Next Steps

Congratulations! You have completed this lab and are now able to:

  • Understand how to navigate the MVI Platform and MVI Mobile
  • Create data sets, augment data, train and deploy models
  • Create an inspection on MVI Mobile.
  • Look at your pass/fail inspection rate on a dashboard

For full documentation on IBM Maximo Visual Inspection visit IBM Knowledge Center.

Extra Credit

If you have extra time:

  1. Go back to the Projects tab and see how your new data set, Inspection Results-YourInitials, that you created in the app, is now a part of your project.

  2. Go to the Data Sets tab and select your new data set, Inspection Results-YourInitials, and take a look at the new images you took.

  3. Your model might be finished training and at 0% accuracy. You can go back and augment the data even more or add your own pictures to create a more accurate model. Use a photo of a can to test your new model. Remember, it will not be as accurate because we did not train the model with a lot of images.