Source code for microprobe.passes.address

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.passes.symbol` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

# Built-in modules
import copy
import itertools
import random

# Third party modules

# Own modules
import microprobe.code.ins
import microprobe.passes
import microprobe.utils.distrib
from microprobe.code.address import Address, InstructionAddress
from microprobe.code.ins import instruction_set_def_properties
from microprobe.code.var import Variable
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeCodeGenerationError, \
from import InstructionType
from microprobe.utils.asm import interpret_asm
from microprobe.utils.distrib import generate_weighted_profile, \
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.misc import RejectingDict, closest_divisor

# Local modules

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [

# Functions

# Classes
[docs] class UpdateInstructionAddressesPass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """UpdateInstructionAddressesPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, force=False, noinit=False, init_from_first=False): """ """ super(UpdateInstructionAddressesPass, self).__init__() self._force = force self._noinit = noinit self._init_from_first = init_from_first self._description = "Compute addresses. (Force: %s)" % force
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ if self._init_from_first: caddress = building_block.cfg.bbls[0].instrs[0].address if caddress is None: raise NotImplementedError for instr in reversed(building_block.init): caddress = caddress - instr.architecture_type.format.length instr.set_address(caddress.copy()) caddress = InstructionAddress(base_address="code", displacement=0) # TODO: this is a hack, should not be done here. Once we implement # a proper code generation back-end, this will be fixed caddress += target.wrapper.init_main_pad() if not self._noinit: for instr in building_block.init: instr.set_address(caddress.copy()) caddress += instr.architecture_type.format.length # TODO: this is a hack, should not be done here. Once we implement # a proper code generation back-end, this will be fixed caddress += target.wrapper.init_loop_pad() prev_bbl = None for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: if prev_bbl is not None: LOG.debug(prev_bbl.address) LOG.debug(prev_bbl.displacement) LOG.debug(bbl.address) LOG.debug(bbl.displacement) if bbl.displacement > 0 and prev_bbl.displacement > 0: # Relative displacement bbl.set_address( prev_bbl.address + ( bbl.displacement - prev_bbl.displacement ) ) else: bbl.set_address(caddress + bbl.displacement) else: bbl.set_address(caddress + bbl.displacement) if caddress > bbl.address: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError("Overlapping BBLs?") caddress = bbl.address for instr in bbl.instrs: if instr.address is None or self._force: instr.set_address(caddress.copy()) caddress += instr.architecture_type.format.length else: caddress = instr.address + \ instr.architecture_type.format.length prev_bbl = bbl for instr in building_block.fini: instr.set_address(caddress.copy()) caddress += instr.architecture_type.format.length # daddress = Address(base_address="data", # displacement=0) # for variable in building_block.registered_global_vars(): # LOG.debug(variable.address) # daddress_var = daddress + variable.get_displacement() # variable.set_address(daddress_var.copy()) return []
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ pass_ok = True caddress = InstructionAddress(base_address="code", displacement=0) for instr in building_block.init: pass_ok = pass_ok and caddress == instr.address caddress += instr.architecture_type.format.length for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: pass_ok = pass_ok and caddress == instr.address caddress += instr.architecture_type.format.length for instr in building_block.fini: pass_ok = pass_ok and caddress == instr.address caddress += instr.architecture_type.format.length # daddress = Address(base_address="data", # displacement=0) # for variable in building_block.registered_global_vars(): # daddress += variable.get_displacement() # pass_ok = variable.address == daddress return pass_ok
[docs] class SetInitAddressPass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetInitAddressPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address): """ """ super(SetInitAddressPass, self).__init__() self._address = address self._description = "Set initial address to 0x%X" % address
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ address = InstructionAddress( base_address="code", displacement=building_block.context.code_segment - self._address ) for instr in building_block.init: instr.set_address(address.copy()) return [] for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_address(address.copy()) return [] for instr in building_block.fini: instr.set_address(address.copy()) return [] return []
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ address = InstructionAddress( base_address="code", displacement=building_block.context.code_segment - self._address ) for instr in building_block.init: return instr.address == address for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: return instr.address == address for instr in building_block.fini: return instr.address == address return False