Source code for microprobe.utils.cache

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.utils.cache` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Built-in modules
import os.path
import pickle

# Third party modules
import cachetools
import fasteners

# Own modules
from microprobe import MICROPROBE_RC
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeCacheError
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [
    "update_cache_needed", "read_default_cache_data", "read_cache_data",
    "write_default_cache_data", "write_cache_data", "cache_file",
    "rm_default_cache_data", "rm_cache_data"

# Functions
[docs] def update_cache_needed(filenames, cachefile=None): """Returns True if the cache file needs to be updated. :param filenames: :param cachefile: (Default value = None) """ for filename in filenames: if cachefile is None: current_cachename = cache_file(filename) else: current_cachename = cachefile if not os.path.isfile(current_cachename): return True file_time = os.path.getmtime(filename) cache_time = os.path.getmtime(current_cachename) if file_time > cache_time: return True if MICROPROBE_RC['no_cache']:"Cache disabled") return True if MICROPROBE_RC['debug']: LOG.warning("Cache disabled for debugging") return True return False
[docs] def read_default_cache_data(filename): """Reads data from a default cache file. :param filename: """ cachename = cache_file(filename) return read_cache_data(cachename)
[docs] def read_cache_data(cachename): """Reads data from a cache file. :param cachename: """ lock = fasteners.InterProcessReaderWriterLock(cachename + ".lock") try: with lock.read_lock(): LOG.debug("Reading cache file: %s", cachename) try: with open(cachename, 'rb') as cache_fd: try: data = pickle.load(cache_fd) except pickle.PickleError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except EOFError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except AttributeError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except TypeError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except ValueError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except ModuleNotFoundError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except IOError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except PermissionError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except IOError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) return data
[docs] def write_default_cache_data(filename, data, data_reload=False): """Writes data to a cache file. :param filename: :param data: """ cachename = cache_file(filename) write_cache_data(cachename, data, data_reload=data_reload)
[docs] def write_default_cache_data_silent(filename, data, data_reload=False): """Writes data to a cache file. :param filename: :param data: """ try: write_default_cache_data(filename, data, data_reload=data_reload) except MicroprobeCacheError: pass
[docs] def write_cache_data(filename, data, data_reload=False): """Writes data to a cache file. :param filename: :param data: """ LOG.debug("Writing cache file: %s", filename) if data_reload: try: base_data = read_cache_data(filename) except MicroprobeCacheError as exc: base_data = None if base_data is not None: if type(base_data) is not type(data): pass if isinstance(base_data, dict): # TODO: Control cache size of dictionary caches data.update(base_data) elif isinstance(base_data, cachetools.LRUCache): pass else: raise NotImplementedError lock = fasteners.InterProcessReaderWriterLock(filename + ".lock") try: if lock.acquire_write_lock(timeout=10): try: with open(filename, 'wb') as cache_fd: pickle.dump( data, cache_fd, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) except IOError: # Unable to create cache files, disabling cache MICROPROBE_RC['no_cache'] = True except pickle.PickleError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except EOFError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except PermissionError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc) except IOError as exc: raise MicroprobeCacheError(exc)
[docs] def cache_file(filename): """Given a file, returns it's cache file name. :param filename: """ dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) my_cache_file = os.path.join( os.path.normpath(dirname), ".%s.cache" % basename ) return my_cache_file
[docs] def rm_default_cache_data(filename): """Removes default cache file. :param filename: """ cachename = cache_file(filename) rm_cache_data(cachename)
[docs] def rm_cache_data(cachename): """Removes a cache file. :param cachename: """ LOG.debug("Removing cache file: %s", cachename) os.remove(cachename)
# Classes