Source code for microprobe.passes.instruction

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.passes.instruction` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, annotations

# Built-in modules
import copy
import itertools
import multiprocessing as mp
import pickle
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
import random

# Own modules
import microprobe.code.ins
import microprobe.passes
import microprobe.utils.distrib
from microprobe import MICROPROBE_RC
from microprobe.code.address import Address, InstructionAddress
from microprobe.code.ins import instruction_set_def_properties
from microprobe.code.var import Variable
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeCodeGenerationError, \
from import InstructionType
from import Register
from microprobe.utils.asm import interpret_asm
from microprobe.utils.cmdline import print_info
from microprobe.utils.distrib import generate_weighted_profile, \
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.misc import RejectingDict, closest_divisor, \
    Progress, iter_flatten, getnextf

# Type hinting
    from microprobe.code.ins import Instruction

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [

# Functions

# Classes
[docs] class AddAssemblyByIndexPass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """AddAssemblyByIndexPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, assembly, allow_registers=None, index=-1): """ :param assembly: :type assembly: """ super(AddAssemblyByIndexPass, self).__init__() self._asm = assembly self._aregs = [] if allow_registers is not None: self._aregs = allow_registers self._index = index self._description = "Append the '%s' instructions at index of the"\ "building block." % ";".join(assembly)
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ instructions_def = interpret_asm( self._asm, target, building_block.labels ) instructions = [] for definition in instructions_def: instruction = microprobe.code.ins.Instruction() instruction_set_def_properties( instruction, definition, building_block=building_block, target=target, allowed_registers=self._aregs ) instructions.append(instruction) if self._index < 0: building_block.add_instructions( instructions, after=building_block.cfg.bbls[-1].instrs[-1] ) elif self._index == 0: building_block.add_instructions( instructions, before=building_block.cfg.bbls[0].instrs[0] ) else: cindex = 0 ains = None instr = None for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: cindex = cindex + 1 if instr is None: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Empty basic block found" ) if cindex == self._index: ains = instr building_block.add_instructions(instructions, after=ains) return building_block.add_instructions( instructions, after=building_block.cfg.bbls[-1].instrs[-1] )
[docs] class SetInstructionTypePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetInstructionTypePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instr, allow_registers=None): """ :param instr: """ super(SetInstructionTypePass, self).__init__() self._instr = instr self._aregs = [] if allow_registers is not None: self._aregs = allow_registers
def __call__(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._instr) for reg in self._aregs: instr.add_allow_register(reg) return []
[docs] class ReplaceInstructionByTypePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """ReplaceInstructionByTypePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instr1, instr2, every): """ :param instr1: :param instr2: :param every: """ super(ReplaceInstructionByTypePass, self).__init__() if not isinstance(instr1, list): instr1 = [instr1] self._instr1 = instr1 self._instr2 = instr2 self._every = every self._description = "Replace '%s' by '%s' every '%d'" % ( [ for instr in instr1],, every )
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ replaced = False if self._every == 0: return count = 0 for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if instr.architecture_type in self._instr1: count = count + 1 if (count % self._every) != 0: continue replaced = True instr.set_arch_type(self._instr2) # reserve implicit operands (if they are not already # reserved) and add them as allowed for operand_descriptor in instr.implicit_operands: register = list(operand_descriptor.type.values())[0] instr.add_allow_register(register) if operand_descriptor.is_output and register not \ in building_block.context.reserved_registers \ and register not in target.control_registers: building_block.context.add_reserved_registers( [register] ) context_fix_functions = instr.check_context( building_block.context ) for context_fix_function in context_fix_functions: try: context_fix_function(target, building_block) except MicroprobeUncheckableEnvironmentWarning as wue: building_block.add_warning(str(wue))
# if not replaced: # raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( # "Unable to replace %s by %s every %d times" % # ([ for instr in self._instr1], #, self._every))
[docs] class SetInstructionTypeByElementPass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetInstructionTypeByElementPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__( self, target, components, profile, block=None, maxlatency=None, minlatency=None, avelatency=None, any_comp=False ): if block is None: block = [] super(SetInstructionTypeByElementPass, self).__init__() profile = _get_profile( target, components, profile, block, maxlatency=maxlatency, minlatency=minlatency, avelatency=avelatency, any_comp=any_comp ) self._func = microprobe.utils.distrib.weighted_choice(profile) self._description = "Profile by component"
def __call__(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func()) return []
[docs] class SetInstructionTypeByProfilePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetInstructionTypeByProfilePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, profile): """ :param profile: """ super(SetInstructionTypeByProfilePass, self).__init__() self._func = microprobe.utils.distrib.weighted_choice(profile)
def __call__(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func()) return []
[docs] class SetRandomInstructionTypePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetRandomInstructionTypePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instructions: List[Instruction], rand: random.Random): """ :param instructions: """ super(SetRandomInstructionTypePass, self).__init__() self._instrs = instructions if rand is None: rand = random.Random() rand.seed(13) self._func = rand.choice
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ for idx, instr in enumerate(self._instrs): if not isinstance(instr, str): continue self._instrs[idx] = target.isa.instructions[instr] for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func(list(self._instrs))) # reserve implicit operands (if they are not already # reserved) and add them as allowed for operand_descriptor in instr.implicit_operands: register = list(operand_descriptor.type.values())[0] instr.add_allow_register(register) if operand_descriptor.is_output and register not \ in building_block.context.reserved_registers \ and register not in target.control_registers: building_block.context.add_reserved_registers( [register] ) context_fix_functions = instr.check_context( building_block.context ) for context_fix_function in context_fix_functions: try: context_fix_function(target, building_block) except MicroprobeUncheckableEnvironmentWarning as wcheck: building_block.add_warning(str(wcheck))
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ instrs = {} instrs_per = {} for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if instr.architecture_type not in list(instrs.keys()): instrs[instr.architecture_type] = 1 else: instrs[instr.architecture_type] += 1 total = sum(instrs.values()) for key, value in instrs.items(): instrs_per[key] = (value) / total total_per = sum(instrs_per.values()) assert abs(total_per - 1.0) < 0.0001, total_per average_value = total_per / len(list(instrs_per.values())) for key in sorted(instrs_per): value = instrs_per[key] if abs(value - average_value) > 0.05: LOG.debug("Deviation: %.5f > 0.05", abs(value - average_value)) LOG.debug("Instruction: %s", key) LOG.debug("Count: %d", instrs[key]) return False return True
[docs] class SetInstructionTypeBySequencePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetInstructionTypeBySequencePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instrs, prepend=None, allow_registers=None): """ :param instrs: """ super(SetInstructionTypeBySequencePass, self).__init__() for instr in instrs: if not isinstance(instr, InstructionType): raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "Invalid sequence definition. '%s' is not an instruction" " type " % instr ) self._sequence = instrs self._func = getnextf(itertools.cycle(instrs)) self._description = "Repeat the instruction sequence '%s'" % \ ([ for instruction in self._sequence]) if prepend is None: prepend = [] self._prepend = prepend self._aregs = [] if allow_registers is not None: self._aregs = allow_registers
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ count = 0 for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if count < len(self._prepend): instruction = self._prepend[count] else: instruction = self._func() count += 1 LOG.debug("Set instruction type: %s", instruction) instr.set_arch_type(instruction) for reg in self._aregs: instr.add_allow_register(reg) # reserve implicit operands (if they are not already # reserved) and add them as allowed for operand_descriptor in instr.implicit_operands: register = list(operand_descriptor.type.values())[0] instr.add_allow_register(register) if ( operand_descriptor.is_output and register not in building_block.context.reserved_registers and register not in target.control_registers ): building_block.context.add_reserved_registers( [register] ) context_fix_functions = instr.check_context( building_block.context ) for context_fix_function in context_fix_functions: try: context_fix_function(target, building_block) except MicroprobeUncheckableEnvironmentWarning as wcheck: building_block.add_warning(str(wcheck))
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ pass_ok = True func = getnextf(itertools.cycle(self._sequence)) for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: pass_ok = pass_ok and (instr.architecture_type == func()) return pass_ok
[docs] class ReproduceSequencePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """ReproduceSequencePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, seq): """ :param seq: """ super(ReproduceSequencePass, self).__init__() self._sequence = seq[:] self._description = "Reproduce instruction sequence"
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ if len(self._sequence) > MICROPROBE_RC['parallel_threshold']: if MICROPROBE_RC['verbose']: print_info("Enabling parallel processing") return self._parallel(building_block, target) sequence = iter(self._sequence) for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: definition = next(sequence) instruction_set_def_properties( instr, definition, building_block=building_block, target=target ) return [] def _parallel(self, building_block, target): def _iter_zip(list1, list2, extra=None): idx = 0 try: while True: item1 = next(list1) item2 = next(list2) if extra is None: yield (item1, item2, idx) else: yield tuple([item1, item2] + extra + [idx]) idx = idx + 1 except StopIteration: return props = iter(self._sequence) for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: instrs = iter(bbl.instrs) instrs_props = list(_iter_zip(instrs, props, extra=[building_block, target])) csize = max(len(bbl.instrs) // MICROPROBE_RC['cpus'], 1) instrs_propsl = (instrs_props[idx:idx + csize] for idx in range( 0, len(self._sequence), csize ) ) if MICROPROBE_RC['verbose']: print_info("Start mapping to %s threads ... " % MICROPROBE_RC['cpus']) extra_args = {} extra_args['show_progress'] = True processes = [] queues = [] for chunk in instrs_propsl: queue = mp.Queue() extra_args['queue'] = queue proc = mp.Process(target=_set_props, args=(chunk,), kwargs=extra_args) processes.append(proc) queues.append(queue) proc.start() extra_args['show_progress'] = False new_instrs = [] for queue in queues: new_instrs += queue.get() progress = Progress( len(bbl.instrs), msg="Setting instruction properties: " ) instrs = iter(bbl.instrs) for instr, new_instr in zip(instrs, new_instrs): bbl.reset_instruction(instr, new_instr) progress() for queue in queues: queue.close() queue.join_thread() for process in processes: process.join() process.terminate() return []
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ pass_ok = True func = getnextf(itertools.cycle(self._sequence)) for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: pass_ok = pass_ok and (instr.architecture_type == func()) return pass_ok
[docs] class SetInstructionTypeByPropertyPass(SetInstructionTypeBySequencePass): """SetInstructionTypeByPropertyPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__( self, instructions, attribute, targetvalue, maxvalue=None, minvalue=None ): """ :param instructions: :param attribute: :param targetvalue: :param maxvalue: (Default value = None) :param minvalue: (Default value = None) """ super(SetInstructionTypeByPropertyPass, self).__init__(instructions) self._targetvalue = targetvalue self._attribute = attribute self._profile = generate_weighted_profile( instructions, attribute, targetvalue, maxvalue=maxvalue, minvalue=minvalue ) self._func = weighted_choice(self._profile) self._description = "Generate instruction profile with average" \ " attribute '%s' value of %d." % (attribute, targetvalue) if maxvalue is not None: self._description += "Filter out values above %d." % maxvalue if minvalue is not None: self._description += "Filter out values below %d" % maxvalue
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ values = [] for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: values.append(getattr(instr, self._attribute)) finalvalue = sum(values) // len(values) diff = abs((finalvalue // self._targetvalue) - 1) if diff > 0.05: LOG.debug( "finalvalue %f != expected %f (diff %d%%)", finalvalue, self._targetvalue, diff * 100 ) return False return True
[docs] class InsertInstructionSequencePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """InsertInstructionSequencePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instrs, every=None, pad=0, operands=None): """ :param instrs: :param every: (Default value = None) :param pad: (Default value = 0) :param operands: (Default value = None) """ super(InsertInstructionSequencePass, self).__init__() self._instrs = instrs self._every = every self._pad = pad self._operands = operands self._description = "Insert instruction: %s , every '%s', with " \ "pad '%s' and operands: '%s'" % (instrs, every, pad, operands)
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: indexes = list(range(self._pad, bbl.size, self._every)) instructions = bbl.instrs[:] for index in indexes: newins = [] for instr in self._instrs: nins = target.new_instruction( if self._operands is not None: nins.set_operands(self._operands) newins.append(nins) bbl.insert_instr(newins, after=instructions[index])
[docs] class DIDTSimplePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """DIDTSimplePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__( self, size, instrs1, ipc1, dep1, instrs2, ipc2, dep2, freqhz, system_freq_mhz ): """ :param size: :param instrs1: :param ipc1: :param dep1: :param instrs2: :param ipc2: :param dep2: :param freqhz: :param system_freq_mhz: """ super(DIDTSimplePass, self).__init__() LOG.debug("IPC: %s, %s ", ipc1, ipc2) LOG.debug("FREQ: %s, %s", freqhz, system_freq_mhz) cycletime = 1.0 / (system_freq_mhz * 1000000) period = 1.0 / (freqhz) cycles = (period / 2) / cycletime LOG.debug("TIMES: %s %s %s", cycletime, period, cycles) nins1 = cycles * ipc1 nins2 = cycles * ipc2 self._nins1 = int(nins1) self._nins2 = int(nins2) if self._nins1 < 1: self._nins1 = 1 LOG.warning("Warning 1 a single instruction more than the period") if self._nins2 < 1: self._nins2 = 1 LOG.warning("Warning 2 a single instruction more than the period") LOG.debug("INS %s %s", nins1, nins2) # seq1len = len(instrs1) # seq2len = len(instrs2) # repeat1 = (size/2)/seq1len # repeat2 = (size/2)/seq2len # Compute iterations in each sequence self._loop1 = int(nins1 / (size / 2)) self._loop2 = int(nins2 / (size / 2)) LOG.debug( " %f%% deviation in loop1 size ", ( ( abs( self._loop1 - (nins1 / (size / 2)) ) / (nins1 / (size / 2)) ) * 100 ) ) LOG.debug( " %f%% deviation in loop2 size ", ( ( abs( self._loop2 - (nins2 / (size / 2)) ) / (nins2 / (size / 2)) ) * 100 ) ) LOG.debug("LOOP %s %s", self._loop1, self._loop2) self._size = size / 2 self._func1 = getnextf(itertools.cycle(instrs1)) self._func2 = getnextf(itertools.cycle(instrs2)) self._dep1 = dep1 self._dep2 = dep2
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ rregs = building_block.context.reserved_registers LOG.debug(self._loop1, self._loop2) if not (self._loop1 < 2 and self._loop2 < 2): controlreg = target.get_address_reg(rregs) init_loop1 = target.set_register(controlreg, self._loop1) instr = microprobe.code.ins.Instruction() instr.set_arch_type(target.isa["MTSPR"]) instr.set_operands([target.registers["CTR"], controlreg]) init_loop1.append(instr) init_loop2 = target.set_register(controlreg, self._loop2) instr = microprobe.code.ins.Instruction() instr.set_arch_type(target.isa["MTSPR"]) instr.set_operands([target.registers["CTR"], controlreg]) init_loop2.append(instr) branch_loop1 = microprobe.code.ins.Instruction() branch_loop1.set_arch_type(target.isa["BC"]) branch_loop1.set_operands([16, 0, "loop1"]) branch_loop2 = microprobe.code.ins.Instruction() branch_loop2.set_arch_type(target.isa["BC"]) branch_loop2.set_operands([16, 0, "loop2+24"]) for instr in init_loop1 + init_loop2 + [branch_loop1] + \ [branch_loop2]: instr.add_allow_register(controlreg) instr.add_allow_register(target.registers["CTR"]) building_block.add_init(init_loop1) building_block.add_fini(init_loop1) bbl1 = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(size=self._size) bbl2 = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(size=self._size) first = True for instr in bbl1.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func1()) instr.set_dependency_distance(self._dep1) if first: first = False instr.set_label("loop1") bbl1.insert_instr([branch_loop1], after=instr) first = True for instr in bbl2.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func2()) instr.set_dependency_distance(self._dep2) if first: bbl2.insert_instr(init_loop2, before=instr) first = False init_loop2[0].set_label("loop2") bbl2.insert_instr([branch_loop2], after=instr) rregs.append(controlreg) else: size = self._nins1 + self._nins2 while size < (self._size * 2): bbl = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(size=self._nins1) for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func1()) instr.set_dependency_distance(self._dep1) bbl = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(size=self._nins2) for instr in bbl.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(self._func2()) instr.set_dependency_distance(self._dep2) size = size + self._nins1 + self._nins2 if size == self._nins1 + self._nins2: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError("Increase benchmark size") return rregs
[docs] class SetInstructionTypeByAlternatingSequencesPass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """DIDTPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sequences, max_size=None): """ :param sequences: :type sequences: :param max_size: :type max_size: """ super(SetInstructionTypeByAlternatingSequencesPass, self).__init__() self._sequences = [] self._max_size = max_size total_size = sum([elem[1] for elem in sequences]) max_segment_size = max_size // (2 * len(sequences)) if max_size is None: max_size = total_size * (len(sequences) + 1) for idx, sequence in enumerate(sequences): extra = 0 iterations = 1 modulo = len(sequence[0]) length = min(sequence[1], max_segment_size) length = (length // modulo) * modulo if length == 0: length = modulo if (length * iterations) + extra != sequence[1]: iterations = sequence[1] // length extra = sequence[1] % length assert (length * iterations) + extra == sequence[1] self._sequences.append( ( getnextf(itertools.cycle( sequence[ 0 ] )), length, iterations, extra ) ) LOG.debug( "Sequence: %d - %s, Length: %d, " "Iterations: %d, Extra: %d ", idx, ",".join([ for elem in sequence[0]]), length, iterations, extra )
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param target: """ def fill_block(block, function): for instr in block.instrs: instr.set_arch_type(function()) context_fix_functions = instr.check_context( building_block.context ) for context_fix_function in context_fix_functions: try: context_fix_function(target, building_block) except MicroprobeUncheckableEnvironmentWarning as \ warning_check: building_block.add_warning(str(warning_check)) controlreg = target.get_register_for_address_arithmetic( building_block.context ) for idx, sequence in enumerate(self._sequences): next_instruction, block_size, block_iterations, extra = sequence if block_iterations > 1: init_loop = target.set_register( controlreg, block_iterations, building_block.context ) if controlreg not in building_block.context.reserved_registers: building_block.context.add_reserved_registers([controlreg]) init_bbl = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(instructions=init_loop) for instr in init_bbl.instrs: instr.add_allow_register(controlreg) block_bbl = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(size=block_size) fill_block(block_bbl, next_instruction) if block_iterations > 1: label = "sequence_%d" % idx block_bbl.instrs[0].set_label(label) add_cmp_branch = target.add_to_register(controlreg, -1) for instr in add_cmp_branch: instr.add_allow_register(controlreg) add_cmp_branch += target.compare_and_branch( controlreg, 0, ">", InstructionAddress(base_address=label), building_block.context ) block_bbl.insert_instr( add_cmp_branch, after=block_bbl.instrs[-1] ) if extra > 0: extra_bbl = building_block.cfg.add_bbl(size=(extra)) fill_block(extra_bbl, next_instruction) return []
[docs] class SetInstructionOperandsByOpcodePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """SetInstructionOperandsByOpcodePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, opcodes, operand_pos, value, force=False, ifval=None): """ :param opcodes: :param operand_pos: :param value: """ super(SetInstructionOperandsByOpcodePass, self).__init__() self._description = "Set operand %d of instructions with opcode " \ "'%s' to value: '%s'" % (operand_pos, opcodes, value) if isinstance(opcodes, str): self._opcodes = [opcodes] else: self._opcodes = opcodes self._pos = operand_pos self._base_value = value self._force = force self._ifval = ifval if not isinstance(value, list): def idem(): """Return a constant.""" return value self._value = idem else: self._value = getnextf(itertools.cycle(value))
def __call__(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if in self._opcodes: if (self._ifval is not None and instr.operands()[self._pos].value != self._ifval): continue if instr.operands()[ self._pos].value is None or self._force: instr.operands()[self._pos].set_value(self._value()) if (instr.operands()[self._pos].is_output and isinstance( instr.operands()[self._pos].value, Register )): instr.add_allow_register( instr.operands()[self._pos].value )
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ if isinstance(self._base_value, list): self._value = getnextf(itertools.cycle(self._base_value)) for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if instr.opcode in self._opcodes: if instr.operands()[self._pos].value != self._value(): return False return True
[docs] class DisableAsmByOpcodePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """DisableAsmByOpcodePass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, opcodes, operand_pos, ifval=None): """ :param opcodes: :param operand_pos: :param value: """ super(DisableAsmByOpcodePass, self).__init__() self._description = "Disable ASM %d of instructions with opcode " \ "'%s' if value: '%s'" % (operand_pos, opcodes, ifval) if isinstance(opcodes, str): self._opcodes = [opcodes] else: self._opcodes = opcodes self._pos = operand_pos self._ifval = ifval
def __call__(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if in self._opcodes: if (self._ifval is not None and instr.operands()[self._pos].value != self._ifval): continue instr.disable_asm = True
[docs] def check(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: if instr.opcode in self._opcodes: if self._ifval is None and not instr.disable_asm: return False elif (instr.operands()[self._pos].value == self._ifval and not instr.disable_asm): return False return True
[docs] class ReplaceLoadInstructionsPass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """ReplaceLoadInstructionsPass pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, instr, every): """ :param instr: :type instr: :param every: :type every: """ super(ReplaceLoadInstructionsPass, self).__init__() self._description = "Replace every load for a '%s' instruction every "\ "'%d' number of loads" % (, every) self._instr = instr self._every = every
def __call__(self, building_block, dummy_target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ if self._every == 0: return [] count = 0 for bbl in building_block.cfg.bbls: for instr in bbl.instrs: is_load = False for moperand in instr.memory_operands(): if moperand.is_load: is_load = True break if is_load: count = count + 1 if (count % self._every) == 0: instr.set_arch_type(self._instr)
# TODO: This get_profile function is copied from the first prototype of the # code, back in 2011. It need an importand re-engineering pass. def _get_profile( target, components, profile, block, maxlatency=None, minlatency=None, avelatency=None, any_comp=False ): if avelatency is not None: if maxlatency is not None and avelatency > maxlatency: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I can not fulfill the conditions" ) if minlatency is not None and avelatency < minlatency: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "I can not fulfill the conditions" ) isa_map = target.property_isa_map("execution_units") if any_comp: setm = set() for comp in components: setm = setm | isa_map[] else: setm = None for comp in components: if setm is None: setm = isa_map[] else: setm = setm & isa_map[] for comp in block: setm = setm - isa_map[] values = [] for key, value in profile.items(): if key not in setm: continue if maxlatency is not None: if key.latency > maxlatency and key.latency > 0: continue if minlatency is not None: if key.latency < minlatency and key.latency > 0: continue values.append((key, value)) if len(values) == 0: for value in setm: if value.privileged or value.hypervisor or value.trap: continue if maxlatency is not None: if value.latency > maxlatency and value.latency > 0: continue if minlatency is not None: if value.latency < minlatency and value.latency > 0: continue values.append((value, 1)) if len(values) < 1: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "No instruction found in the ISA stressing %s" % ( [ for comp in components] ) ) if avelatency is not None: def calc_avelatency(values): """Computer average latency by weight.""" return sum( [ v.latency * weight for v, weight in values ] ) / sum( [ weight for v, weight in values ] ) cavelatency = calc_avelatency(values) if cavelatency < avelatency: abovelist = [ idx for idx, v in enumerate(values) if v[0].latency > avelatency ] if len(abovelist) > 0: while cavelatency < avelatency: index = random.choice(abovelist) abovelist.remove(index) values[index] = (values[index][0], values[index][1] + 1) cavelatency = calc_avelatency(values) if len(abovelist) == 0: abovelist = [ idx for idx, v in enumerate(values) if v[0].latency > avelatency ] else: maxlat = max([v.latency for v, dummy_weight in values]) values = [(v, w) for v, w in values if v.latency == maxlat] elif cavelatency > avelatency: belowlist = [ idx for idx, v in enumerate(values) if v[0].latency < avelatency ] if len(belowlist) > 0: while cavelatency > avelatency: index = random.choice(belowlist) belowlist.remove(index) values[index] = (values[index][0], values[index][1] + 1) cavelatency = calc_avelatency(values) if len(belowlist) == 0: belowlist = [ idx for idx, v in enumerate(values) if v[0].latency < avelatency ] assert len(belowlist) > 0, "Something wrong" else: minlat = min([v.latency for v, dummy_weight in values]) values = [(v, w) for v, w in values if v.latency == minlat] return dict(values) def _set_props(largs, queue=None, show_progress=False): rlist = [] if show_progress: progress = Progress( len(largs), msg="Setting instruction properties: " ) for args in largs: instr, definition, building_block, target, displ = args instruction_set_def_properties( instr, definition, building_block=building_block, target=target, label_displ=displ ) if show_progress: progress() rlist.append(instr) if queue is not None: queue.put(rlist) return rlist
[docs] class AddOnePass(microprobe.passes.Pass): """AddOne pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, varname): """ :param instr: """ super(AddOnePass, self).__init__() self._varname = varname
def __call__(self, building_block, target): """ :param building_block: :param dummy_target: """ loopvar = None for var in building_block.registered_global_vars(): if == self._varname: loopvar = var break if loopvar is None: raise MicroprobeCodeGenerationError( "AddOne pass var '%s' not declared" % self._varname ) context = building_block.context areg = target.get_register_for_address_arithmetic( context ) context.add_reserved_registers([areg]) # Reset register to zero instrs = target.set_register(areg, 0, context) for instr in instrs: instr.add_comment("Loop counter init") building_block.add_init(instrs) instrs = target.add_to_register(areg, 1) try: instrs += target.store_integer( areg, loopvar.address, 64, context ) except MicroprobeCodeGenerationError: areg = target.scratch_registers[0] instrs += target.set_register_to_address( areg, loopvar.address, context, ) context.set_register_value( areg, loopvar.address ) instrs += target.store_integer( areg, loopvar.address, 64, context ) for instr in instrs: instr.add_comment("Loop update") building_block.add_fini(instrs) return []