metrics sent by the simulated pump time series data and the calculations used to operate on the data. Like making a prediction for power like you did in the last exercise to Deploy Model. Cacluated Metric

  4. Add a calculation for what is the maximum acceptable power consumption. Click + button in the Asset view, and then search for and select the NewColFromCalculation function. Click on select button. New Column From Calculation

  5. From sources Data Items choose the power_prediction metric as the input to our calculation. For the calculation expression enter: 1.2*df['power_prediction'] and click the Next button dashboard settings

  6. Set Output metric to predicted_power_co_max_deviation. Set Output type to Number. Finally click the Next button. dashboard settings

Add alerts


Remember to replace co with your initials in the name of your own calculated metrics and alert names.

The "Alerts" function allows you to be notified when anomalies are detected. In this exercise you will add an Alerts that check if the actual POWER is greater than the predicted_power_co_max_deviation.

  1. Click Setup menu. Search on pump_co if you are in the instructor led class. Otherwise search for pump_Your_Initials to find the asset type you created and click on it. Click pump_Your_Initials
    dashboard settings

  2. Click on Manage Asset Type to see the metrics that have already been added to your asset type for your pump_Your_Initials
    dashboard settings

  3. Click on the Data tab, expand the Metrics and Calulated Metric These are the raw metrics sent by the simulated pump time series data and the calculations used to operate on the data. Like making a prediction for power like you did in the last exercise to Deploy Model. dashboard settings

  4. Click + button in the Asset view, and then search for and select the AlertExpression function. dashboard settings

  5. Then, enter a condition indicating when the Alert should be triggered. In this case, we should get an alert whenever POWER is greater power_prediction_co_max_deviation

    df['POWER']>df['power_prediction_co_max_deviation'] Click Nextdashboard settings

  6. Set Output metric: power_prediction_co_max_deviation_alert

  7. Set Output type: Number

  8. Click Create button. The calculation of alerts will be checked every 5 minutes by default. You can set a different schedule frequency as well for verifying calculations and alerts. dashboard settings

Update Dashboard Power Card

To see and monitor the values of calculated metric in Monitor, you must add the metric, calculated metrics and alerts to an asset dashboard. In this exercise you will add the new calculated metric power_prediction_co_max_deviation to your asset dashboard as a line series card.


Remember to replace co with your initials in the name of your own asset type if you aren't in an instructor led lab. Remember to replace co with the initials that you used for your power prediction calculated metrics and alerts.

  1. Edit the Asset dashboard selecting your recently created calculated metric for power_prediction_co. Click on Monitor, search on pump_co, click on 111137F8, click on Asset Metrics Dashboard tab and click on Settings gear icon. dashboard settings

  2. Click Edit Dashboard and then click Continue button in dialog. dashboard settings

  3. Click on the POWER card. In the card window , data section click on data item filter and select power_prediction_co. dashboard settings

  4. Click on the Dashboard menu tab. In the card window , data section click on data item filter and select power_prediction_co. dashboard settings

  5. Click on the POWER card. In the card window , data section click on data item filter and select power_prediction_co. dashboard settings

  6. Click the Save and close button to save your changes to the dashboard. All pumps will now get this same dashboard change. You can also create asset specific dashboards for each asset in the Setup Asset Type menu.

Update Dashboard Power Card with Alert

To see a visual red dot on line series cards where alerts happen at specific time stamps you must edit the JSON of the dashboard directly.

  1. Edit the Asset dashboard selecting your recently created calculated metric for power_prediction_co. Click on Monitor, search on pump_co, click on 111137F8, click on Asset Metrics Dashboard tab and click on Settings gear icon. dashboard settings

  2. Click Edit Dashboard and then click Continue button in dialog. dashboard settings

  3. Click Export Dashboard and save the json file locally.

  4. Update and save the Json with the following code using a Python Editor or Monitor's Json editor in the Dashboard Editor. dashboard settings

  5. Import the updated Json file and click the Save and close button to save your changes to the dashboard. All pumps will now get this same dashboard change. You can also create asset specific dashboards for each asset in the Setup Asset Type menu. You should now see the Asset Metrics Dashboard with alerts similar to the one below in the Asset Dashboard. dashboard settings

View Dashboard


Remember to replace co with your initials in the name of your own asset type if you aren't in an instructor led lab. Remember to replace co with the initials that you used for your power prediction calculated metrics and alerts.

  1. View the Asset dashboard. Click on Monitor menu on the left, search on pump_co, click on 111137F8, click on Asset Metrics Dashboard and scroll down to see the Power card. dashboard settings

  2. Expand the POWER card. Click on the double square icon. When the window opens click on POWER and Click on power_prediction_co to toggle the lines off and on. Notice the power values in the table below. You can also export the data to a csv file by clicking on the funnel icon. dashboard settings

View Alerts

dashboard settings

  1. To see alerts for a specific asset, click on Monitor, search on pump_co asset type, click on 111137F8, click on Alerts tab. dashboard settings

  2. To see why there aren't any alerts modify the asset dashboard for 11111096. Add power_prediction_co_max_deviation to your asset dashboard. Notice how the maximum value of the actual power never exceeds the power_prediction_co_max_deviation An alert should therefore never be triggered. Experiment setting new column calculated for power_prediction_co_max_deviation to only be 1.05 higher to see if you can get some alerts showing.

Congratulations you have completed all the exercises in this lab and hopefully have a better understanding of how to create AI models and make the usable in Maximo Asset Monitor to monitor your assets.