Exercise 5 - Post-deployment
In this Exercise you will learn how to:
- Configure your browser to run MAS.
- Log in to MAS using out-of-the-box credentials.
- Prepare Manage EAM's admin user:
Accept Certificates
Accept self-signed certificate warnings.
1. Go to OpenShift project mas-maximo89-core
, Networking, Routes.
2. Click the "admin" URL. Accept the default self-signed certificate warning.
3. Replace the word admin
with the word api
in the URL. Accept self-signed warning.
4. Click the browser's back button.
Please note that you will be accepting multiple self-signed certificate warnings as you progress further. This is a normal behavior for all browsers.
Log in using superuser credentials.
1. Go to OpenShift project mas-maximo89-core
, Secrets.
2. Search for "superuser". Click reveal username and password. Log in.
Update User
Update/sync maxadmin
1. Edit maxadmin
user. Supply a dummy email address and change password (15 characters).
2. Log in using maxadmin account. Access Manage and Monitor.
🎉 👏 🎉 Congratulations! You have completed the deployment of IBM Maximo Application Suite with Manage, IoT and Monitor.