Source code for microprobe.utils.mpt

# Copyright 2011-2021 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""":mod:`microprobe.utils.mpt` module


# Futures
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Built-in modules
import abc
import ast
import copy
import collections
import io
import os
import re
import configparser

# Third party modules

# Own modules
from microprobe.code.var import VariableSingle
from microprobe.exceptions import MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError, \
    MicroprobeMPTFormatError, MicroprobeValueError
from microprobe.utils.asm import MicroprobeAsmInstructionDefinition
from microprobe.utils.imp import get_all_subclasses
from microprobe.utils.logger import get_logger
from microprobe.utils.misc import RNDFP, RNDINT, \
    OrderedDict, Progress, RejectingOrderedDict, open_generic_fd

# Constants
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
__all__ = [
    # "MicroprobeTestRawDefinition",

# Functions
def _normalize_variable(definition):

    definition = definition.upper()
    definition = definition.strip()
    definition = definition.replace('\t', ' ')
    definition = re.sub(r'\( +', r'(', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r' +\)', r')', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r' +\(', r'(', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r'\) +', r')', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r'\[ +', r'[ ', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r' +\]', r' ]', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r' +\[', r'[ ', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r'\] +', r' ]', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r',', r', ', definition)
    definition = re.sub(r' +', r' ', definition)
    definition = definition.replace(' NONE,', ' None,')
    definition = definition.replace(' NONE ]', ' None ]')
    definition = re.sub(", [0]+([0-9])", ", \\1", definition)

    return definition

def _parse_raw(name, value):
    name = name.upper()
    value = value.replace("\t", " ")
    return (name, value)

def _parse_literal(name, value):
    name = name.upper()
    value = value.replace("\t", " ")
    return (name, ast.literal_eval(value))

def _parse_value(value):
    value = value.replace("\t", " ")
    value = ast.literal_eval(value)
    return value

def _parse_decorators(contents):
    contents = contents.replace("\t", " ")
    return contents.strip() + ' '

[docs] def mpt_configuration_factory(version=None): if version is None: return MicroprobeTestDefinitionDefault() elif version == '0.5': return MicroprobeTestDefinitionV0x5() else: raise MicroprobeValueError( "Unknown MPT version '%s' requested" % version )
[docs] def mpt_parser_factory(version=None): if version is None: return MicroprobeTestParserDefault() elif version == '0.5': return MicroprobeTestParserV0x5() else: raise MicroprobeValueError( "Unknown MPT version '%s' requested" % version )
[docs] def mpt_shift(definition, start, end, shift): addresses = [elem.address for elem in definition.code] addresses += [elem.address for elem in definition.variables] addresses += [definition.default_code_address] addresses += [definition.default_data_address] addresses = [addr for addr in addresses if addr is not None] if not [elem for elem in addresses if elem >= start and elem <= end]: LOG.debug("Shift not needed") return addresses = [] for instruction in definition.code: if instruction.address is not None: addresses.append(instruction.address) instruction.address = instruction.address + shift for variable in definition.variables: if variable.address is not None: addresses.append(variable.address) variable.address = variable.address + shift if definition.default_code_address is not None: addresses.append(definition.default_code_address) definition.set_default_code_address( definition.default_code_address + shift) if definition.default_data_address is not None: addresses.append(definition.default_data_address) definition.set_default_data_address( definition.default_data_address + shift) maxf = 0 found = False while not found: mask = "F" * maxf + "0" * (16 - maxf) mask = int(mask, 16) paddress = set([elem & mask for elem in addresses]) if 0 not in paddress: found = True addresses = paddress break maxf = maxf + 1 for register in definition.registers: if register.value != 0: if register.value & mask in addresses: register.value = register.value + shift for variable in definition.variables: if variable.var_type != "uint8_t": continue for idx in range(0, variable.num_elements, 8): idx_st = idx idx_end = idx + 8 val = "".join(["%02x" % elem for elem in variable.init_value[idx_st:idx_end]]) val = int("0x" + val, 16) if val == 0: continue if val & mask in addresses: newval = val + shift valstr = "%016x" % newval for elem in range(0, 8): valsstr = valstr[2 * elem:2 * (elem + 1)] variable.init_value[idx_st + elem] = int(valsstr, 16)
[docs] def variable_to_test_definition(variable): if isinstance(variable, VariableSingle): return MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition(, variable.type, 1, variable.address, variable.align, variable.value ) else: return MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition(, variable.type, variable.elems, variable.address, variable.align, variable.value )
# Classes
[docs] class MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition(object):
[docs] def __init__( self, name, var_type, num_elements, address, alignment, init_value): = name self.var_type = var_type self.num_elements = num_elements self.address = address self.alignment = alignment self.init_value = init_value
def __iter__(self): yield yield self.var_type yield self.num_elements yield self.address yield self.alignment yield self.init_value
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __str__(self): address = self.address if address is not None: address = hex(self.address) return "MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (, self.var_type, str(self.num_elements), address, str(self.alignment) ) def __repr__(self): address = self.address if address is not None: address = hex(self.address) return "MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (, self.var_type, str(self.num_elements), address, str(self.alignment) )
[docs] class MicroprobeTestRegisterDefinition(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __str__(self): return "MicroprobeTestRegisterDefinition(%s, %s)" % (, self.value) def __repr__(self): return "MicroprobeTestRegisterDefinition(%s, %s)" % (, self.value)
[docs] class MicroprobeTestMemoryAccessDefinition(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, dtype, rw, address, length): self.data_type = dtype self.access_type = rw self.address = address self.length = length assert isinstance(length, int)
[docs] def to_str(self): return "%s %s 0X%016X %03d" % (self.data_type, self.access_type, self.address, self.length)
def __str__(self): return "MemoryAccess(%s, %s, 0X%016X, %03d" % ( self.data_type, self.access_type, self.address, self.length)
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] class MicroprobeTestDefinition(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract class to represent a Microprobe Test configuration."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self): """ """ pass
@abc.abstractproperty def default_data_address(self): """Default data section address (::class:`` ).""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def default_code_address(self): """Default code section address (::class:`` ).""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def variables(self): """List of declared variables (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition`) """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def code(self): """List of declared variables (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition`)""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def registers(self): """List of declared variables (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeTestRegisterDefinition`)""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def raw(self): """List of declared raw definition (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.str`)""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def state(self): """State contents file (::class:`~.str` ).""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def dat_mappings(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def dat_properties(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def roi_ins(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def roi_cyc(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def roi_memory_access_trace(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def instruction_count(self): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def cycle_count(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_default_code_address(self, value): """Set the default code address to value""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_default_data_address(self, value): """Set the default code address to value""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_variable_definition(self, definition): """Register a new variable definition.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_register_definition(self, definition): """Register a new register definition.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_register_definition(self, definition): """Update a register definition.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_instruction_definitions(self, definitions): """Register new instruction definitions.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_raw_definition(self, name, value): """Register new raw definition.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_dat_mapping(self, mapping): """Register new DAT mapping.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_dat_property(self, prop, value): """Register new DAT property.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_roi_ins(self, value): """Set region of interest (in instruction)""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_roi_cyc(self, value): """Set region of interest (in cycles)""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_roi_memory_access_trace(self, value): """Set memory access trace""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_instruction_count(self, value): """Set instruction count""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_cycle_count(self, value): """Set cycle count""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_state(self, state): """Set state file""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MicroprobeTestDefinitionDefault(MicroprobeTestDefinition): """Class to represent a Microprobe Test configuration (default impl.)""" version = 0.
[docs] def __init__(self): super(MicroprobeTestDefinitionDefault, self).__init__() self._default_code_address = None self._default_data_address = None self._code = [] self._variables = [] self._registers = [] self._raw = {} self._dat = [] self._dat_prop = RejectingOrderedDict() self._roi_cyc = None self._roi_ins = None self._roi_memory_access_trace = [] self._instruction_count = None self._cycle_count = None self._state = None
@property def default_data_address(self): """Default data section address (::class:`` ).""" return self._default_data_address @property def default_code_address(self): """Default code section address (::class:`` ).""" return self._default_code_address @property def variables(self): """List of declared variables (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition`) """ return self._variables @property def code(self): """List of declared variables (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeInstructionDefinition`)""" return self._code @property def registers(self): """List of declared variables (:class:`~.list` of :class:`~.MicroprobeTestRegisterDefinition`)""" return self._registers @property def state(self): """State contents file (::class:`~.str` ).""" return self._state @property def raw(self): return self._raw @property def dat_mappings(self): return self._dat @property def dat_properties(self): return self._dat_prop @property def roi_ins(self): return self._roi_ins @property def roi_cyc(self): return self._roi_cyc @property def roi_memory_access_trace(self): return self._roi_memory_access_trace @property def instruction_count(self): return self._instruction_count @property def cycle_count(self): return self._cycle_count
[docs] def set_default_code_address(self, value): """Set the default code address to value""" self._default_code_address = value
[docs] def set_default_data_address(self, value): """Set the default code address to value""" self._default_data_address = value
[docs] def register_variable_definition(self, definition): """Register a new variable definition.""" self._variables.append(definition)
[docs] def set_variables_definition(self, definitions): """Register a new set of variable definitions.""" self._variables = definitions
[docs] def update_register_definition(self, definition): """Update a register definition.""" self._registers = [elem for elem in self._registers if !=] self._registers.append(definition)
[docs] def register_register_definition(self, definition): """Register a new register definition.""" self._registers.append(definition)
[docs] def register_instruction_definitions(self, definitions, prepend=False): """Register new instruction definitions.""" if prepend: self._code = definitions + self._code else: self._code += definitions
[docs] def set_instruction_definitions(self, definitions): """Set new instruction definitions.""" self._code = definitions
[docs] def register_raw_definition(self, name, value): """Register a new raw definition.""" self._raw[name] = self._raw.get(name, '') + value
[docs] def register_dat_mapping(self, definition): """Register a new DAT mapping.""" if isinstance(definition, list): self._dat += definition[:] else: self._dat.append(definition)
[docs] def register_dat_property(self, prop, value): """Register a new DAT property.""" try: self._dat_prop[prop] = value except MicroprobeDuplicatedValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "DAT property '%s' specified twice" % prop )
[docs] def set_roi_ins(self, value): """Set region of interest (in instruction)""" if (value[0] >= value[1]): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Empty instruction region of interest range specified " "%s" % str(value) ) self._roi_ins = value
[docs] def set_roi_memory_access_trace(self, trace): """Set memory access trace""" if not trace: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Empty memory access trace" ) self._roi_memory_access_trace = trace
[docs] def set_roi_cyc(self, value): """Set region of interest (in cycles)""" if (value[0] >= value[1]): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Empty cycle region of interest range specified " "'%s'" % list(value) ) self._roi_cyc = value
[docs] def set_instruction_count(self, value): """Set instruction count""" self._instruction_count = value
[docs] def set_cycle_count(self, value): """Set cycle count""" self._cycle_count = value
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """Set state file""" self._state = state
[docs] class MicroprobeTestDefinitionV0x5(MicroprobeTestDefinitionDefault): """Class to represent a Microprobe Test configuration (v0.5)""" version = 0.5
[docs] class MicroprobeTestParser(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract class to represent a Microprobe Test configuration parser."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self): """ """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_filename(self, filename): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_contents(self, contents): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_variable(self, contents): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_register(self, contents): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parse_instruction(self, contents): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dump_mpt_config(self, mpt_config, filename): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MicroprobeTestParserDefault(MicroprobeTestParser): """Class to represent a Microprobe Test configuration parser.""" version = 0.5
[docs] def __init__(self): """ """ super(MicroprobeTestParserDefault, self).__init__() self._configparser_cls = configparser.SafeConfigParser self._configparser_default = {} self._configparser_dict = OrderedDict self._files_readed = RejectingOrderedDict() self._filename = None self._definition_class = None
[docs] def parse_filename(self, filename): """ """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) LOG.debug("Start parsing microprobe test file: '%s'", filename) self._filename = filename self._basepath = os.path.dirname(filename) self._files_readed[filename] = 0 contents = self._read_file_contents(filename) contents = self._expand(contents) try: parser = self._parse_contents(contents) except configparser.ParsingError as exc: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( exc.message.replace( "???", filename ) ) self._check_sections(parser) # Check version number for the parser try: required_version = float(parser.get("MPT", "mpt_version")) except AttributeError as exc: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to process the" " mpt_version string" ) except ValueError as exc: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "mpt_version should be a numerical" " value" ) LOG.debug("Required version: '%s'", required_version) definition = [ definition_class for definition_class in get_all_subclasses( MicroprobeTestDefinition ) if definition_class.version == required_version ] if len(definition) == 0: versions = [ definition_class.version for definition_class in get_all_subclasses( MicroprobeTestDefinition ) ] raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to find the specified test definition for " "mpt_version: %s. Valid versions: %s" % (required_version, versions) ) elif len(definition) > 1: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple test format definitions for mpt_version: %s" % required_version ) assert len(definition) == 1 definition = definition[0] self._definition_class = definition if required_version != self.version: # Parse with an appropriate instance version parser = [ parser_class for parser_class in get_all_subclasses(MicroprobeTestParser) if parser_class.version == required_version ] if len(parser) == 1: return parser[0]().parse_contents(contents) elif len(parser) == 0: versions = [ parser_class.version for parser_class in get_all_subclasses( MicroprobeTestParser ) ] raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to find the specified parser for mpt_version: %s." " Valid versions: %s" % (required_version, versions) ) elif len(parser) > 1: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple parser definitions for mpt_version: %s" % required_version ) else: return self.parse_contents(contents)
[docs] def parse_instruction(self, contents): return contents
[docs] def parse_contents(self, contents): """ """ # Parse the contents LOG.debug("Start parsing contents: \n%s", contents) parser = self._parse_contents(contents) # Minimum format checks LOG.debug("Check sections") self._check_sections(parser) # Create the test definition object test_definition = self._definition_class() if parser.has_section("STATE"): LOG.debug("Parsing [STATE] section") items = parser.items("STATE") if "contents" in dict(items): content_path = dict(items)["contents"] if not os.path.isabs(content_path): content_path = os.path.join(self._basepath, content_path) if not os.path.isfile(content_path): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to find state content file:" " %s" % content_path ) test_definition.set_state(content_path) with open_generic_fd(content_path, "r") as content_file: lineno = 0 lines = content_file.readlines() progress = Progress( len(lines), msg="State lines parsed:" ) for line in lines: progress() if not isinstance(line, str): line = line.decode() words = line.split(";")[0].split() lineno += 1 # Empty line if len(words) == 0: continue prefix = words[0] if prefix == "R": if len(words) != 3: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse content file %s:%d: " "Bad register format" % (content_path, lineno) ) LOG.debug( "%s:%d: Register %s = %s" % (content_path, lineno, words[1], words[2])) name = words[1] value = words[2] try: register_definition = self.parse_register( (name.upper(), value) ) except SyntaxError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse content file %s:%d: " "Bad register format" % (content_path, lineno) ) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse content file %s:%d: " "Bad register format" % (content_path, lineno) ) if in [ for register in test_definition.registers ]: LOG.warning( "Register '%s' defined multiple times", name.upper() ) test_definition.update_register_definition( register_definition ) else: test_definition.register_register_definition( register_definition ) elif prefix == "M": if len(words) != 3: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse content file %s:%d: " "Bad memory format" % (content_path, lineno) ) address = words[1] data = words[2] var_name = "mem_" + address # TODO uint32_t instead? var_type = "uint8_t" var_chars = 2 var_align = None var_len = len(data) var_items = [ int(data[i:i + var_chars], 16) for i in range(0, var_len, var_chars) ] var_nelems = len(var_items) # TODO Show length LOG.debug( "%s:%d: Memory %s = [%d]", content_path, lineno, words[1], var_nelems ) var_def = MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition( var_name.upper().strip(), var_type, var_nelems, int(address, 16), var_align, var_items ) test_definition.register_variable_definition( var_def ) else: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse content file %s:%d: " "Unknown prefix '%s'" % (content_path, lineno, prefix) ) del progress # Populate the test definition object if parser.has_section("DATA"): LOG.debug("Parsing [DATA] section") items = parser.items("DATA") for name, value in items: value = value.replace("\t", " ") LOG.debug("Parsing '%s = %s'", name, value) try: if name == "default_address": if test_definition.default_data_address is not None: LOG.warning( "default address of '[DATA]' specified" " at least twice" ) test_definition.set_default_data_address( _parse_value(value) ) else: variable_definition = self.parse_variable( (name, value) ) test_definition.register_variable_definition( variable_definition ) except SyntaxError: LOG.critical("Syntax error") raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line '%s = %s' in " "section [DATA] of file: '%s'" % (name, value, self._filename) ) except ValueError: LOG.critical("Value error") raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line '%s = %s' in " "section [DATA] of file: '%s'" % (name, value, self._filename) ) if parser.has_section("REGISTERS"): LOG.debug("Parsing [REGISTERS] section") items = parser.items("REGISTERS") for name, value in items: LOG.debug("Parsing '%s = %s'", name.upper(), value) value = value.replace("\t", " ") try: register_definition = self.parse_register( (name.upper(), value) ) except SyntaxError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line '%s = %s' in " "section [REGISTERS] of file: '%s'" % (name, value, self._filename) ) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line '%s = %s' in " "section [REGISTERS] of file: '%s'" % (name, value, self._filename) ) # TODO Collides with registers in [STATE] if in [ for register in test_definition.registers ]: LOG.warning( "Register '%s' defined multiple times " " in [REGISTERS] section", name.upper() ) test_definition.update_register_definition( register_definition ) else: test_definition.register_register_definition( register_definition ) if parser.has_section("RAW"): LOG.debug("Parsing [RAW] section") items = parser.items("RAW") for name, value in items: value = value.replace("\t", " ") raw_definition = _parse_raw(name.upper(), value) if raw_definition[0] not in [ 'FILE_HEADER', 'FILE_FOOTER', 'CODE_HEADER', 'CODE_FOOTER' ]: LOG.warning( "Skipping RAW entry '%s' in [RAW] section", name.upper() ) continue if raw_definition[0] in [raw for raw in test_definition.raw]: LOG.warning( "RAW entry '%s' defined multiple times " " in [RAW] section. Appending.", name.upper() ) test_definition.register_raw_definition(*raw_definition) if parser.has_section("CODE"): LOG.debug("Parsing [CODE] section") items = parser.items("CODE") if "default_address" in dict(items): name = "default_address" value = dict(items)[name] value = value.replace("\t", " ") if test_definition.default_code_address is not None: LOG.warning( "default address of '[CODE]' specified" " at least twice" ) try: test_definition.set_default_code_address( _parse_value(value) ) except SyntaxError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line '%s = %s' in " "section [CODE] of file: '%s'" % (name, value, self._filename) ) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line '%s = %s' in " "section [CODE] of file: '%s'" % (name, value, self._filename) ) for name, value in items: LOG.debug("Parsing '%s = %s'", name, value) value = value.replace("\t", " ") if name in ["default_address"]: continue elif name == "instructions": if len(test_definition.code) > 0: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "'instructions' option in [CODE] section defined" " at least twice" ) instruction_definitions = self.parse_code( value, test_definition.default_code_address ) test_definition.register_instruction_definitions( instruction_definitions ) if parser.has_section("DAT"): LOG.debug("Parsing [DAT] section") items = parser.items("DAT") if "dat_raw" in dict(items): name = "dat_raw" value = dict(items)[name] value = value.replace("\t", " ") raw_definition = _parse_raw(name.upper(), value) test_definition.register_raw_definition( 'CODE_FOOTER', raw_definition[1] ) for name, value in items: value = value.replace("\t", " ") if name in ['dat_raw']: test_definition.register_dat_property(name, value) elif name == 'dat_map': dat_definition = _parse_literal(name, value) test_definition.register_dat_mapping(dat_definition[1]) elif name == 'dat_raw_parse': if value.strip().upper() == "TRUE": test_definition.register_dat_property(name, True) elif name == 'dat_raw_decorate': if value.strip().upper() == "TRUE": test_definition.register_dat_property(name, True) else: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unknown entry: '%s' in [DAT] section" % name ) if parser.has_section("TRACE"): LOG.debug("Parsing [TRACE] section") items = parser.items("TRACE") roi_start = None roi_end = None roi_start_cyc = None roi_end_cyc = None max_ins = None max_cyc = None memory_access_trace_path = None for name, value in items: if name == "roi_start_instruction": roi_start = _parse_value(value) elif name == "roi_end_instruction": roi_end = _parse_value(value) elif name == "instruction_count": max_ins = _parse_value(value) elif name == "roi_start_cycle": roi_start_cyc = _parse_value(value) elif name == "roi_end_cycle": roi_end_cyc = _parse_value(value) elif name == "cycle_count": max_cyc = _parse_value(value) elif name == "roi_memory_access_trace": memory_access_trace_path = value if not os.path.isabs(memory_access_trace_path): memory_access_trace_path = os.path.join( self._basepath, memory_access_trace_path) roi = None if roi_start is not None and roi_end is not None: roi = (roi_start, roi_end) if roi_start >= roi_end: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Region of interest (ROI) specified in [TRACE] " "section is empty. (instructions)" ) test_definition.set_roi_ins(roi) elif not (roi_start is None and roi_end is None): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Incomplete definition of the region of interest (roi)" " in [TRACE] section. Specify both: " "roi_start_instruction and roi_end_instruction keys." ) if max_ins is not None: test_definition.set_instruction_count(max_ins) if roi is not None: if (roi[1] - roi[0]) > max_ins: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Trace instruction_count does not cover " "the region of interest." ) roi_cyc = None if roi_start_cyc is not None and roi_end_cyc is not None: roi_cyc = (roi_start_cyc, roi_end_cyc) if roi_start_cyc >= roi_end_cyc: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Region of interest (ROI) specified in [TRACE] " "section is empty. (cycles)" ) test_definition.set_roi_cyc(roi_cyc) elif not (roi_start_cyc is None and roi_end_cyc is None): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Incomplete definition of the region of interest (roi)" " in [TRACE] section. Specify both: " "roi_start_cycle and roi_end_cycle keys." ) if max_cyc is not None: test_definition.set_cycle_count(max_cyc) if roi_cyc is not None: if (roi_cyc[1] - roi_cyc[0]) > max_cyc: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Trace cycle_count does not cover " "the region of interest." ) if memory_access_trace_path is not None: memtrace = [] if not os.path.isfile(memory_access_trace_path): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Trace '%s' not found" % memory_access_trace_path ) with open_generic_fd(memory_access_trace_path, "r") as \ content_file: lineno = 0 lines = content_file.readlines() progress = Progress( len(lines), msg="Memory access trace lines parsed:" ) for line in lines: progress() if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode() # Remove comments words = line.split(";")[0].split() lineno += 1 # Empty line if len(words) == 0: continue if len(words) != 4: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse trace file %s:%d: " "Bad number of words in format" % (memory_access_trace_path, lineno) ) dtype, rw, address, length = words if dtype not in ['D', 'I']: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse trace file %s:%d: " "Unknown data type '%d'." "Only 'D' or 'I' types allowed" % (memory_access_trace_path, lineno, dtype) ) if rw not in ['R', 'W']: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse trace file %s:%d: " "Unknown access type '%d'." "Only 'R'or 'W' access type allowed" % (memory_access_trace_path, lineno, rw) ) try: address = int(address, 16) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse trace file %s:%d: " "Invalid address." % (memory_access_trace_path, lineno) ) try: length = int(length, 10) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse trace file %s:%d: " "Invalid length." % (memory_access_trace_path, lineno) ) memtrace.append( MicroprobeTestMemoryAccessDefinition( dtype, rw, address, length ) ) del progress test_definition.set_roi_memory_access_trace(memtrace) return test_definition
# def _parse_dat(self, dat_str): # logical = "LOGICAL[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9A-F]+" # hostabs = "HOSTABS[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9A-F]+" # asce = "ASCE[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9A-F]+" # print dat_str # print re.findall(logical, dat_str) # print re.findall(hostabs, dat_str) # print re.findall(asce, dat_str) # exit(-1)
[docs] def parse_variable(self, contents): """ """ name, definition = contents definition = _normalize_variable(definition) LOG.debug("Normalized variable definition: '%s'", definition) rndfp = False rndint = False if len(re.findall(" RNDFP ", definition)) > 0: definition = definition.replace(" RNDFP ", " None ") rndfp = True if len(re.findall(" RNDINT ", definition)) > 0: definition = definition.replace(" RNDINT ", " None ") rndint = True LOG.debug("Parsing variable definition: '%s'", definition) definition_elements = ast.literal_eval(definition) if rndfp: definition_elements[4] = RNDFP if rndint: definition_elements[4] = RNDINT return MicroprobeTestVariableDefinition( name.upper().strip(), definition_elements[0], definition_elements[1], definition_elements[2], definition_elements[3], definition_elements[4] )
[docs] def parse_register(self, contents): """ """ name, value = contents value = _parse_value(value) return MicroprobeTestRegisterDefinition(name, value)
[docs] def parse_code(self, contents, base_address): """ """ LOG.debug("Start parsing code") if base_address is None: base_address = 0 instruction_definitions = collections.deque() content_lines = contents.split("\n") current_label = None current_address = None current_decorator = ' ' comments = [] progress = Progress(len(content_lines), msg="Code lines parsed:") for line in content_lines: progress() LOG.debug("Parse line: '%s'", line) line = line.replace("\t", " ") if line.strip().startswith("#"): LOG.debug("Skip comment line") continue if line.strip() == "": LOG.debug("Skip empty line") continue if (line + ";").split(";")[1] != '': comments.append((line + ";").split(";")[1]) line = line.split(";")[0] LOG.debug("Clean line: '%s'", line) if line.find(":") < 0: LOG.debug("Instruction/decorator alone detected") ins_def = MicroprobeAsmInstructionDefinition( self.parse_instruction(line.split('@')[0].strip()), current_label, current_address, _parse_decorators( current_decorator + ( line + '@' ).split('@')[1].strip() ), comments ) if ins_def.assembly != "": instruction_definitions.append(ins_def) current_label = None current_address = None comments = [] current_decorator = ' ' LOG.debug(ins_def) else: current_decorator = _parse_decorators( current_decorator + ( line + '@' ).split('@')[1].strip() ) elif len(line.split(":")) == 2: LOG.debug("Prefix detected") address_label = line.split(":")[0].strip() assembly = line.split(":")[1].split('@')[0].strip() decorators = (line.split(":")[1] + '@').split('@')[1].strip() LOG.debug("Prefix: '%s'", address_label) LOG.debug("Assembly: '%s'", assembly) LOG.debug("Decorators: '%s", decorators) sline = address_label.split() label = None label_parsed = False address = None address_parsed = False address_relative = False LOG.debug("Parsing prefix: '%s'", sline) for elem in sline: LOG.debug("Parsing prefix element: '%s'", elem) # TODO: Optimize this case switch if elem.startswith("<") and elem.endswith(">"): LOG.debug("Label detected") label = elem[1:-1] if label_parsed: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple labels specified for the same " "region of code (line:'%s', file:'%s'" % (line, self._filename) ) label_parsed = True elif elem.isdigit(): LOG.debug("Decimal absolute address detected") address = int(elem) if address_parsed: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple addresses specified for the same " "region of code (line:'%s', file:'%s'" % (line, self._filename) ) address_parsed = True address_relative = False elif elem.startswith("0x"): LOG.debug("Hex absolute address detected") try: address = int(elem, 16) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Wrong address '%s' format in line '%s' of" " file '%s'" % (elem, line, self._filename) ) if address_parsed: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple addresses specified for the same " "region of code (line:'%s', file:'%s'" % (line, self._filename) ) address_parsed = True address_relative = False elif elem[1:].isdigit() and elem[0] in ['-', '+']: LOG.debug("Decimal relative address detected") address = int(elem) if address_parsed: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple addresses specified for the same " "region of code (line:'%s', file:'%s'" % (line, self._filename) ) address_parsed = True address_relative = True elif elem[1:].startswith("0x") and elem[0] in ['-', '+']: LOG.debug("Hex relative address detected") try: address = int(elem, 16) except ValueError: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Wrong address '%s' format in line '%s' of" " file '%s'" % (elem, line, self._filename) ) if address_parsed: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple addresses specified for the same " "region of code (line:'%s', file:'%s'" % (line, self._filename) ) address_parsed = True address_relative = True else: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line: '%s' in '%s'. Check syntax" % (line, self._filename) ) if label is not None and current_label is not None: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple label definition to the same point: " "'%s' and '%s' in '%s'. Check syntax" % (label, current_label, self._filename) ) current_label = label if address is not None and current_address is not None: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Multiple address definition to the same point: " "'%s' and '%s' in '%s'. Check syntax" % (address, current_address, self._filename) ) current_address = address if current_address is not None and not address_relative: LOG.debug( "Computing absolute address: 0x%x", current_address ) current_address = current_address - base_address LOG.debug("Relative address: 0x%x", current_address) if assembly != "": ins_def = MicroprobeAsmInstructionDefinition( self.parse_instruction(assembly), current_label, current_address, _parse_decorators( current_decorator + decorators ), comments ) instruction_definitions.append(ins_def) current_label = None current_address = None comments = [] current_decorator = ' ' LOG.debug(ins_def) else: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Unable to parse line: '%s' in '%s'. Check syntax." % (line, self._filename) ) instruction_definitions = list(instruction_definitions) instruction_definitions = self._sort_by_instructions( instruction_definitions) return instruction_definitions
def _sort_by_instructions(self, instr_list): new_list = [] block_dict = {} last_address = None current_list = [] extra = 0 for instr in instr_list: if instr.address is not None: if (last_address in block_dict and current_list != block_dict[last_address]): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Same instruction address " "specified more than one time in the " "MPT file" ) if last_address in block_dict: extra += len(current_list) block_dict[last_address] = current_list last_address = instr.address current_list = [instr] continue current_list.append(instr) if current_list: if last_address in block_dict: extra += len(current_list) block_dict[last_address] = current_list if None in block_dict.keys(): new_list.extend(block_dict[None]) for address in sorted([elem for elem in block_dict.keys() if elem is not None]): new_list.extend(block_dict[address]) assert (len(instr_list) == (len(new_list) + extra)) if extra: LOG.warning( "MPT includes repeated code regions. Ignoring it" ) return new_list
[docs] def dump_mpt_config(self, mpt_config, filename): output_string = [] output_string.extend(self._dump_header()) output_string.extend(self._dump_registers(mpt_config.registers)) output_string.extend( self._dump_variables( mpt_config.default_data_address, mpt_config.variables ) ) output_string.extend( self._dump_code( mpt_config.default_code_address, mpt_config.code ) ) output_string.extend( self._dump_trace( filename, mpt_config.roi_ins, mpt_config.roi_cyc, mpt_config.instruction_count, mpt_config.cycle_count, mpt_config.roi_memory_access_trace ) ) output_string.extend( self._dump_state( mpt_config.state ) ) with open_generic_fd(filename, 'w') as ofd: ofd.write("\n".join(output_string))
def _dump_header(self): mstr = [] mstr.append("; Microprobe Test Definition File") mstr.append("[MPT]") mstr.append( "mpt_version = %s ; Format version of this MPT file." % str(self.version) ) mstr.append("") return mstr def _dump_registers(self, registers): # pylint: disable-msg=no-self-use mstr = [] mstr.append( "[REGISTERS] ; Section to specify the initial register values" ) mstr.append("") mstr.append("; Format: register = value. E.g.:") mstr.append("") mstr.append( "; Set GR0, GR1 and GR2 register to 0, 1, 2 values respectively" ) mstr.append(";GR0 = 0x0") mstr.append("") for register in registers: mstr.append("%-8s = 0x%016X" % (, register.value)) mstr.append("") return mstr def _dump_variables(self, default, variables): mstr = [] mstr.append("[DATA] ; Section to specify the variables") mstr.append("") mstr.append( "; Data section default address. Variables will be placed from " "this address" ) mstr.append("; if their address is not specified") mstr.append("") if default is not None: mstr.append("default_address = 0x%016x" % default) else: mstr.append(";default_address = 0x00200000") mstr.append("") mstr.append("; Variable Declaration") mstr.append( "; Format: var_name = [ \"type\", nelems, address, alignment, " "init_values ]" ) mstr.append("; where:") mstr.append( "; - \"type\": is a string specifying the type of elements in " "the variable" ) mstr.append("; - nelems: is the number of elements in the variable") mstr.append( "; - address : is the address of the variable, if set the " "address will be" ) mstr.append( "; fixed, otherwise, it will be computer by " "microprobe" ) mstr.append( "; - alignment : alignment requirements of the variable. " "It should not" ) mstr.append( "; conflict with address if specified. It can be " "set to None" ) mstr.append( "; - init_values : if it is a single value, all the elements" " will be" ) mstr.append( "; initialized to that value, if it is an " "array, elements" ) mstr.append( "; will be initialized to the values specified" " in a round-" ) mstr.append( "; robin fashion. Two special keywords can be " "specified:" ) mstr.append( "; RNDFP and RNDINT to initialize the elements" " to random FP" ) mstr.append("; and random INT values") mstr.append(";") mstr.append( "; Note that variable names ARE NOT case sensitive. I.e. " "VAR = Var = var" ) mstr.append("") for var in variables: mstr.append(self._dump_variable(var)) mstr.append("") return mstr def _dump_variable(self, var): # pylint: disable-msg=no-self-use address = "None" if var.address is not None: if isinstance(var.address, int): address = "0x%016X" % var.address else: assert var.address.base_address == "code" address = "0x%016X" % var.address.displacement alignment = "None" if var.alignment is not None: alignment = "0x%04X" % var.alignment values = "None" if var.init_value is not None: values = "%s" % var.init_value return "%s = [\"%s\", %08d, %s, %s, %s]" % (, var.var_type, var.num_elements, address, alignment, values ) def _dump_code(self, default, instructions): mstr = [] mstr.append("[CODE] ; Section to specify the code") mstr.append("") mstr.append( "; Code section default address. Code will be placed from this " "address" ) mstr.append("; if the instruction address is not specified") mstr.append("") if default is not None: mstr.append("default_address = 0x%016x" % default) else: mstr.append(";default_address = 0x00100000") mstr.append("") mstr.append( "; The code specified after 'instructions' entry (below) is the " "code that will be" ) mstr.append( "; processed by microprobe. The instruction format is similar to " "GNU assembler" ) mstr.append( "; format, it also allows the specification of labels (NOT case " "sensitive) and" ) mstr.append( "; references to the declared variables. It is also possible to " "specify instruction" ) mstr.append( "; addresses and to do code expansion by referencing other user" ) mstr.append( "; defined entries. Check the example below to see examples of " "these features." ) mstr.append(";") mstr.append( "; **************************************************************" "***************" ) mstr.append( "; ****** Although Microprobe performs some sanity checks, it " "is the ********" ) mstr.append( "; ****** responsibility of the user to define correct code. " " ********" ) mstr.append( "; ****** " " ********" ) mstr.append( "; *************************************************************" "****************" ) mstr.append("") mstr.append("instructions =") for instruction in instructions: mstr.extend(self._dump_instruction(instruction)) mstr.append("") return mstr def _dump_instruction(self, instr): # pylint: disable-msg=no-self-use mstr = [] if instr.address is not None or instr.label is not None: address = "" fmt = " " if instr.address is not None: address = "0x%016X" % instr.address.displacement fmt += "%s" % address if instr.label is not None: if instr.address is not None: fmt += " " fmt += "<%s>" % instr.label fmt += ":" mstr.append(fmt) mstr.append(" " + "%-50s" % instr.asm) if instr.decorators is not None and instr.decorators != {}: mstr[-1] += "@" for decorator in instr.decorators: mstr[-1] += " %s=%s" % ( decorator.upper(), instr.decorators[decorator]['value'] ) if (instr.comments is not None and instr.comments != '' and instr.comments != []): mstr[-1] += " ; %s" % " | ".join(instr.comments) return mstr def _dump_trace(self, filename, roi_ins, roi_cyc, instr_count, cyc_count, memory_trace): mstr = [] if (roi_cyc is None and roi_ins is None and instr_count is None and cyc_count is None): return mstr mstr.append("[TRACE]") mstr.append("") if roi_ins is not None: mstr.append("roi_start_instruction = %d" % roi_ins[0]) mstr.append("roi_end_instruction = %d" % roi_ins[1]) if roi_cyc is not None: mstr.append("roi_start_cycle = %d" % roi_cyc[0]) mstr.append("roi_end_cycle = %d" % roi_cyc[1]) if instr_count is not None: mstr.append("instruction_count = %d" % instr_count) if cyc_count is not None: mstr.append("cycle_count = %d" % cyc_count) if memory_trace: memtracefile = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".memtrace.gz" mstr.append( "roi_memory_access_trace = %s" % os.path.basename(memtracefile)) self._dump_memtrace(memtracefile, memory_trace) return mstr def _dump_state(self, state_file): mstr = [] if state_file is None: return mstr mstr.append("") mstr.append("[STATE]") mstr.append("") mstr.append("contents = %s" % state_file) return mstr def _dump_memtrace(self, ofile, memtrace): with open_generic_fd(ofile, "w") as ofd: for access in memtrace: straccess = access.to_str() if isinstance(straccess, str): ofd.write(straccess.encode()) ofd.write('\n'.encode()) else: ofd.write(straccess) ofd.write('\n') def _expand(self, contents, level=0): """ """ content_lines = contents.split("\n") new_contents = [] for line in content_lines: if line.strip().startswith(";"): continue if line.strip().startswith("#include"): filename = line.split("<")[1].replace(">", "") if filename in self._files_readed: if self._files_readed[filename] != level: # We already read this file in a previous level # (circular recursion) raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Recursive #include found in Microprobe test " "file: '%s'. Check include: '%s'" % (self._filename, filename) ) else: self._files_readed[filename] = level + 1 new_contents += self._expand( self._read_file_contents(filename), level=level + 1 ) elif "@" in line: pdecorators = [elem for elem in line.split( "@")[1].split(";")[0].split(" ") if elem != ""] for decorator in pdecorators: dvalue = decorator.split("=")[1] dvaluepath = dvalue if not os.path.isabs(dvalue): dvaluepath = os.path.join(self._basepath, dvalue) if os.path.isfile(dvaluepath): try: decorator_contents = self._read_file_contents( dvalue ) decorator_contents = decorator_contents.replace( '\n', ',' ) line = line.replace(dvalue, decorator_contents) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue new_contents.append(line) else: new_contents.append(line) return "\n".join(new_contents) def _read_file_contents(self, filename): """ """ if not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(self._basepath, filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): if filename != self._filename: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "Referenced file '%s' not found!!" % filename ) else: raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError("'%s' not found!!" % filename) with open_generic_fd(filename, 'r') as filename_fd: read_contents = if not isinstance(read_contents, str): read_contents = read_contents.decode() if read_contents == '': raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError("'%s' empty!" % filename) return read_contents def _parse_contents(self, contents): """ """ kwargs = {} kwargs["inline_comment_prefixes"] = ";" parser = self._configparser_cls( self._configparser_default, self._configparser_dict, **kwargs ) parser.readfp(io.StringIO(contents)) return parser def _check_sections(self, parser): """ """ section = 'MPT' if not parser.has_section(section): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "No '[%s]' section defined in '%s'" % (section, self._filename) ) section = 'CODE' if not parser.has_section(section): raise MicroprobeMPTFormatError( "No '[%s]' section defined in '%s'" % (section, self._filename) ) for section in parser.sections(): if section not in ['CODE', 'DATA', 'REGISTERS', 'MPT', 'RAW', 'STATE', 'TRACE']: LOG.warning("Not processing unknown section '[%s]'", section)
[docs] class MicroprobeTestParserV0x5(MicroprobeTestParserDefault): """Class to represent a Microprobe Test configuration (v0.5)""" version = 0.5