
In this Exercise you will learn how to:

  • Get the required Node-RED script
  • Import the script into Node-RED

Before you begin:
This Exercise requires that you have:

  1. completed the pre-requisites required for all labs
  2. completed the setup of Node-RED locally

Get the required Node-RED script

  1. Open a browser and navigate to monitor_csv_importer github repository.
  2. Click on the green Code button and select Download ZIP. Download Github Repo

  3. Save it in your Downloads directory.
  4. Extract the ZIP file (double-click on Mac) and you will have a directory with the files you need: View files


You can Right-Click on the images in this lab and select Open Image in New Tab
to view the details in the screen shots:

View details

Import the script into Node-RED

Now it is time to import the downloaded Node-RED script.

  1. Start the Node-RED instance if not already done (in a CMD/Terminal/iTerm window). Start Node-RED

  2. Open the browser and navigate to localhost:1880.
  3. Click on the burger menu in upper right hand corner and select Import. Select Import

  4. Click on select a file to import. Select File

  5. Select the Upload CSV to Db2 Pump.jsonand click Open. Open File

  6. Click Import. Import File

  7. Click the Deploy button

  8. and see this: View Dashboard
    Don't worry about the error message at this point.
    This should be solved during the next exercise.


If you see red error messages in the Debug pane, you can hover over the node name and then
the node which caused the error to occur will appear with dashed orange lines:

Debug Error

This should help you identify where the error has occured and what needs to be done is indicated with the error decription.

Congratulations you have successfully downloaded and imported the Node-RED script.
You will now be able to adjust the Node-RED script to your environment.