Source code for

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, annotations

# Built-in modules
import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List

# Third party modules

# Own modules
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.typeguard_decorator import typeguard_testsuite

# Type checking
    from import MicroarchitectureElement

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [
    "cache_hierarchy_from_elements", "Cache", "SetAssociativeCache",

# Functions
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite def cache_hierarchy_from_elements(elements): """ :param elements: """ caches = _caches_from_elements(elements) if len(caches) == 0: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "Expecting cache hierarchy" " elements in the microarchitecture" " description, but none found.") cache_hierarchy = CacheHierarchy(caches) return cache_hierarchy
@typeguard_testsuite def _caches_from_elements(elements): """ :param elements: """ LOG.debug("Start") caches: List[Cache] = [] for element in elements.values(): LOG.debug("Checking: '%s'", element) try: if not element.type.data_cache and \ not element.type.instruction_cache: continue except Exception: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "Microarchitecture " "definition requires the definition of the " "'data_cache' and 'instruction_cache' properties " "for the element types.") LOG.debug("Cache element found:'%s'", element) try: size = element.type.cache_size * 1024 line_size = element.type.cache_linesize level = element.type.cache_level address_size = element.type.cache_address_size except AttributeError as exc: # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "Element '%s' defined as a cache, but required " "property '%s' not specified in its type " "'%s'" % (element, exc.message.split("'")[3], element.type)) # Figuring out the cache type based on element attributes # Right now, we only implement N-way set associative ways = getattr(element.type, "cache_ways", None) if ways is not None: new_cache = SetAssociativeCache(element, size, level, line_size, address_size, element.type.data_cache, element.type.instruction_cache, ways) caches.append(new_cache) else: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "Element '%s' defined " "as a cache, but cache type can not be " "determined. Please specify on of the " "following properties: ['cache_ways']") LOG.debug("End") return caches # Classes
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class Cache: """Class to represent a cache."""
[docs] def __init__(self, element: MicroarchitectureElement, size: int, level: int, line_size: int, address_size: int, data: bool, ins: bool): """Create a Cache object. :param element: Micrarchitecture element :type element: :class:`~.MicroarchitectureElement` :param size: Cache size in kilobytes :type size: :class:`` :param level: Cache level :type level: :class:`` :param line_size: Line size in bytes :type line_size: :class:`` :param address_size: Address size in bits :type address_size: :class:`` :param data: Data cache flag :type data: :class:`~.bool` :param ins: Instruction cache flag :type ins: :class:`~.bool` :return: Cache instance :rtype: :class:`~.Cache` """ self._element = element self._size = size self._level = level self._line_size = line_size self._address_size = address_size self._data = data self._ins = ins
# Implement value checking for parameters @property def element(self): """Corresponding microarchitecture element (:class:`~.MicroarchitectureElement`).""" return self._element @property def size(self): """Cache size in kilobytes (class:``).""" return self._size @property def line_size(self): """Cache line size in bytes (class:``).""" return self._line_size @property def contains_data(self): """Data cache flag (class:`~.bool`).""" return self._data @property def contains_instructions(self): """Instruction cache (class:`~.bool`).""" return self._ins @property def level(self): """Cache level (class:``).""" return self._level @property def name(self): """Cache name (class:`~.str`).""" return f"{self.element.full_name} Cache" @property def description(self): """Cache description (class:`~.str`).""" if self.contains_data ^ self.contains_instructions: if self.contains_data: dscr = "Data" else: dscr = "Instruction" else: dscr = "Mixed (instruction and data)" return "Level %s %s %s" % (self.level, dscr, def __str__(self): """"x.__str__() <==> str(x)""" return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.description)
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class SetAssociativeCache(Cache): """Class to represent a set-associative cache."""
[docs] def __init__(self, element: MicroarchitectureElement, size: int, level: int, line_size: int, address_size: int, data: bool, ins: bool, ways: int): """Create a SetAssociativeCache object. :param element: Micrarchitecture element :type element: :class:`~.MicroarchitectureElement` :param size: Cache size in kilobytes :type size: :class:`` :param level: Cache level :type level: :class:`` :param line_size: Line size in bytes :type line_size: :class:`` :param address_size: Address size in bits :type address_size: :class:`` :param data: Data cache flag :type data: :class:`~.bool` :param ins: Instruction cache flag :type ins: :class:`~.bool` :param ins: Cache ways :type ins: :class:`` :return: Cache instance :rtype: :class:`~.Cache` """ super(SetAssociativeCache, self).__init__(element, size, level, line_size, address_size, data, ins) self._ways = ways self._address_size = address_size self._sets = size // (ways * line_size) self._set_bits = int(math.log(self._sets, 2)) self._lines = size // (line_size) self._lines_bits = int(math.log(self._lines, 2)) self._offset_bits = int(math.log(line_size, 2)) self._tag_bits = address_size - self._set_bits - self._offset_bits self._setsways = size // line_size self._setways_bits = int(math.log(self._setsways, 2))
@property def ways(self): """Number of cache ways (class:``).""" return self._ways
[docs] def sets(self): """Number of cache sets (class:``).""" return list(range(0, self._sets))
@property def bits_x_set(self): """Number of bits per set (class:``).""" return self._set_bits
[docs] def lines(self): """Number of lines (class:``).""" return list(range(0, self._lines))
@property def bits_x_lines(self): """Number of bits per line (class:``).""" return self._lines_bits @property def bits_x_offset(self): """Number of offset bits (class:``).""" return self._offset_bits @property def set_ways_bits(self): """Number of bits per way (class:``).""" return self._setways_bits @property def offset_bits(self): """Number of offset bits (class:``).""" return self._offset_bits
[docs] def setsways(self): """Return the list of sets and ways. :return: List of available sets * ways :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`` """ return list(range(0, self._setsways))
[docs] def congruence_class(self, value: int): """Return the congruence class for a given *value*. :param value: Address :type value: :class:`` :return: Congruence class :rtype: :class:`` """ cgc = (value >> self.offset_bits) & ((1 << (self._set_bits)) - 1) return cgc
[docs] def offset(self, value: int): """ :param value: """ cgc = (value) & ((1 << (self.offset_bits) - 1)) return cgc
[docs] def print_info(self): from microprobe.utils.cmdline import print_info print_info(self._offset_bits) print_info(self._set_bits) print_info(self._tag_bits) bit_range = [0, self._address_size - 1] offset_range = [ self._address_size - 1 - self.offset_bits, self._address_size - 1 ] ccrange = [ self._address_size - 1 - self.offset_bits - self._set_bits, self._address_size - 1 - self.offset_bits - 1 ] print_info((bit_range, offset_range, ccrange))
[docs] @typeguard_testsuite class CacheHierarchy: """Class to represent a cache hierarchy."""
[docs] def __init__(self, caches): """ :param caches: """ first_data_levels = [ cache for cache in caches if cache.level == 1 and cache.contains_data ] first_ins_levels = [ cache for cache in caches if cache.level == 1 and cache.contains_instructions ] if len(first_ins_levels) == 0: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "At least one cache" "should be defined as first level instruction" "cache.") if len(first_data_levels) == 0: raise MicroprobeArchitectureDefinitionError( "At least one cache" "should be defined as first level data cache") data_levels: Dict["MicroarchitectureElement", List[Cache]] = {} for cache in first_data_levels: data_levels[cache.element] = [cache] ins_levels: Dict["MicroarchitectureElement", List[Cache]] = {} for cache in first_ins_levels: ins_levels[cache.element] = [cache] current_level = 2 next_data_levels = [ cache for cache in caches if cache.level == current_level and cache.contains_data ] next_ins_levels = [ cache for cache in caches if cache.level == current_level and cache.contains_instructions ] while len(next_data_levels + next_ins_levels) > 0: if len(next_data_levels) > 0: for element in data_levels: data_level = data_levels[element][-1] assert data_level.level == (current_level - 1) new_level = sorted(next_data_levels, key=lambda x, elem=element: x.element. closest_common_element(elem).depth)[-1] data_levels[element].append(new_level) if len(next_ins_levels) > 0: for element in ins_levels: ins_level = ins_levels[element][-1] assert ins_level.level == (current_level - 1) def my_key(elem): """ :param elem: :type elem: """ return elem.element.closest_common_element( element).depth new_level = sorted(next_ins_levels, key=my_key)[-1] ins_levels[element].append(new_level) current_level += 1 next_data_levels = [ cache for cache in caches if cache.level == current_level and cache.contains_data ] next_ins_levels = [ cache for cache in caches if cache.level == current_level and cache.contains_instructions ] self._data_levels = data_levels self._ins_levels = ins_levels
[docs] def get_data_hierarchy_from_element(self, element: MicroarchitectureElement): """ :param element: """ LOG.debug("Generating hierarchy from '%s'", element) rhierarchy = [ entry_level for entry_level in self._data_levels.values() if element in [cache.element for cache in entry_level] ] assert len(rhierarchy) == 1 LOG.debug("Hierarchy: '%s'", [str(elem) for elem in rhierarchy[0]]) return rhierarchy[0]
[docs] def get_instruction_hierarchy_from_element( self, element: MicroarchitectureElement): """ :param element: """ LOG.debug("Generating hierarchy from '%s'", element) rhierarchy = [ entry_level for entry_level in self._ins_levels.values() if element in [cache.element for cache in entry_level] ] assert len(rhierarchy) == 1 LOG.debug("Hierarchy: '%s'", [str(elem) for elem in rhierarchy[0]]) return rhierarchy[0]
[docs] def data_linesize(self): return self._data_levels[list( self._data_levels.keys())[0]][0].line_size