Source code for microprobe.code.ins

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.code.ins` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, annotations

# Built-in modules
import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, List

# Third party modules

# Own modules
from microprobe.code.address import Address, InstructionAddress
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError, \
    MicroprobeCodeGenerationError, MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError, \
    MicroprobeLookupError, MicroprobeValueError
from import Operand, \
    OperandConstReg, OperandDescriptor, OperandImmRange
from import Register
from microprobe.utils.asm import interpret_asm
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.misc import OrderedDict, \
    Pickable, RejectingDict, RejectingOrderedDict
from microprobe.utils.typeguard_decorator import typeguard_testsuite

# Type hinting
    from import InstructionType
    from microprobe.code.context import Context
    from import Target

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [


# Functions
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def instruction_to_definition(instr: Instruction): """ Return the definition of an instruction. Given an :class:`~.Instruction` object, return the corresponding :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` object. :param instr: Instruction object :type instr: :class:`~.Instruction` :rtype: :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` """ label = instr.label instr.set_label(None) asm = instr.assembly() comments = instr.comments if instr.disable_asm is True: asmfmt = "0x%%0%dX" % (len(instr.binary()) / 4) asm = asmfmt % int(instr.binary(), 2) comments = [instr.assembly()] + instr.comments return MicroprobeInstructionDefinition( instr.architecture_type, [operand.value for operand in instr.operands()], label, instr.address, asm, instr.decorators, comments)
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def instruction_from_definition(definition: MicroprobeInstructionDefinition, fix_relative: bool = True): """ Return the instruction from a definition. Given an :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` object, return the corresponding :class:`~.Instruction` object. :param instr: Instruction definition object :type instr: :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` :rtype: :class:`~.Instruction` """ ninstr = Instruction() instruction_set_def_properties(ninstr, definition, fix_relative=fix_relative) return ninstr
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def instruction_set_def_properties(instr, definition, building_block=None, target=None, allowed_registers=None, fix_relative=True, label_displ=None): """ Set instruction properties from an intruction definition. Set instruction properties according to the properties in the instruction definition. If *building_block* is provided, its context is used. Otherwise, an empty context is used. The *target* is the target platform and the *allowed_registers* parameters spicify which register can be used (written) by the instruction. :param instr: Instruction instance :type instr: :class:`~.Instruction` :param definition: Instruction definition instance :type definition: :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` :param building_block: Building block of the instruction :type building_block: :class:`~.BuildingBlock` :param target: Target instance :type target: :class:`~.Target` :param allowed_registers: List of allowed registers :type allowed_registers: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ global _LABEL_COUNTER instruction = definition.instruction_type operands = definition.operands label = definition.label address = definition.address comments = definition.comments decorators = definition.decorators asm = definition.asm if allowed_registers is None: allowed_registers = [] if label is not None: instr.set_label(label) if comments is None: comments = [] if decorators is None: decorators = {} instr.set_arch_type(instruction) LOG.debug("Set instruction type: %s", instruction) LOG.debug("Operands, not fixed: %s", operands) if len(operands) > 0: fixed_operands: List[Address | InstructionAddress] = [] relocation_mode = False LOG.debug("Fixed operands: %s", fixed_operands) for idx, operand in enumerate(operands): LOG.debug("Fixing operands: %s", operand) if (isinstance(operand, int) and instr.operands()[idx].type.address_relative and fix_relative): LOG.debug("Hardcoded displacement") if instr.branch: LOG.debug("Branch label") if label is None: if label_displ is not None: label = "instr_displ_label_%s" % (label_displ) _LABEL_COUNTER = max(_LABEL_COUNTER, label_displ + 1) else: label = "instr_displ_label_%s" % (_LABEL_COUNTER) _LABEL_COUNTER += 1 instr.set_label(label) iaddress = InstructionAddress(base_address=label, displacement=operand) fixed_operands.append(iaddress) continue if not isinstance(operand, str): fixed_operands.append(operand) LOG.debug("Operand not string") continue displacement = 0 # Check if there is displacement from a variable if building_block is not None: for var in building_block.registered_global_vars(): if operand.startswith( and "@" not in operand: if operand.replace(, "") != "": displacement = int(operand.replace(, ""), base=0) operand = break possible_vars = [ var for var in building_block.registered_global_vars() if == operand ] LOG.debug("Possible variables: %s", possible_vars) if len(possible_vars) == 1: LOG.debug("Operand variable") taddress = Address(base_address=possible_vars[0], displacement=displacement) fixed_operands.append(taddress) continue # Check if there is displacement from a label if operand.find('-') > -1: displacement = int('-' + operand.split('-')[1], base=0) operand = operand.split('-')[0] elif operand.find('+') > -1: displacement = int('+' + operand.split('+')[1], base=0) operand = operand.split('+')[0] if instr.operands()[idx].type.address_relative: if instr.branch: LOG.debug("Branch label") iaddress = InstructionAddress(base_address=operand, displacement=displacement) fixed_operands.append(iaddress) continue else: LOG.debug("Branch label") taddress = Address(base_address=operand, displacement=displacement) fixed_operands.append(taddress) continue if (isinstance(instr.operands()[idx].type, OperandImmRange) and "@" in operand): LOG.debug("Relocation in immediate") fixed_operands.append(operand) relocation_mode = True continue raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to set operand '%s' in instruction " "'%s'" % (operand, asm)) assert len(fixed_operands) == len(operands) LOG.debug("Setting operands: %s", fixed_operands) if not relocation_mode: instr.set_operands(fixed_operands) else: for operand, value in zip(instr.operands(), fixed_operands): if (isinstance(operand.type, OperandImmRange) and "@" in value): operand.set_value(value, check=False) else: operand.set_value(value) if address is not None: instr.set_address(address.copy()) for comment in comments: instr.add_comment("MPT comment: %s" % comment) for decorator_key, decorator_value in decorators.items(): if decorator_key in ['MA', 'BT', 'EA']: if not isinstance(decorator_value, list): decorator_value = [decorator_value] decorator_value = ["0x%016X" % elem for elem in decorator_value] instr.add_comment("Decorator: %s = %s" % (decorator_key, decorator_value)) instr.add_decorator(decorator_key, decorator_value) for register_name in allowed_registers: assert target is not None if register_name not in list(target.isa.registers.keys()): raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Unknown register '%s'. Known registers: %s" % (register_name, list(target.isa.registers.keys()))) if target.isa.registers[register_name] in instr.sets() + instr.uses(): instr.add_allow_register(target.isa.registers[register_name])
# TODO : NO NEED TO CHECK ANYTHING JUST REPRODUCING! # reserve implicit operands (if they are not already # reserved) and add them as allowed # for operand_descriptor in instr.implicit_operands: # register = operand_descriptor.type.values()[0] # instr.add_allow_register(register) # if operand_descriptor.is_output and register not \ # in building_block.context.reserved_registers \ # and register not in target.control_registers: # building_block.context.add_reserved_registers( # [register]) # context_fix_functions = instr.check_context( # building_block.context) # for context_fix_function in context_fix_functions: # try: # context_fix_function(target, building_block) # except MicroprobeUncheckableEnvironmentWarning\ # as warning_check: # building_block.add_warning(str(warning_check))
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def instructions_from_asm(asm, target, labels=None, fix_relative=True): """ :param asm: :type asm: :param target: :type target: :param labels: :type labels: """ asm_defs = interpret_asm(asm, target, labels) instrs = [ instruction_from_definition(asm_def, fix_relative=fix_relative) for asm_def in asm_defs ] return instrs
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def instruction_factory(ins_type: InstructionType): """Return a instruction of the given instruction type. :param ins_type: Instruction type of the new instruction :type ins_type: :class:`~.InstructionType` :return: A new instruction instance with the type *ins_type* :rtype: :class:`~.Instruction` """ instruction = Instruction() instruction.set_arch_type(ins_type) return instruction
# Classes
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class InstructionOperandValue(Pickable): """Class to represent an instruction operand value"""
[docs] def __init__(self, operand_descriptor: OperandDescriptor): """ :param operand_descriptor: """ self._operand_descriptor = operand_descriptor self._value = None self._set_function = None self._unset_function: Callable[[], None] | None = None
@property def value(self): """Value of the instruction operand. (type depends on the operand)""" return self._value @property def descriptor(self): """Descriptor of the operand (:class:`~.OperandDescriptor`)""" return self._operand_descriptor
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the instruction operand value. :rtype: :class:`~.InstructionOperandValue` """ newobj = InstructionOperandValue(self._operand_descriptor) if self.value is not None: newobj.set_value(self.value) newobj.register_operand_callbacks(self._set_function, self._unset_function) return newobj
[docs] def set_descriptor(self, descriptor: OperandDescriptor): """ :param descriptor: """ self._operand_descriptor = descriptor
[docs] def set_value(self, value, check: bool = True): """ :param value: :param check: (Default value = True) """ if self._value is not None and self._unset_function is not None: self._unset_function() if check: self.type.check(value) self._value = value if self._set_function is not None and value is not None: self._set_function(value)
[docs] def unset_value(self): """Unsets the operand value. """ self.set_value(None, check=False)
[docs] def sets(self): """Return the list of registers set by the operand. :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ if not self.is_output or self._value is None: return [] return self._operand_descriptor.type.access(self.value)
@property def representation(self): """Representation of the operand value for generating assembly.""" return self._operand_descriptor.type.representation(self.value)
[docs] def uses(self): """Return the list of registers used by the operand. :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ if not self.is_input or self._value is None: return [] return self._operand_descriptor.type.access(self.value)
@property def type(self): """Type of the operand descriptor (:class:`~.Operand`)""" return self._operand_descriptor._type @property def is_input(self): """Is input flag (:class:`~.bool`) """ return self._operand_descriptor._is_input @property def is_output(self): """Is output flag (:class:`~.bool`) """ return self._operand_descriptor._is_output
[docs] def set_type(self, new_type): """ :param new_type: """ self._operand_descriptor._type = new_type
def __repr__(self): """ """ return "%s(Type: %s, Value: %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.type, self.value)
[docs] def register_operand_callbacks(self, set_function, unset_function: Callable[[], None] | None): """ :param set_function: :param unset_function: """ assert self._set_function is None assert self._unset_function is None self._set_function = set_function self._unset_function = unset_function
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class InstructionMemoryOperandValue(Pickable): """Class to represent an instruction operand value"""
[docs] def __init__(self, memory_operand_descriptor, operand_values, length_values): """ :param memory_operand_descriptor: :param operand_values: :param length_values: """ self._memory_operand_descriptor = memory_operand_descriptor self._operand_values = operand_values self._length_values = length_values self._address = None self._length = None self._possible_lengths = None self._set_address_function = None self._unset_address_function = None self._set_length_function = None self._unset_length_function = None self._possible_lengths_set = None self._possible_addresses = None self._alignment = None self._forbidden_min = None self._forbidden_max = None if not self.variable_length: self._length = self._compute_length()
[docs] def register_mem_operand_callback(self, set_address, set_length, unset_address: Callable[[], None], unset_length: Callable[[], None]): """ :param set_address: :param set_length: :param unset_address: :param unset_length: """ assert self._set_address_function is None assert self._unset_address_function is None assert self._set_length_function is None assert self._unset_length_function is None self._set_address_function = set_address self._unset_address_function = unset_address self._set_length_function = set_length self._unset_length_function = unset_length
@property def address(self): """Address of the memory operand (:class:`~.Address`).""" return self._address @property def descriptor(self): """Descriptor of the memory operand (:class:`~.OperandDescriptor`).""" return self._memory_operand_descriptor @property def length(self): """Length of the memory operand (::class:``). """ return self._length @property def operands(self): """Memory operand values (list of :class:`~.InstructionOperandValue`).""" return self._operand_values @property def variable_length(self): """Variable length value(:class:`~.bool`).""" operand_values = [ operand for operand in self._length_values if (isinstance(operand, InstructionOperandValue) or isinstance( operand, OperandDescriptor) or isinstance(operand, tuple)) ] if len(operand_values) > 0: for operand in operand_values: if isinstance(operand, tuple): return True elif len(list(operand.type.values())) > 1: return True elif not isinstance( list(operand.type.values())[0], tuple([str, int])): return True return False def _compute_length(self): """Compute legnth based on current operand values.""" length = 0 for operand in self._length_values: if isinstance(operand, int): length = length + operand elif operand == "Unknown": LOG.warning("Unknown length (assume 0) for memory operand") length = 0 else: LOG.critical("Warning unknown length: %s", str(operand)) raise NotImplementedError return length def _compute_possible_lengths(self, context): """Compute the possible lengths that can be generated. Compute the possible lengths that can be generated from the context specified. :param context: execution context :type context: :class:`~.Context` """ if not self.variable_length: self._possible_lengths = [self._length] return operand_values = [ operand for operand in self._length_values if isinstance(operand, InstructionOperandValue) ] operand_constants = [ operand for operand in self._length_values if (not isinstance(operand, InstructionOperandValue) and not isinstance(operand, tuple) and not isinstance(operand, OperandDescriptor)) ] operand_register_const = [ operand for operand in self._length_values if isinstance(operand, OperandDescriptor) ] operand_special = [ operand for operand in self._length_values if isinstance(operand, tuple) ] operand_registers_diff = [ operand for operand in operand_special if operand[1] != "MASK" ] operand_masks = [ operand for operand in operand_special if operand[1] == "MASK" ] assert ((len(operand_registers_diff) > 0) ^ (len(operand_values) > 0) ^ (len(operand_masks) > 0) ^ (len(operand_register_const) > 0)) lengths = OrderedDict() LOG.debug("Operand values: %s", operand_values) LOG.debug("Operand constants: %s", operand_constants) LOG.debug("Operand register constants: %s", operand_register_const) LOG.debug("Operand special: %s", operand_special) LOG.debug("Operand register diff: %s", operand_registers_diff) LOG.debug("Operand masks: %s", operand_masks) if len(operand_values) > 0: operand_lengths = OrderedDict() register_based = False negate_idx = [] for idx, operand in enumerate(operand_values): if operand.type.immediate: # Check if the operand is negated preindex = [ lidx for lidx, elem in enumerate(self._length_values) if elem == operand ][0] if (preindex > 0 and self._length_values[preindex - 1] == "-"): LOG.debug("Negated Immediate operand") operand_lengths[operand] = [ elem * (-1) for elem in operand.type.values() ] negate_idx.append(idx) else: LOG.debug("Immediate operand") operand_lengths[operand] = list(operand.type.values()) else: assert len( operand_values) == 1, "More than one non immediate "\ "operand " "not implemented." register_based = True if register_based: LOG.debug("Register based") for register in operand_values[0].type.values(): # if register in context.reserved_registers # LOG.debug("Skip register: %s", register) # continue length = context.get_register_value(register) if length is not None: LOG.debug("Fixed register %s to %s", register, length) lengths[(register, length)] = length else: LOG.debug("Register %s not fixed", register) lengths[(register, "reg_range")] = "reg_range" else: for elem in product(*list(operand_lengths.values())): length = 0 for item in elem: length = length + item if 0 in negate_idx: lengths[elem[0] * (-1)] = length else: lengths[elem[0]] = length elif len(operand_registers_diff) == 1: LOG.debug("Operand register diff") if isinstance(operand_registers_diff[0][2], InstructionOperandValue): reg2_vals = list(operand_registers_diff[0][2].type.values()) else: raise NotImplementedError LOG.debug("Register 2 values: %s", reg2_vals) if isinstance(operand_registers_diff[0][1], InstructionOperandValue): reg1_vals = list(operand_registers_diff[0][1].type.values()) allow_reserved = False elif operand_registers_diff[0][1] == "REGMAX": reg1_vals = [max(reg2_vals)] allow_reserved = True else: raise NotImplementedError LOG.debug("Register 1 values: %s", reg1_vals) for val1 in reg1_vals: if val1 in context.reserved_registers and not allow_reserved: LOG.debug("%s in reserved registers", val1) continue for val2 in reg2_vals: if (val2 in context.reserved_registers and not allow_reserved): LOG.debug("%s in reserved registers", val2) continue LOG.debug("Checking combination: %s and %s", val1, val2) ival1 = int(val1.representation) ival2 = int(val2.representation) LOG.debug("Value1: %d", ival1) LOG.debug("Value2: %d", ival2) # TODO: too conservative --> forcing val1 to be >= val2 if ival1 < ival2: LOG.debug("Skipping: not allowing val1 < val2") continue if not allow_reserved: skip = False for reserved in context.reserved_registers: if (int(reserved.representation) > ival2 and int(reserved.representation) < ival1): skip = True break if skip: LOG.debug("Skipping: traversing reserved register") continue diff = ival1 - ival2 + 1 LOG.debug("Difference: %s", diff) if diff > 0: if operand_registers_diff[0][1] == "REGMAX": lengths[(val2, None)] = diff else: lengths[(val1, val2)] = diff elif len(operand_masks) == 1: # if the operand is a mask the lengths are the number in bytes # is the # of 1 in the mask for elem in operand_masks[0][0].type.values(): lengths[elem] = bin(elem).count("1") elif len(operand_register_const) == 1: register = list(operand_register_const[0].type.values())[0] length = context.get_register_value(register) if length is not None: lengths[(register, length)] = length else: lengths[(register, "reg_range")] = "reg_range" else: raise NotImplementedError LOG.debug("Possible lengths: %s", set(lengths.values())) for operand_constant in operand_constants: LOG.debug("Processing: %s", operand_constant) lengths_to_remove = [] newlengths = OrderedDict() for length in lengths: if isinstance(operand_constant, int): if isinstance(lengths[length], int): lengths[length] += operand_constant else: raise NotImplementedError elif operand_constant.startswith("*"): lengths[length] *= int(operand_constant[1:]) elif operand_constant.startswith("+"): lengths[length] += int(operand_constant[1:]) elif operand_constant == "-": continue elif operand_constant.startswith("-"): lengths[length] -= int(operand_constant[1:]) elif operand_constant.startswith("CEIL"): ceil_value = int(operand_constant[4:]) if lengths[length] != "reg_range": if (lengths[length] % ceil_value) != 0: lengths[length] = ( (lengths[length] // ceil_value) + 1) * \ ceil_value else: lengths[length] = lengths[length] else: lengths_to_remove.append(length) # TODO: Maximum length is hard-coded to 1024 bytes for elem in range( 0, min((2**length[0].type.size) - 1, 1024), ceil_value): newlengths[(length[0], elem)] = elem elif operand_constant.startswith("min"): assert isinstance(length, tuple) maxvalue = int(operand_constant.replace("min", "")) if lengths[length] != "reg_range": # value already set if isinstance(lengths[length], Address): # TODO: Assuming that all addresses are always # greater than the max value lengths[length] = maxvalue elif isinstance(lengths[length], int): if isinstance(length, int): if length > maxvalue: lengths_to_remove.append(length) elif isinstance(length, tuple): if (isinstance(length[0], Register) and isinstance(length[1], Register)): if lengths[length] > maxvalue: lengths_to_remove.append(length) elif (isinstance(length[0], Register) and isinstance(length[1], int)): if lengths[length] > maxvalue: # TODO: Assuming that min value is # the ceiling for lengths operands lengths[length] = maxvalue else: LOG.critical(length) LOG.critical(lengths[length]) raise NotImplementedError else: LOG.critical(length) raise NotImplementedError else: LOG.critical(length) raise NotImplementedError else: lengths_to_remove.append(length) for elem in range(0, maxvalue + 1): newlengths[(length[0], elem)] = elem else: LOG.critical(length, lengths) raise NotImplementedError LOG.debug("Pass 1: %s", set(lengths.values())) if newlengths is not None: for length in lengths_to_remove: del lengths[length] for key, value in newlengths.items(): lengths[key] = value LOG.debug("Pass 2: %s", set(lengths.values())) LOG.debug("Possible lengths all: %s", set(lengths.values())) for key in list(lengths.keys()): if lengths[key] <= 0: del lengths[key] LOG.debug("Possible lengths final: %s", set(lengths.values())) assert "reg_range" not in list(lengths.values()), lengths assert len(lengths) > 0 for elem in lengths.values(): assert isinstance(elem, int), elem self._possible_lengths = lengths
[docs] def possible_lengths(self, context: Context): """ :param context: """ # if self._possible_lengths_set is not None: # return self._possible_lengths_set self._compute_possible_lengths(context) if not self.variable_length: return self._possible_lengths else: return list(self._possible_lengths.values())
[docs] def possible_addresses(self, dummy_context: Context): """ :param dummy_context: """ return self._possible_addresses
[docs] def set_possible_addresses(self, addreses, dummy_context: Context): """Set the possible addresses for the memory operand. :param addreses: :param dummy_context: """ assert self._possible_addresses is None self._possible_addresses = addreses
[docs] def unset_possible_addresses(self): """Unset the possible addresses of the memory operand.""" self._possible_addresses = None
[docs] def set_alignment(self, alignment): """Set the required alignment of the memory operand. :param alignment: alignment :type alignment: :class:`` """ assert self._alignment is None self._alignment = alignment
[docs] def alignment(self): """Required alignment of the memory operand (::class:``).""" return self._alignment
[docs] def set_possible_lengths(self, lengths, dummy_context: Context): """ :param lengths: :param dummy_context: """ assert self._possible_lengths_set is None self._possible_lengths_set = lengths
[docs] def unset_possible_lengths(self): """Unset the possible lengths of the memory operand.""" self._possible_lengths_set = None
[docs] def set_forbidden_address_range(self, min_address, max_address, dummy_context: Context): """ :param min_address: :param max_address: :param dummy_context: """ self._forbidden_min = min_address self._forbidden_max = max_address
[docs] def set_length(self, length: int, context: Context): """ :param length: :param context: """ LOG.debug("Start set length: %s", length) assert isinstance(length, int), length if self._unset_length_function is not None: self._unset_length_function() self._compute_possible_lengths(context) operand_values = [ key for key in self._possible_lengths if self._possible_lengths[key] == length ] LOG.debug("Operand value required: %s", operand_values) # free memory? self._possible_lengths = None operands = [] for operand in self._length_values: if isinstance(operand, (InstructionOperandValue, OperandDescriptor)): operands.append(operand) elif isinstance(operand, tuple): if operand[1] == "MASK": operands.append(operand[0]) elif (isinstance(operand[1], InstructionOperandValue) and isinstance(operand[2], InstructionOperandValue)): operands.append(operand[1]) operands.append(operand[2]) elif (operand[1] == "REGMAX" and isinstance(operand[2], InstructionOperandValue)): # operands.append(max(operand[2].type.values())) operands.append(operand[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(operand, int): continue elif operand.startswith("*") and operand[1:].isdigit(): continue elif operand.startswith("+") and operand[1:].isdigit(): continue elif operand == "-": continue elif operand.startswith("-") and operand[1:].isdigit(): continue elif operand.startswith("min") and operand[3:].isdigit(): continue elif operand.startswith("CEIL") and operand[4:].isdigit(): continue else: raise NotImplementedError if len(operand_values) >= 1: # Take the first one values that sets the length (if register # dependent, get first the one with value already there) operand_values = operand_values[0] elif len(operand_values) == 0: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError("Unable to generate the " "requested length") LOG.debug("Operand to use: %s", operands) # TODO: Why this check? if isinstance(operand_values, tuple): if (isinstance(operand_values[0], Register) and isinstance(operand_values[1], Register)): operand_values = [operand_values[0], operand_values[1]] else: operand_values = [operand_values] else: operand_values = [operand_values] assert len(operands) == len(operand_values) for operand, operand_value in zip(operands, operand_values): if isinstance(operand, OperandDescriptor): # is a register constant register = operand_value[0] value = operand_value[1] if context.get_register_value(register) != value: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Unable to generate the requested length. Need the " "register '%s' to be set to '%s' value" % (register, value)) # Register used for length (conservative approach, reserve it) if register not in context.reserved_registers: context.add_reserved_registers([register]) elif isinstance(operand_value, tuple): register = operand_value[0] value = operand_value[1] operand.set_value(register) if (value is not None and context.get_register_value(register) != value): LOG.debug("Context: %s", context.dump()) LOG.debug("Register used: %s", register) raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Unable to generate the requested length. Need a " "register initialized to value: %s" % value) # Register used for length (conservative approach, reserve it) if register not in context.reserved_registers: context.add_reserved_registers([register]) else: operand.set_value(operand_value) self._length = length self._check_forbidden_range() if self._set_length_function is not None: self._set_length_function(length, context) LOG.debug("End set length: %s", length)
[docs] def update_address(self, address: Address): """ :param address: :param context: """ self._address = address
[docs] def set_address(self, address: Address, context: Context): """ :param address: :param context: """ LOG.debug("Start setting address to: %s", address) if self._possible_addresses is not None: LOG.debug("Check address in possible addresses") assert address in self._possible_addresses if self._unset_address_function is not None: self._unset_address_function() base = address.base_address address_base = Address(base_address=base, displacement=0) index = address.displacement base_operand = None index_operand_reg = None index_operand_imm = None relative_operand = None # for operand in self.descriptor.type.address_operands.values(): for idx, operand in enumerate(self.operands): LOG.debug("Operand %d: '%s'", idx, operand) if operand.descriptor.type.address_base and base_operand is None: LOG.debug("Base operand %d: %s", idx, operand) base_operand = operand if (operand.descriptor.type.address_index and index_operand_reg is None): LOG.debug("Index operand %d: %s", idx, operand) index_operand_reg = operand if (operand.descriptor.type.address_immediate and index_operand_imm is None): LOG.debug("Immediate operand %d: %s", idx, operand) index_operand_imm = operand if (operand.descriptor.type.address_relative and relative_operand is None): LOG.debug("Relative operand %d: %s", idx, operand) relative_operand = operand if relative_operand is not None: assert base_operand is None assert index_operand_imm is None assert index_operand_reg is None relative_operand.set_value(address) self._address = address LOG.debug("Relative operand. Set address directly.") return if self.descriptor.is_agen and base_operand is None: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate this address: %s" % address) if base_operand is None: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate " "this address: %s (no base operand)" % address) if not base_operand.descriptor.is_input: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate " "this address: %s (no base operand input)" % address) fast_path = False if context.register_has_value(address): if context.registers_get_value(address)[0] in \ list(base_operand.type.values()): fast_path = True if fast_path: LOG.debug("Address already in context") # Check if the address is already in a register # FAST PATH register_base = context.registers_get_value(address)[0] base_operand.set_value(register_base) if index_operand_imm is not None: index_operand_imm.set_value(0) if index_operand_reg is not None: register_zero_list = [] if context.register_has_value(0): register_zero_list = [ reg for reg in context.registers_get_value(0) if reg in list(index_operand_reg.type.values()) ] if len(register_zero_list) == 0: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate this address: %s. " "One of the following registers should be set to zero:" " %s" % (address, list(index_operand_reg.type.values()))) index_operand_reg.set_value(register_zero_list[0]) generated_address = address.copy() else: LOG.debug("Address not in context") # Get all the addresses in the context that have # a base address as 'address_base', if none, # raise an exception possible_base_regs = [] for reg, value in context.register_values.items(): if not isinstance(value, Address): continue if reg not in list(base_operand.type.values()): continue if Address(base_address=value.base_address) == address_base: possible_base_regs.append((reg, value)) LOG.debug("Possible base reg: '%s', Address: '%s'",, value) # ensure that we have at least one if len(possible_base_regs) == 0: LOG.debug("Unable to generate address") raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate that address. Base address " "not set. Address: %s Context:\n%s" % (address, context.dump())) # get the closest address in the context closest_index = index - possible_base_regs[0][1].displacement closest_reg = possible_base_regs[0][0] closest_address = possible_base_regs[0][1] for reg, paddress in possible_base_regs[1:]: if index - paddress.displacement > 0 and ( abs(index - paddress.displacement) < abs(closest_index)): if ((index_operand_imm is None) and not context.register_has_value( index - paddress.displacement)): continue closest_index = index - paddress.displacement closest_reg = reg closest_address = paddress register_base = closest_reg base_operand.set_value(register_base) generated_address = Address( base_address=closest_address.base_address, displacement=closest_address.displacement) index = closest_index LOG.debug("Register base: '%s'", LOG.debug("Closest index: '%s (0x%x)'", index, index) # TODO: some instructions only have base operands # if index_operand_reg is not None or index_operand_imm is not None: # assert address == generated_address set_index = False if (index_operand_imm is not None and not set_index and generated_address != address): LOG.debug("The instruction has immediate operand, and the " "generated address still needs some extra displacement") assert (index_operand_imm.descriptor.is_input and not index_operand_imm.descriptor.is_output) try: LOG.debug("Setting immediate displacement") index_operand_imm.set_value(index) set_index = True generated_address += index except MicroprobeValueError: LOG.debug("Unable to generate the address with the current " "context") raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate that address. Index " "register not set.") if (index_operand_reg is not None and not set_index and generated_address != address): LOG.debug("The instruction has index register operand, and the " "generated address still needs some extra displacement") assert (index_operand_reg.descriptor.is_input and not index_operand_reg.descriptor.is_output) if not context.register_has_value(index): LOG.debug("Unable to generate the address with the current " "context") raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate that address. Index " "register not set. Change the generation policy.") registers_index = context.registers_get_value(index) registers_index = [ reg for reg in registers_index if reg in list(index_operand_reg.type.values()) ] if len(registers_index) == 0: LOG.debug("Unable to generate the address with the current " "context") raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate that address. Index " "register not set. Change the generation policy.") register_index = registers_index[0] index_operand_reg.set_value(register_index) set_index = True generated_address += index LOG.debug("Using register: %s", if (index_operand_imm is not None and set_index and generated_address == address and index_operand_imm.value is None): LOG.debug("Setting index immediate operand to zero") index_operand_imm.set_value(0) if (index_operand_reg is not None and set_index and generated_address == address and index_operand_reg.value is None): LOG.debug("Setting index register operand to zero") register_zero = context.registers_get_value(0)[0] index_operand_reg.set_value(register_zero) if address != generated_address: LOG.debug("Unable to generate the address. Raising exception.") raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I do not know how to generate that address. %s != %s" % (address, generated_address)) for operand in self.operands: if operand in [base_operand, index_operand_imm, index_operand_reg]: continue if operand.descriptor.type.immediate: operand.set_value(0) else: register_zero = context.registers_get_value(0)[0] operand.set_value(register_zero) self._address = address self._check_forbidden_range() if self._set_address_function is not None: self._set_address_function(address, context) if base_operand.descriptor.is_output: # TODO: sometimes the base register is also an output (the # generated address is placed there. Implement that case (update # context accordingly). LOG.warning("Base address register is an output. The memory model" " pass should take that into account") LOG.debug("End setting address")
[docs] def update_address_from_operands(self, context=None): """ :param context: :type context: """ assert self._address is None for operand in self.operands: if operand.value is None: # Unable to update anything if some operad does not have value return # Only fixing relative operands. if (len(self.operands) == 1 and self.operands[0].type.address_relative and isinstance(self.operands[0].value, InstructionAddress)): self._address = self.operands[0].value if context is not None: # TODO: fix other types as well pass
def _check_forbidden_range(self): """ """ if self._address is None: return if self._length is None: return if self._forbidden_max is None and self._forbidden_min is None: return elif (self._forbidden_max is not None and self._forbidden_min is not None): assert self._address > self._forbidden_max or \ (self._address + self._length) < self._forbidden_min
[docs] def unset_forbidden_address_range(self): """Unset the forbiddend address range.""" self._forbidden_min = None self._forbidden_max = None
[docs] def sets(self): """Return the list of registers set by the memory operand. :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ if not self.is_store: return [] raise NotImplementedError
# return self._address
[docs] def uses(self): """Return the list of registers used by the memory operand. :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ if not self.is_load: return [] raise NotImplementedError
# return self._address def __getattr__(self, name): """ :param name: """ try: return self._memory_operand_descriptor.__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __repr__(self): """ """ return "%s(Type: %s, Address: %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self.type), self.address)
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class Instruction(Pickable): """Class to represent an instruction"""
[docs] def __init__(self): """ """ self._address = None self._allowed_regs = [] self._arch_type = None self._comments = [] self._context_callback_check = RejectingDict() self._context_callback_fix = RejectingDict() self._decorators = RejectingDict() self._dependency_distance = 0 self._generic_type = None self._label = None self._mem_operands = [] self._operands = RejectingOrderedDict()
[docs] def set_arch_type(self, instrtype): """ :param instrtype: """ self._arch_type = instrtype self._operands = RejectingOrderedDict() self._mem_operands = [] self._allowed_regs = [] self._address = None self._context_callback_check = RejectingDict() self._context_callback_fix = RejectingDict() # TODO: now all architecture share operand values but this should # be decoupled in the future to support different ISA operand setters for field, operand_descr in instrtype.operand_descriptors.items(): self._operands[field] = InstructionOperandValue(operand_descr) for mem_operand_descr in instrtype.memory_operand_descriptors: operand_values = [] for field, operand_type in \ mem_operand_descr.type.address_operands.items(): if field in self._operands: operand_value = self._operands[field] assert operand_type == operand_value.type operand_values.append(operand_value) else: operand_value = None for ioperand in instrtype.implicit_operands: if len(list(ioperand.type.values())) > 1: continue if list(ioperand.type.values())[0].name == field: operand_value = InstructionOperandValue(ioperand) break if operand_value is None: raise NotImplementedError assert isinstance(operand_value.type, OperandConstReg) # TODO: memory operand is implicit # force it to be address base (is this generic?) # needed for POWERPC branches to CTR or LR operand_value.descriptor.set_type( OperandConstReg(, operand_value.type.description, list(operand_value.type.values())[0], True, False, False, False)) operand_value.descriptor.set_type(operand_value.type) operand_value.set_value(operand_value.type.values()[0]) operand_values.append(operand_value) length_values = [] for field, operand_type in \ mem_operand_descr.type.length_operands.items(): if isinstance(operand_type, Operand) and field.startswith('M'): length_value = self._operands[field] assert operand_type == length_value.type length_values.append((length_value, "MASK")) elif isinstance(operand_type, Operand): length_value = self._operands[field] assert operand_type == length_value.type length_values.append(length_value) elif str(operand_type).startswith("#"): rfirst = str(operand_type)[1:].split('-')[0] rsecond = str(operand_type)[1:].split('-')[1] if rfirst in self._operands: length_value_a = self._operands[rfirst] elif rfirst == "REGMAX": length_value_a = rfirst else: raise NotImplementedError if rsecond in self._operands: length_value_b = self._operands[rsecond] else: raise NotImplementedError # assert operand_type == length_value.type length_values.append( (operand_type, length_value_a, length_value_b)) else: length_values.append(operand_type) self._mem_operands.append( InstructionMemoryOperandValue(mem_operand_descr, operand_values, length_values)) for value in instrtype.instruction_checks.values(): function, args = value function(self, *args)
[docs] def register_context_callback(self, key, checking_function, fixing_function): """ :param key: :param checking_function: :param fixing_function: """ self._context_callback_check[key] = checking_function self._context_callback_fix[key] = fixing_function
@property def context_callbacks(self): """Returns the list of context callbacks registered.""" return [(key, self._context_callback_check[key], self._context_callback_fix[key]) for key in self._context_callback_check.keys()]
[docs] def check_context(self, context: Context): """ :param context: """ fixing_callbacks = [] for key, check_context in self._context_callback_check.items(): requires_fixing = check_context(context) if requires_fixing: fixing_callbacks.append(self._context_callback_fix[key]) return fixing_callbacks
@property def architecture_type(self): """Instruction architecture type (:class:`~.InstructionType`).""" return self._arch_type @property def decorators(self): """Instruction decorators (:class:`~.dict`). """ return self._decorators
[docs] def memory_operands(self): """Instruction memory operands. :rtype: list of `MemoryOperands` """ assert self._arch_type is not None return self._mem_operands
[docs] def operands(self): """Instruction operands. :rtype: list of `Operands` """ assert self._arch_type is not None return list(self._operands.values())
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the instruction. :rtype: :class:`~.Instruction` """ new_instruction = Instruction() new_instruction.set_arch_type(self.architecture_type) for callback in self.context_callbacks: new_instruction.register_context_callback(*callback) new_instruction.set_operands([op.value for op in self.operands()], check=False) for reg in self.allowed_regs: new_instruction.add_allow_register(reg) for comment in self.comments: new_instruction.add_comment(comment) for dec_key, dec_val in self.decorators.items(): new_instruction.add_decorator(dec_key, dec_val) new_instruction.set_label(self.label) if self.address is not None: new_instruction.set_address(self.address.copy()) return new_instruction
[docs] def operand_by_field(self, fieldname): """ :param fieldname: """ assert self._arch_type is not None try: fieldnames = [ key for key in self._operands.keys() if key.startswith(fieldname) ] fieldname = fieldnames[0] if len(fieldnames) > 1: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "Looking for field name with multiple options. " "Check the definition of instruction type " "'%s'" % self._arch_type) return self._operands[fieldname] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise MicroprobeLookupError( "'%s' not in %s" % (fieldname, list(self._operands.keys())))
[docs] def operand_fields(self): """Instruction field names of the operands. :rtype: list of :class:`~.str` """ assert self._arch_type is not None return list(self._operands.keys())
def __str__(self): """ """ if self._arch_type is None: return "Generic '%s' instr. Dep. distance: %d" % \ (self._generic_type, self._dependency_distance) return str(self._arch_type)
[docs] def set_operands(self, values, context=None, check=True): """ :param values: """ if len(values) != len(self.operands()): raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Invalid number of operands specified for instruction " "'%s'. # Accepted operands: %s\n # Provided operands: %s" "\n Operands: %s" % (self, len(self.operands()), len(values), self.operands())) try: for operand, value in zip(self.operands(), values): if value is not None: operand.set_value(value, check=check) except MicroprobeValueError as exc: LOG.debug("Valid operands:") for operand in self.operands(): LOG.debug(operand) raise exc for memoperand in self.memory_operands(): memoperand.update_address_from_operands(context=context)
[docs] def sets(self): """Return the list of registers set by the instruction. :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ sets = [] for operand in self.operands(): sets += operand.sets() for ioperand in self._arch_type.implicit_operands: if ioperand.is_output: sets += list(ioperand.type.values()) return sets
[docs] def uses(self): """Return the list of registers used by the instruction. :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.Register` """ uses = [] for operand in self.operands(): uses += operand.uses() for ioperand in self._arch_type.implicit_operands: if ioperand.is_input: uses += list(ioperand.type.values()) return uses
[docs] def add_allow_register(self, reg): """ :param reg: """ assert reg not in self._allowed_regs, "Already allowed" self._allowed_regs.append(reg)
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): """ :param comment: :type comment: """ self._comments.append(comment)
[docs] def add_decorator(self, name, value): """ :param key: decorator name :type key: :param value: decorator value :type value: """ try: self._decorators[name] = {} self._decorators[name]['value'] = value except MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Decorator '%s' already defined for this instruction." % name)
[docs] def rm_decorator(self, name): """ """ try: self._decorators.pop(name) except KeyError: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Decorator '%s' not defined for this instruction." % name)
@property def comments(self): """List of comments of the instruction (:class:`~.list`). """ return self._comments
[docs] def allows(self, reg): """ :param reg: """ return reg in self._allowed_regs
@property def allowed_regs(self): """List of allowed registers of the instructon. """ return self._allowed_regs
[docs] def set_label(self, label: str | None): """ :param label: """ if label == "": raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError("Do not set the instruction" " label to an empty string." "Set it to None if you want" " to remove it.") self._label = label
@property def label(self): """Instruction label (:class:`~.str`).""" return self._label
[docs] def assembly(self): """Assembly representation of the instruction. :rtype: :class:`~.str` """ for operand in self.operands(): if operand.value is None: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Unable to generate the assembly of an instruction without" " all the operand values specified") if self._label is None: return self._arch_type.assembly(list(self._operands.values())) return self._label + ":" + \ self._arch_type.assembly(list(self._operands.values()))
[docs] def binary(self): """Binary representation of the instruction. :rtype: :class:`~.str` """ for operand in self.operands(): if operand.value is None: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Unable to generate the binary of an instruction without" " all the operand values specified") return self._arch_type.binary(list(self._operands.values()))
@property def address(self): """Instruction address (:class:`~.InstructionAddress`)""" return self._address
[docs] def set_address(self, address: Address): """ :param address: """ self._address = address
[docs] def unset_address(self): """Unset instruction address.""" self._address = None
def __repr__(self): """ """ if self._arch_type is not None: return "%s(%s)" % (, self._operands) else: return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "empty") def __getattr__(self, name): """If attribute not found, check if the architecture type implements it :param name: """ try: return self._arch_type.__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: try: return self._arch_type.__getattr__(name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __getstate__(self): """ """ # We can not pickle/unpickle some functions. # Therefore, we miss that call-back control to maintain # the instruction variant. This is not an issue, since we # do not expect to modify the operands. # TODO: change operand definition to ensure contant values # everywhere. state = self.__dict__ state["_context_callback_check"] = RejectingDict() state["_context_callback_fix"] = RejectingDict() for operand in state['_operands'].values(): operand._set_function = None operand._unset_function = None for memoperand in state['_mem_operands']: memoperand._set_address_function = None memoperand._unset_address_function = None memoperand._set_length_function = None memoperand._unset_length_function = None return state
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def create_dependency_between_ins(output_ins: Instruction, input_ins: Instruction, context: Context): """ :param output_ins: :param input_ins: :param context: """ reserved_registers = set(context.reserved_registers) output_operands = [ operand for operand in output_ins.operands() if operand.is_output and not operand.type.immediate and not operand.type.address_relative and not operand.type.address_base and not operand.type.address_index ] input_operands = [ operand for operand in input_ins.operands() if operand.is_input and not operand.type.immediate and not operand.type.address_relative and not operand.type.address_base and not operand.type.address_index ] # prioritize the operands that are only inputs or only outputs output_operands = [operand for operand in output_operands if not operand.is_input] + \ [operand for operand in output_operands if operand.is_input] input_operands = [operand for operand in input_operands if not operand.is_output] + \ [operand for operand in input_operands if operand.is_output] dependency_set = False for output_operand in output_operands: for input_operand in input_operands: if output_operand.value is not None: valid_values1 = set([output_operand.value]) else: valid_values1 = set(output_operand.type.values()) if input_operand.value is not None: valid_values2 = set([output_operand.value]) else: valid_values2 = set(input_operand.type.values()) valid_values1 = valid_values1.difference(reserved_registers) valid_values2 = valid_values2.difference(reserved_registers) valid_values = valid_values1.intersection(valid_values2) if len(valid_values) == 0: continue valid_value = list(valid_values)[0] if output_operand.value is None: output_operand.set_value(valid_value) if input_operand.value is None: input_operand.set_value(valid_value) assert len(valid_values.intersection(reserved_registers)) == 0 dependency_set = True break if dependency_set: break return dependency_set
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class MicroprobeInstructionDefinition(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, instruction_type: InstructionType, operands, label, address: Address | None, asm, decorators, comments): self._type = instruction_type self._operands = operands self._label = label self._address = address self._asm = asm self._decorators = decorators self._comments = comments
[docs] def get_instruction_type(self): return self._type
[docs] def get_operands(self): return self._operands
[docs] def get_label(self): return self._label
[docs] def get_address(self): return self._address
[docs] def get_asm(self): return self._asm
[docs] def get_decorators(self): return self._decorators
[docs] def get_comments(self): return self._comments
[docs] def set_instruction_type(self, value): self._type = value
[docs] def set_operands(self, value): self._operands = value
[docs] def set_label(self, value): self._label = value
[docs] def set_address(self, value, convert=True): if isinstance(value, int) and convert: value = InstructionAddress(base_address="code", displacement=value) self._address = value
[docs] def set_asm(self, value): self._asm = value
[docs] def set_decorators(self, value): self._decorators = value
[docs] def set_comments(self, value): self._comments = value
[docs] def copy(self): operands = None if self._operands is not None: operands = self._operands[:] address = None if self._address is not None: address = self._address.copy() decorators = None if self._decorators is not None: decorators = copy.deepcopy(self._decorators) comments = None if self._comments is not None: comments = self._comments[:] return MicroprobeInstructionDefinition(self._type, operands, self._label, address, self._asm, decorators, comments)
instruction_type = property(get_instruction_type, set_instruction_type, None, "type's docstring") operands = property(get_operands, set_operands, None, "operands's docstring") label = property(get_label, set_label, None, "label's docstring") address = property(get_address, set_address, None, "address's docstring") asm = property(get_asm, set_asm, None, "asm's docstring") decorators = property(get_decorators, set_decorators, None, "decorators's docstring") comments = property(get_comments, set_comments, None, "comments's docstring") def __str__(self): return "%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.instruction_type, self.operands, self.label, self.address, self.asm, self.decorators, self.comments)