Pre-Requisite Instructions
Here are the pre-requisites for the Maximo Monitor Edge Data Collector exercises.
This lab requires Maximo Monitor 9.0 or later.
MAS application entitlement must be Limited
or higher.
All Exercises
All Exercises require that you have:
A computer with a Chrome or Firefox browser and internet connectivity.
User access to a Maximo Application Suite environment that can create a managed gateways in Monitor. This require: o Your user must have access to Monitor and the IoT Tool o Your user must have administrator access to Maximo Application Suite. Your Exercise facilitator should have provided you with the information on your access.
An IBM ID. If you don't have an IBM ID you can get one here:
o ClickLogin to MY IBM
o ClickCreate an IBM ID
link -
Test your access to the Maximo Application Suite environment.
Exercise 1 and 4
Docker must be running on your local machine while acting as the Managed Gateway instance. There are different ways to install the Docker engine depending of the package and the OS. One multi platform option is Rancher Desktop. It is fairly easy to install Rancher Desktop, as you just have to follow this guide: Running Docker locally
Podman and Docker Desktop should also work, but I have not tested it.