Exercise 1.3 - Project Creation for Inspections

We will now create a project that will be used on Maximo Visual Inspection Mobile. Projects allow you to group trained models with the data sets that were used for training. In Exercise 2, we will show you how a project is used with Maximo Visual Inspection Mobile.

  1. Click on Projects in the top menu.


  2. Click on the blue + symbol under create new project.


  3. Enter Dent Detection Project-YourInitials or whatever name you choose for the projects name and then click the Create button.


  4. Click on the project you just created.


  5. Click on the blue + symbol under Add assets to this project.


  6. Select Model for the Asset type and choose Dent Detection Model - Lab that we uploaded from the .zip file. Now, click the Add button. (Do not use the Detection Model that we trained with 2000 iterations and 15 images in a previous step.)


  7. You can now see the added model to your project.


Congratulations, you have completed Exercise 1!

You have created a Deep Learning model that will be able to detect aluminum cans for dents in the manufacturing line. Now, we can use our model for inspections in the next exercise.