Source code for microprobe.utils.bin

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.utils.bin` definition module

This module implements the required features to interpret instructions in
binary codification and translate them into Microprobe internal represenation
of instruction, operands, labels and addreses.

The main elements of this module are the following:

- :class:`~.MicroprobeBinInstructionStream` objects to represent a binary
  stream of codified instructions
- :func:`~.interpret_bin` function validates the binary codification and
  translates them into internal Microprobe represenation of instructions and

# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Built-in modules
import atexit
import collections
import itertools
import math
import string
import re
from typing import List

# Third party modules
import cachetools

# Own modules
import microprobe.code.ins
from microprobe import MICROPROBE_RC
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeBinaryError, \
    MicroprobeCodeGenerationError, MicroprobeValueError, \
from import instruction_type_from_bin
from microprobe.utils.cache import read_default_cache_data, \
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.misc import Progress, \
    RejectingDict, int_to_twocs, twocs_to_int

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)

_BIN_CACHE_FILE = __file__ + ".bin"
_BIN_CACHE_SIZE = 16*1024
_BIN_CACHE_STATS = {'hit': 0, 'access': 0}
_CODE_CACHE_FILE = __file__ + ".code"
_CODE_CACHE_SIZE = 16*1024
_CODE_CACHE_STATS = {'hit': 0, 'access': 0}
_DATA_CACHE = RejectingDict()
_DATA_CACHE_LENGTHS: List[str] = []

__all__ = ["interpret_bin",
           "MicroprobeBinInstructionStream", ]

# Functions
[docs] def interpret_bin( code, target, fmt="hex", safe=None, single=False, little_endian=None, word_length=None ): """ Return the list of :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` objects that results from interpreting the *code* (a binary stream). The *target* object is used to validate the existence of the instruction and operands in the target. :param code: String to interpret :type code: :class:`~.str` object :param target: Target definition :type target: :class:`~.Target` object :return: A list of instructions, operands, labels, etc. resulting from interpreting the assembly :rtype: :class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition` :raise microprobe.exceptions.MicroprobeBinaryError: if something is wrong during the interpretation """ global _BIN_CACHE global _CODE_CACHE global _BIN_CACHE_USED global _CODE_CACHE_USED global _BIN_CACHE_SAVED global _CODE_CACHE_SAVED global _BIN_CACHE_SIZE global _CODE_CACHE_SIZE if _BIN_CACHE is None: try: _BIN_CACHE = cachetools.LRUCache(_BIN_CACHE_SIZE, getsizeof=None) if _BIN_CACHE_ENABLED: _BIN_CACHE = read_default_cache_data(_BIN_CACHE_FILE) except MicroprobeCacheError: _BIN_CACHE = cachetools.LRUCache(_BIN_CACHE_SIZE, getsizeof=None) if _CODE_CACHE is None: try: _CODE_CACHE = cachetools.LRUCache(_CODE_CACHE_SIZE, getsizeof=None) if _CODE_CACHE_ENABLED: _CODE_CACHE = read_default_cache_data(_CODE_CACHE_FILE) except MicroprobeCacheError: _CODE_CACHE = cachetools.LRUCache(_CODE_CACHE_SIZE, getsizeof=None) if safe is None: safe = MICROPROBE_RC['safe_bin'] if single: little_endian = False if fmt == "hex": word_length = int(math.ceil(len(code)/2)) elif fmt == "bin": word_length = int(math.ceil(len(code)/8)) else: raise MicroprobeBinaryError("Unknown format '%s'" % fmt) key = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (code, + target.isa.path, fmt, safe) if key in _CODE_CACHE and _CODE_CACHE_ENABLED: progress = Progress(len(code), msg="Bytes parsed:") code = [instrdef.copy() for instrdef in _CODE_CACHE[key]] _CODE_CACHE_STATS['access'] += 1 _CODE_CACHE_STATS['hit'] += 1 progress(increment=len(code)) del progress elif safe: code = _interpret_bin_code_safe( code, target, single, fmt=fmt, little_endian=little_endian, word_length=word_length ) if _CODE_CACHE_ENABLED: _CODE_CACHE_STATS['access'] += 1 _CODE_CACHE[key] = code[:] _CODE_CACHE_USED = True else: code = _interpret_bin_code( code, target, single, fmt=fmt, little_endian=little_endian, word_length=word_length ) if _CODE_CACHE_ENABLED: _CODE_CACHE_STATS['access'] += 1 _CODE_CACHE[key] = code[:] _CODE_CACHE_USED = True if (_BIN_CACHE_ENABLED and _BIN_CACHE_USED and not _BIN_CACHE_SAVED): atexit.register( write_default_cache_data_silent, _BIN_CACHE_FILE, _BIN_CACHE, data_reload=True ) atexit.register( _show_cache_stats, _BIN_CACHE_FILE, _BIN_CACHE_STATS ) _BIN_CACHE_SAVED = True if (_CODE_CACHE_ENABLED and _CODE_CACHE_USED and not _CODE_CACHE_SAVED): atexit.register( write_default_cache_data_silent, _CODE_CACHE_FILE, _CODE_CACHE, data_reload=True ) atexit.register( _show_cache_stats, _CODE_CACHE_FILE, _CODE_CACHE_STATS ) _CODE_CACHE_SAVED = True return code
def _interpret_bin_code( code, target, single, fmt="hex", little_endian=True, word_length=None ): instructions_and_params = collections.deque() binstream = MicroprobeBinInstructionStream( code, target, fmt=fmt, little_endian=little_endian, word_length=word_length ) while not binstream.empty(): bins, instr_type, operands = binstream.decode_next() instr_def = microprobe.code.ins.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition( instr_type, operands, None, None, bins, None, None ) instructions_and_params.append(instr_def) return list(instructions_and_params) def _interpret_bin_code_safe( code, target, single, fmt="hex", little_endian=None, word_length=None ): instructions_and_params = collections.deque() binstream = MicroprobeBinInstructionStream( code, target, fmt=fmt, _data_cache=True, little_endian=little_endian, word_length=word_length ) min_skip_length = min( [ins.format.length for ins in target.instructions.values()]) * 2 fmt = "0x%%0%dx" % min_skip_length while not binstream.empty(): try: bins, instr_type, operands = binstream.decode_next() instr_def = microprobe.code.ins.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition( instr_type, operands, None, None, bins, None, None ) instructions_and_params.append(instr_def) except MicroprobeBinaryError: if single: skip = binstream.skip_all() else: skip = binstream.skip(characters=min_skip_length) instr_type = instruction_type_from_bin(skip, target) instr_def = microprobe.code.ins.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition( instr_type, (), None, None, skip, None, None ) instructions_and_params.append(instr_def) if (_BIN_CACHE_ENABLED and ( != "raw" or len(binstream.lengths) == 1)): key = (fmt % int(skip, 16)).lower() _BIN_CACHE[] = ( fmt % int(skip, 16), instr_type, ()) return list(instructions_and_params) def _compute_target_lengths(target): """ :param target: :type target: """ instr_formats = set( ( instr.format for instr in target.instructions.values() ) ) lengths = set((instr_format.length for instr_format in instr_formats)) LOG.debug("Possible lengths: %s", lengths) return lengths def _interpret_bin_instr(instr_type, bin_instr): """ :param target: :type target: """ LOG.debug("Interpret bin instr: %s, %s", instr_type, hex(bin_instr)) operand_values = [] processed_bits = 0 for op_descriptor, field in zip( list(instr_type.operands.items()), instr_type.format.fields ): dummy_fieldname, op_descriptor = op_descriptor operand, dummy_io_def = op_descriptor processed_bits += field.size LOG.debug("Process field: %s, size: %d", field, field.size) LOG.debug("Process operand: %s", operand) LOG.debug("Processed bits: %d", processed_bits) if not field.default_show: LOG.debug("Skip, not shown") continue field_value = ( bin_instr >> ( ( (instr_type.format.length * 8) - processed_bits ) ) ) & ( (0b1 << field.size) - 1 ) LOG.debug("All: 0x%x", bin_instr) LOG.debug( "Shift bits: %d", (instr_type.format.length * 8) - processed_bits ) LOG.debug( "Shifted value: 0x%x", ( bin_instr >> ( ( (instr_type.format.length * 8) - processed_bits ) ) ) ) LOG.debug("Field size: %d", field.size) LOG.debug("Mask used: 0x%x", (0b1 << field.size) - 1) LOG.debug("Field value: %s", hex(field_value)) LOG.debug("Field value: %s", bin(field_value)) found = False if (operand.immediate or operand.address_relative or operand.address_absolute): LOG.debug("Immediate/Relative operand") oper_size_pairs = [(field_value, field.size, 0)] if operand.shift > 0: LOG.debug("Operand shifted by: %s", operand.shift) pair = ( field_value << operand.shift, field.size + operand.shift, operand.shift ) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if hasattr(operand, "step"): LOG.debug("Operand has a step of: %s", operand.step) for idx in [0, 1, 2]: if (int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - idx) < 0: continue pair = ( field_value << ( int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - idx ), field.size + int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - idx, (int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - idx) ) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if operand.shift > 0: LOG.debug( "Operand shifted/stepped: %s %s", operand.shift, operand.step ) pair = ( field_value << ( ( int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - 1 ) + operand.shift ), field.size + int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - 1 + operand.shift, ( ( int(math.log(operand.step, 2)) - 1 ) + operand.shift ) ) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if operand.address_relative or operand.address_absolute or ( not operand.address_relative and operand.min < 0 ): LOG.debug("C2 codification") new_pairs = [] for oper, size, shift in oper_size_pairs: new_pairs.append((twocs_to_int(oper, size), size, shift)) oper_size_pairs += new_pairs # # Handle special codifications # TODO: This should be moved to the architecture # back-ends # # MB field on POWERPC special_condition = False if in ["MB6", "ME6"]: LOG.debug("Special condition field 1") special_condition = True pair = ( ( (field_value >> 1) & 0b11111 ) | ( (field_value & 0b1) << 5 ), field.size, operand.shift ) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if in ["SH6_5"]: LOG.debug("Special condition field 2") special_condition = True pair = (field_value + 32, 6, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if in ["Dd0", "Dd2"]: special_condition = True pair = (0, field.size, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if in ['Dd1']: special_condition = True dd2_value = bin_instr & 0b1 dd0_value = (bin_instr >> 6) & (0b1111111111) value = (field_value << 1) value = value | dd2_value value = value | (dd0_value << 6) value = twocs_to_int(value, 16) pair = (value, 16, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if in ["dc", "dm"]: special_condition = True pair = (0, field.size, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if in ['dx']: special_condition = True dc_value = (bin_instr >> 6) & 0b1 dm_value = (bin_instr >> 2) & 0b1 value = field_value value = value | (dm_value << 5) value = value | (dc_value << 6) # value = twocs_to_int(value, 16) pair = (value, 7, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) # Z Fixes if in ["DH1", "DH2"]: LOG.debug("Special condition field 3") special_condition = True pair = (0, field.size, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) if in ["DL1", "DL2"]: LOG.debug("Special condition field 4") special_condition = True next_field_value = ( bin_instr >> ( ( (instr_type.format.length * 8) - (processed_bits + 8) ) ) ) & ( (0b1 << 8) - 1 ) pair = ( field_value | (next_field_value << field.size), field.size + 8, operand.shift ) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) pair = (twocs_to_int(pair[0], pair[1]), pair[1], pair[2]) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) # RISC-V fixes # List of immediate fixes which need to be performed riscv_fixes = { 'sb_imm7': ('sb_imm5', 13, True, '12|10:5;#13;4:1|11'), 's_imm7': ('s_imm5', 12, True, '11:5;#13;4:0'), 'uj_imm20': (None, 21, True, '20|10:1|11|19:12'), 'cw_imm3': ('c_imm2', 7, False, '#3;5:3;#3;2|6'), 'cd_imm3': ('c_imm2', 8, False, '#3;5:3;#3;7|6'), 'cb_imm5': ('c_imm3', 9, True, '#3;8|4:3;#3;7:6|2:1|5'), 'cw_imm5': ('c_imm1', 8, False, '#3;5;#5;4:2|7:6'), 'cd_imm5': ('c_imm1', 9, False, '#3;5;#5;4:3|8:6'), 'ci_imm5': ('c_imm1', 6, True, '#3;5;#5;4:0'), 'cu_imm5': ('c_imm1', 20, False, '#3;5;#5;4:0', 5), 'cs_imm5': ('c_imm1', 10, True, '#3;9;#5;4|6|8:7|5'), 'cls_imm5': ('c_imm1', 6, False, '#3;5;#5;4:0'), 'cw_imm6': (None, 8, False, '#3;5:2|7:6'), 'cd_imm6': (None, 9, False, '#3;5:3|8:6'), 'c_imm11': (None, 12, True, '#3;11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5'), 'cs_imm8': (None, 10, False, '#3;5:4|9:6|2|3') } zero_fields = [fix[0] for _, (_, fix) in enumerate(riscv_fixes.items())] def _parse_riscv_fix_field(fix): value = 0 src_pos = (instr_type.format.length * 8) - 1 segments = fix[3].split(';') for segment in segments: if segment.startswith('#'): src_pos -= int(segment[1:]) else: tokens = segment.split('|') for token in tokens: if ':' in token: start, end = map(int, token.split(':')) for dst_pos in range(start, end - 1, -1): bit = (bin_instr >> src_pos) & 1 value |= (bit << dst_pos) src_pos -= 1 else: bit = (bin_instr >> src_pos) & 1 dst_pos = int(token) value |= (bit << dst_pos) src_pos -= 1 if fix[2]: value = twocs_to_int(value, fix[1]) if len(fix) == 5 and (value >> fix[4]) > 0: value = (1 << fix[1]) + twocs_to_int(value, fix[4]+1) return value # Fields which will contain the actual value if in riscv_fixes: special_condition = True fix = riscv_fixes[] value = _parse_riscv_fix_field(fix) pair = (value, fix[1], operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) # Fields which will contain a 0 if in zero_fields: special_condition = True pair = (0, field.size, operand.shift) oper_size_pairs.append(pair) oper_size_pairs = list(set(oper_size_pairs)) LOG.debug("Possible operand values: %s", oper_size_pairs) valid_values = [] for operand_value, size, shift in oper_size_pairs: # Regular no shift valid = ( int(operand.codification(operand_value)) == field_value ) # C2 no shift valid = valid or ( int_to_twocs(operand_value, size + shift) == field_value ) # Regular shifted valid = valid or ( ( int(operand.codification(operand_value)) >> shift ) == field_value ) # C2 shifted valid = valid or ( ( int_to_twocs(operand_value, size + shift) >> shift ) == field_value ) # C2 shifted 2 valid = valid or ( ( int_to_twocs(operand_value >> shift, size - shift) ) == field_value ) valid = valid or special_condition if valid: LOG.debug("Codification matches") try: LOG.debug("Checking: %s", operand_value) LOG.debug("Operand: %s", operand) LOG.debug("Instruction type: %s", instr_type) operand.check(operand_value) valid_values.append(operand_value) found = True LOG.debug("Codification matches and valid value!") except MicroprobeValueError as exc: LOG.debug(exc) LOG.debug("Codification matches but not valid value") operand_values.append(set(valid_values)) else: LOG.debug("Non immediate operand") registers = [] for value in operand.values(): LOG.debug("Testing value: %s", value) if operand.codification(value) == "N/A": continue int_val = int(operand.codification(value)) valid = int_val == field_value if int_val > (2**field.size) - 1: mask = (2**field.size) - 1 valid = valid or (int_val & mask) == field_value valid = valid or ((int_val >> 1) & mask) == field_value # Handle POWERPC specific codification if ("SPR"): valid = ( ((int_val >> 5) & 0b11111) | ( (int_val & 0b11111) << 5 ) ) == field_value if in ['TP']: tmp_value = field_value << 0b1 tx_value = ((bin_instr >> 21) & 0b1) * 32 tmp_value = tx_value + tmp_value if operand.codification(value) == str(tmp_value): valid = True # Handle RISCV specific codification if in ['crs1', 'crs2', 'crd', 'fcrs1', 'fcrs2', 'fcrd']: valid = (int_val & 0b1000 and (int_val & 0b111) == field_value) if valid: try: operand.check(value) registers.append(value) LOG.debug("Adding value: %s", value) except MicroprobeValueError: LOG.debug("Codification matches but not valid value") registers = list(set(registers)) if len(registers) > 0: found = True operand_values.append(registers) if not found: return None LOG.debug("Operand values: %s", operand_values) return operand_values def _swap_bytes(original, little_endian=False): result = "" if not little_endian: return original # Pad with 0s on the left until having an even number of digits if (len(original) % 2 != 0): original = "0" + original while (len(original) > 0): original, result = original[:-2], result + original[-2:] return result def _normalize_code( code, fmt="hex", endianess_missmatch=False, word_length=None ): """ :param code: :type code: :param iformat: :type iformat: """ skip_character = " \n" skip_regex = '|'.join([c for c in skip_character]) if fmt == "hex": digit_list = string.hexdigits + skip_character elif fmt == "bin": digit_list = "01" + skip_character else: raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "Unknown format '%s'" % fmt ) if not isinstance(code, str): raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "Invalid input provided. Code is not a string" ) for character in code: if not isinstance(character, str): raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "Invalid input provided. Not character provided" ) if character not in digit_list: raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "Invalid input provided. Not hexadecimal number provided" ) code = "".join([char for char in code if char not in skip_character]) if endianess_missmatch: LOG.debug("Fixing missmatch between input data and target's endianess") assert word_length is not None n = word_length * 2 words = [(code[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(code), n)] code = "" for word in words: code += _swap_bytes(word, True) if fmt == "hex": return code elif fmt == "bin": return "".join( [ hex(int(code[elem:elem + 4], 2))[ 2: ] for elem in range(0, len(code), 4) ] ) # Classes
[docs] class MicroprobeBinInstructionStream(object): """ """
[docs] def __init__( self, code, target, fmt="hex", _data_cache=False, little_endian=None, word_length=None ): """ :param code: :type code: :param target: :type target: """ self._little_endian = target.little_endian if little_endian is not None: self._stream_little_endian = little_endian else: self._stream_little_endian = target.little_endian endianess_missmatch = self._little_endian != self._stream_little_endian self._code = _normalize_code( code, fmt=fmt, endianess_missmatch=endianess_missmatch, word_length=word_length ) self._fmt = fmt self._target = target self._index = 0 self._data_cache = _data_cache self._lengths = list(sorted(_compute_target_lengths(target), reverse=True)) self._progress = Progress(len(self._code), msg="Bytes parsed:")
[docs] def empty(self): """ """ return self._index >= len(self._code)
@property def lengths(self): return self._lengths
[docs] def skip(self, characters=2): self._index += characters self._progress(increment=characters) assert self._index % 2 == 0 bin_str = self._code[self._index - characters:self._index] if self._little_endian: bin_str = _swap_bytes(bin_str, self._little_endian) return bin_str
[docs] def skip_all(self): pindex = self._index self._index += len(self._code) self._progress(increment=len(self._code)-pindex) assert self._index % 2 == 0 bin_str = self._code[pindex:self._index] if self._little_endian: bin_str = _swap_bytes(bin_str, self._little_endian) return bin_str
[docs] def decode_next(self): """ """ global _BIN_CACHE global _BIN_CACHE_USED if self.empty(): raise MicroprobeBinaryError("Binary stream finished") LOG.debug("Index %s : value: %s", self._index, self._code[self._index:self._index + 16]) bin_str = None if self._data_cache and _DATA_CACHE_ENABLED: for length in sorted(_DATA_CACHE_LENGTHS, reverse=True): bin_str = self._code[self._index:(self._index + length)] if bin_str in _DATA_CACHE: self._index += length self._progress(increment=length) LOG.debug("%s in data cache" % bin_str) return bin_str, None, None LOG.debug("Not found in data cache") matches = [] max_size = max(self._lengths) * 2 for length in self._lengths: LOG.debug("Trying length: %d", length) if self._index == 0 and len(self._code) < (length * 2): LOG.debug("Short bin string without leading zeros, skipping.") continue elif self._index + length * 2 > len(self._code): LOG.debug("Skipping length %s ...", length) continue bin_str = self._code[self._index:self._index + max_size] bin_str = bin_str[0:length * 2] if self._little_endian: bin_str = _swap_bytes(bin_str, self._little_endian) bin_int = int(bin_str, 16) fmt = "0x%%0%dx" % (length * 2) bin_str = fmt % bin_int if ( + self._target.isa.path+bin_str in _BIN_CACHE and _BIN_CACHE_ENABLED): add = _BIN_CACHE[ + self._target.isa.path + bin_str][1].format.length * 2 self._index += add self._progress(increment=add) LOG.debug("%s in code cache" % bin_str) _BIN_CACHE_STATS['access'] += 1 _BIN_CACHE_STATS['hit'] += 1 # # Return always the largest match in cache # return _BIN_CACHE[ + self._target.isa.path + bin_str ] LOG.debug("Looking for length: %d", length) matches += [ (instr_type, bin_int) for instr_type in self._target.instructions.values() if instr_type.format.length == length and instr_type.match( bin_int ) ] LOG.debug("Current matches: %s", matches) if len(matches) == 0: raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "Unable to interpret the binary provided: %s" % bin_str ) if len(set([match[0].format.length for match in matches])) > 1: raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "Multiple instructions with multiple lengths found" ) possible_match_operands = [] for instr_type, bin_int in matches: LOG.debug("Instruction type: %s", instr_type) operands = _interpret_bin_instr(instr_type, bin_int) LOG.debug("Operands: %s", operands) if operands is not None: for elem in itertools.product(*operands): possible_match_operands.append((bin_int, instr_type, elem)) if len(possible_match_operands) == 0: raise MicroprobeBinaryError( "No variants found when processing: %s" % [hex(elem2) for dummy, elem2 in matches] ) for bin_int, instr_type, operand_values in possible_match_operands: instruction = microprobe.code.ins.Instruction() instruction.set_arch_type(instr_type) LOG.debug( "Check match: %s : Values: %s",, operand_values) try: for operand, value in zip( instruction.operands(), operand_values ): operand.set_value(value) codification = int(instruction.binary(), 2) if bin_int == codification: LOG.debug("Match found") add = instr_type.format.length * 2 self._index += add fmt = "0x%%0%dx" % (add) self._progress(increment=add) assert self._index % 2 == 0 assert int( fmt % bin_int, 16) == bin_int, (hex(bin_int), fmt) if _BIN_CACHE_ENABLED and != "raw": key = (fmt % bin_int).lower() _BIN_CACHE[ + self._target.isa.path + key ] = ( fmt % bin_int, instr_type, operand_values ) _BIN_CACHE_STATS['access'] += 1 _BIN_CACHE_USED = True return (fmt % bin_int, instr_type, operand_values) except MicroprobeValueError: LOG.debug("Skip match") continue except MicroprobeCodeGenerationError: LOG.debug("Skip match") continue raise MicroprobeBinaryError("No candidates found for %s", hex(bin_int))
def _show_cache_stats(cache_file, cache_stats): ratio = (1.0 * cache_stats['hit'] / cache_stats['access']) * 100 LOG.debug( "Cache %s stats: %d / %d (%2.2f%%)", cache_file, cache_stats['hit'], cache_stats['access'], ratio )