Source code for microprobe.utils.misc

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.utils.misc` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Built-in modules
import bz2
import gzip
import itertools
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import timeit

# Third party modules

# Own modules
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger

from collections import OrderedDict

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [
    "natural_sort", "dict2OrderedDict", "RejectingDict",
    "RejectingOrderedDict", "Pickable", "primes", "closest_divisor",
    "smart_copy_dict", "findfiles", "RNDINT", "RNDFP", "twocs_to_int",
    "int_to_twocs", "iter_flatten", "which", "Progress",
    "range_to_sequence", "longest_common_substr", "open_generic_fd",
    "getnextf", "move_file", "compress_file"

_RND_SEED = 13  # My favorite number ;)
_RNDINT = random.Random()

_RNDFP = random.Random()

# Functions
[docs] def getnextf(itr): def next_function(): return next(itr) return next_function
[docs] def natural_sort(input_list): """ :param input_list: """ def convert(text): """ :param text: :type text: """ if text.isdigit(): return int(text) else: return text.lower() def alphanum_key(key): """ :param key: :type key: """ return [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)] return sorted(input_list, key=alphanum_key)
[docs] def dict2OrderedDict(my_dict): # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """ :param my_dict: """ odict = OrderedDict() for key in natural_sort(list(my_dict.keys())): odict[key] = my_dict[key] return odict
[docs] def twocs_to_int(val, bits): """compute the int value of a two compliment int""" assert len(bin(val)) - 2 <= bits, (val, bits) # check if it fits if (val & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0: # if sign bit is set -> 8bit: 128-255 val = val - (1 << bits) # compute negative value return val # return positive value as is
[docs] def int_to_twocs(val, bits): """compute the two compliment of a int""" # check if it fits if val < 0: assert len(bin(val)) - 3 <= bits else: assert len(bin(val)) - 2 <= bits, "%s - %s" % (bin(val), bits) return int(bin(val & int('0b' + '1' * bits, 2)), 2)
[docs] def shift_with_sign(val, bits, shift): """shift value extending sign in twocs format""" # check if it fits if val < 0: assert len(bin(val)) - 3 <= bits else: assert len(bin(val)) - 2 <= bits ormask = int('1' * shift + '0' * (bits - shift), 2) mask = int('1' * bits, 2) return ((val >> shift) | ormask) & mask
[docs] def primes(number): """ :param number: """ primfac = [] divisor = 2 while divisor * divisor <= number: while (number % divisor) == 0: # supposing you want multiple factors repeated primfac.append(divisor) number /= divisor divisor += 1 if number > 1: primfac.append(number) return primfac
[docs] def closest_divisor(target, closer): """ :param target: :param closer: """ mprimes = primes(int(target)) value = 1 for elem in reversed(mprimes): if value * elem > int(closer * 1.5): continue value = value * elem if value < (closer * 0.1): value = closer return value
[docs] def smart_copy_dict(olddict): """ :param olddict: """ new_dict = {} if isinstance(olddict, RejectingDict): new_dict = RejectingDict() for key, value in olddict.items(): if isinstance(key, list): key = key[:] elif isinstance(key, (dict, RejectingDict)): key = smart_copy_dict(key) if isinstance(value, list): value = value[:] elif isinstance(value, (dict, RejectingDict)): value = smart_copy_dict(value) new_dict[key] = value return new_dict
[docs] def findfiles(paths, regexp, full=False, maxcount=10000): """ :param paths: :type paths: :param regexp: :type regexp: """ LOG.debug("Start find files") LOG.debug("Paths: %s", paths) LOG.debug("Regexp: '%s'", regexp) results = [] re_obj = re.compile(regexp) path_seen = [] count = 0 for path in paths: if path in path_seen: continue all_files = os.walk(path) for base_path, dummy_dirnames, filenames in all_files: for filename in filenames: count += 1 if count > maxcount: LOG.warning( "Maximum number of files checked." " Stopping the search." ) break fullname = os.path.join(base_path, filename) if full: filename = fullname if fullname in results: continue if results.append(fullname) LOG.debug("File match: %s", results[-1]) if count > maxcount: break if count > maxcount: break path_seen.append(path) LOG.debug("End find files") return results
[docs] def RNDINT(maxmin=None): # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name """Returns a random integer between 0 and 2^32. """ if maxmin is None: return _RNDINT.randint(0, (2**64)) else: return _RNDINT.randint(*maxmin)
[docs] def RNDFP(x=0, y=1): # pylint: disable-msg=invalid-name """Returns a random floating point between x and y """ return _RNDFP.uniform(x, y)
[docs] def iter_flatten(iterable): """ :param iterable: :type iterable: """ iterator = iter(iterable) for element in iterator: if isinstance(element, (list, tuple)): for another_element in iter_flatten(element): yield another_element else: yield element
[docs] def range_to_sequence(start, *args): """ """ if len(args) > 2: raise NotImplementedError( "This function does not support more than 3 arguments") step = 1 if isinstance(start, str): start = int(start, 0) if len(args) > 0: end = args[0] if isinstance(end, str): end = int(end, 0) end = end + 1 else: return [start] if len(args) > 1: step = args[1] if isinstance(step, str): step = int(step, 0) retval = list( itertools.islice( itertools.count(start, step), (end - start + step - 1 + 2 * (step < 0)) // step ) ) if end - 1 not in retval: retval.append(end-1) return retval
[docs] def range_to_sequence_float(start, *args): """ """ if len(args) > 2: raise NotImplementedError( "This function does not support more than 3 arguments") step = 1 if isinstance(start, str): start = float(start, 0) if len(args) > 0: end = args[0] if isinstance(end, str): end = float(end, 0) end = end + 0.0000000000001 else: return [start] if len(args) > 1: step = args[1] if isinstance(step, str): step = float(step, 0) retval = [start] cval = start while (cval + step) < end: retval.append(cval + step) cval += step return retval
[docs] def which(program): """ :param program: :type program: """ def is_exe(fpath): """ :param fpath: :type fpath: """ return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) def ext_candidates(fpath): """ :param fpath: :type fpath: """ yield fpath for ext in os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep): yield fpath + ext fpath, dummy_fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) for candidate in ext_candidates(exe_file): if is_exe(candidate): return candidate return None
[docs] def longest_common_substr(str1, str2): """ :param str1: :type str1: :param str2: :type str2: """ if not str1 or not str2: return "" str1_char, str1_rest, str2_char, str2_rest = \ str1[0], str1[1:], str2[0], str2[1:] if str1_char == str2_char: return str1_char + longest_common_substr(str1_rest, str2_rest) else: return max( longest_common_substr(str1, str2_rest), longest_common_substr(str1_rest, str2), key=len)
# Classes
[docs] class RejectingDict(dict): """A dictionary that raise an exception if the key is already set. """ def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ :param key: :param value: """ if key in self: raise MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError( "Key '%s' is already present" % str(key) ) else: return super(RejectingDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] class RejectingOrderedDict(OrderedDict): """An ordered dictionary that raises an exception if key is already set. """ def __setitem__(self, key, value): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ :param key: :param value: """ if key in self: raise MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError( "Key '%s' is already present" % str(key) ) else: return super(RejectingOrderedDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] class Pickable(object): # pylint: disable-msg=R0903 """A helper class to implement the pickling interface. Objects that inherit from this class are automatically serialized/ deserialized to disk whenever is needed. Check what is 'pickle' in python for more details. """ def __getstate__(self): """ """ return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): """ :param state: """ self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] class Progress(object): # pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods """A counting progress indicator."""
[docs] def __init__(self, total, msg="", out=sys.stderr): """ :arg total: Objective progress count. :type total: int :arg msg: Message to prefix to the progress indicator. :type msg: str :arg out: Output file. :type out: file """ self._total = total self._msg = msg self._count = 0 self._fd = out self._fmt = " %%s %%%%%dd / %%d (%%%%2.1f/100) " \ "ETA: %%%%s \r" % (len(str(self._total)) ) self._fmt = self._fmt % (msg, self._total) self._start = timeit.default_timer() self._eta = "???" self._skip_delete = False self._module = 0
def __call__(self, increment=1): """Increment the progress indicator by *increment*.""" self._count += increment if (self._total / 100) == 0: return module = self._count % (self._total / 100) required_time = 0 if module < self._module: time_per_increment = ( timeit.default_timer() - self._start ) / self._count required_time = time_per_increment * (self._total - self._count) minut, sec = divmod(required_time, 60) hour, minut = divmod(minut, 60) self._eta = "%dh:%02dm:%02ds" % (hour, minut, sec) self._module = module if required_time > 1: self._fd.write( self._fmt % ( self._count, ( (float(self._count) / self._total) ) * 100, self._eta ) ) def __del__(self): """Delete the progress indicator from screen.""" if self._total < 100: return length = len(self._fmt % (0, 0, 0)) self._fd.write((" " * length) + "\r") total_time = timeit.default_timer() - self._start minut, sec = divmod(total_time, 60) hour, minut = divmod(minut, 60) if minut > 1: time_str = "%s Elapsed time: %dh:%02dm:%02ds\n" % \ (self._msg, hour, minut, sec) self._fd.write(time_str)
[docs] def open_generic_fd(filename, mode): if filename.endswith(".gz"): if 'b' not in mode: mode += 'b' fd =, mode, compresslevel=9) elif filename.endswith(".bz2"): if 'b' not in mode: mode += 'b' fd = bz2.BZ2File(filename, mode, compresslevel=9) else: fd = open(filename, mode) return fd
[docs] def compress_file(source): move_file(source, source+".gz")
[docs] def move_file(source, target): sfd = open_generic_fd(source, 'rb') tfd = open_generic_fd(target, 'wb') # tfd.write("".join(sfd.readlines()).encode()) tfd.writelines(sfd) sfd.close() tfd.close() os.remove(source)