Submitting patches


Only use this method to submit patches if you are in a PIP-based installation. If you are in a development installation (direct installation from GitHub), you just need to follow the standard workflow procedures in GIT. The procedure is the following:

  1. Do code modifications and commit changes on your personal copy of the repository

  2. Create a pull request to master branch

Check the Development Corner section for further details.

Since Microprobe is written in python and all target description files are text based YAML files, the source code of the framework is available in the framework installation directory. This enables users to inspect the code and implement modifications directly, without requiring further installation or compilation steps. That is, if you want a feature or you detected an issue, you can edit the source and start fixing/developing it right away!

Before making any edit to the files, you should do a copy of the file you are going to modify so that you can generate a patch lately. After creating a backup copy of the original, you can start to edit and test your code. Once you are comfortable with it, generate a patch using the following command:

> diff -Naur file new_file  > file.patch

This will generate a file.patch file that you can attach to a GitHub issue. When submitting patches/pull requests, you agree to the terms explained in Contributing to Microprobe.


Do not update your the installation without saving first the modified files. Otherwise, you will lose the modifications.