Source code for

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, annotations

# Built-in modules
import abc
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple

# Third party modules

# Own modules
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError, \
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.typeguard_decorator import typeguard_testsuite
from microprobe.utils.yaml import read_yaml

# Type hinting
    from import InstructionField

# Constants
SCHEMA = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "schemas",
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [
    "import_definition", "InstructionFormat", "GenericInstructionFormat"

# Functions
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def import_definition(cls, filenames, ifields): """ :param filenames: :param ifields: """ LOG.debug("Start") iformats = {} iformats_duplicated = {} for filename in filenames: iformat_data = read_yaml(filename, SCHEMA) if iformat_data is None: continue for elem in iformat_data: name = elem["Name"] descr = elem.get("Description", "No description") assembly = elem["Assembly"] # TODO: Document the convention nonzero_fields = [ field for field in elem["Fields"] if not field.startswith("0_") ] key = tuple([tuple(elem["Fields"]), assembly]) if key in iformats_duplicated: LOG.warning( "Similar definition of instruction format: '%s' " "and '%s'. Check if definition needed.", name, iformats_duplicated[key]) else: iformats_duplicated[key] = name if len(nonzero_fields) != len(set(nonzero_fields)): raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( f"Definition of instruction format '{name}' found in " f"'{filename}' contains duplicated fields.") try: fields = [ifields[ifieldname] for ifieldname in elem["Fields"]] except KeyError as key: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( f"Unknown field {key} definition in instruction format " f"'{name}' found in '{filename}'.") iformat = cls(name, descr, fields, assembly) if name in iformats: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( f"Duplicated definition of instruction format '{name}' " f"found in '{filename}'") LOG.debug(iformat) iformats[name] = iformat LOG.debug("End") return iformats
# Classes
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class InstructionFormat(abc.ABC): """Abstract class to represent an instruction format"""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, fname: str, descr: str): """ :param fname: :param descr: """ self._name = fname self._descr = descr
@property def name(self): return self._name @property def description(self): return self._descr @property @abc.abstractmethod def fields(self) -> List[InstructionField]: raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def assembly_format(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_operands(self): """Returns a :class:`~.list` of :func:`tuple` of three elements. The first is a :class:`~.Operand` object, the second is a :class:`~.bool` indicating if the operand is an input operand and the third is a :class:`~.bool` indicating if the operand is an output operand. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_fields(self) -> List[InstructionField]: """Returns a :class:`~.list` of the :class:`~.InstructionField` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_field(self, fname: str) -> InstructionField: """Returns a the :class:`~.InstructionField` with name *fname*. :param fname: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_field_props(self, fname: str): """Returns extra properties of field with name *fname*. :param fname: Field name. :type fname: :class:`~.str` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_findex(self, fname: str): """Returns the index of the field *fname* within the instruction format :param fname: Field name. :type fname: :class:`~.str` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def flip_fields(self, fname1: str, fname2: str): """Interchanges the position of the fields with name *fname1* and *fname2*. :param fname1: Field 1 name. :type fname1: :class:`~.str` :param fname2: Field 2 name. :type fname2: :class:`~.str`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_fields(self, fields: List[InstructionField], reset: bool = True): """Sets the fields of the instruction format. If *reset* is *True* the properties and the flip records of the fields are removed. :param fields: List of fields. :type fields: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.InstructionField` :param reset: Flag indicating if a full reset is needed (Default value = True) :type reset: :class:`~.bool` """ raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self): values = "%-10s : %-30s ([" % (, self.description) fields = [] for field in self.fields: fmt = "{0:^%d}" % (field.size + (field.size - 4) // 4) fields.append(fmt.format( values = "%s%s])" % (values, "|".join(fields)) return values
[docs] def full_report(self, tabs=0): rstr = "\t" * tabs + str(self) rstr += "\n" rstr += "\t" * tabs + "%-10s : %-30s\n" % ("Assembly", self.assembly_format) for field in self.fields: rstr += "\t" * tabs + \ "Fieldname : %s (bitsize: %d)\n" % (, field.size) return rstr
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class GenericInstructionFormat(InstructionFormat): """Instruction format generic class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fname: str, descr: str, fields: List[InstructionField], assembly: str): """ :param fname: :param descr: :param fields: :param assembly: """ super(GenericInstructionFormat, self).__init__(fname, descr) self._fname = fname self._fields: List[InstructionField] = [] self._props: List[None] = [ ] # TODO: Check if this list of None is needed self._flips: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] self._length = 0 self._assembly_format = assembly for field in fields: self._add_field(field) self._compute_length()
@property def fields(self): return self._fields @property def length(self): return self._length @property def assembly_format(self): return self._assembly_format
[docs] def get_operands(self): """Returns a :class:`~.list` of :func:`tuple` of three elements. The first is a :class:`~.Operand` object, the second is a :class:`~.bool` indicating if the operand is an input operand and the third is a :class:`~.bool` indicating if the operand is an output operand. """ return [(field.get_foperand(), field.is_input(), field.is_output()) for field in self.get_fields() if field.get_fshow()]
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Returns a :class:`~.list` of the :class:`~.InstructionField` """ return self._fields
[docs] def get_field(self, fname: str): """Returns a the :class:`~.InstructionField` with name *fname*. :param fname: """ field = [ field for field in self.get_fields() if field.get_fname() == fname ] if len(field) == 0: raise MicroprobeLookupError( f"Unable to find a field with name '{fname}'") assert len( field ) == 1, "Field names should be key identifiers." + \ f" Field '{fname}' is duplicated" return field[0]
[docs] def get_field_props(self, fname: str): """Returns extra properties of field with name *fname*. :param fname: Field name. :type fname: :class:`~.str` """ idx = self.get_findex(fname) return self._props[idx]
[docs] def get_findex(self, fname: str): """Returns the index of the field *fname* within the instruction format. :param fname: Field name. :type fname: :class:`~.str` """ return self.get_fields().index(self.get_field(fname))
[docs] def flip_fields(self, fname1: str, fname2: str): """Interchanges the position of the fields with name *fname1* and *fname2*. :param fname1: Field 1 name. :type fname1: :class:`~.str` :param fname2: Field 2 name. :type fname2: :class:`~.str`. """ idx1 = self.get_findex(fname1) idx2 = self.get_findex(fname2) fields = self.get_fields() tmp_field = fields[idx1] fields[idx1] = fields[idx2] fields[idx2] = tmp_field self.set_fields(fields, reset=False) tmp_prop = self._props[idx1] self._props[idx1] = self._props[idx2] self._props[idx2] = tmp_prop self._flips.append((idx1, idx2))
[docs] def set_fields(self, fields: List[InstructionField], reset: bool = True): """Sets the fields of the instruction format. If *reset* is *True* the properties and the flip records of the fields are removed. :param fields: List of fields. :type fields: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.InstructionField` :param reset: Flag indicating if a full reset is needed (Default value = True) :type reset: :class:`~.bool` """ self._fields = fields if reset: self._props = [None] * len(self.get_fields()) self._flips = [] self._compute_length()
def _add_field(self, field: InstructionField): """Adds an field to the instruction format. :param field: Instruction field :type field: :class:`~.InstructionField` """ self._fields.append(field) self._props.append(None) def _compute_length(self): length = sum([field.size for field in self._fields]) if length % 8 != 0: LOG.error("%s", self) LOG.error("\tTotal length: %d", length) for field in self._fields: LOG.error("\t\t - %s: %d",, field.size) raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "Instruction format" " '%s' length is not multiple of a byte" % self._length = sum([field.size for field in self._fields]) // 8