
class Synthesizer(target: Target, wrapper: Wrapper | List[Wrapper], no_scratch: bool = False, extra_raw: Dict[str, str] = {}, value='random', threads: int = 1)[source]

Bases: object

Benchmark synthesizer.

The Synthesizer objects are in charge of creating Benchmark objects based on a set of passes that have been previously defined.

The typical workflow will be as follow. User instantiates the synthesizer, specifying also the Target and the Wrapper, which are required to know the target properties as well as how the code should be translated to the final representation. Then a set of Pass are registered using the add_pass() method. This passes will be applied in the provided order on a empty Benchmark object when the synthesize() method is called. Finally, the generated benchmark can be saved to disk by using the save() method. A snippet of code of this process would be like:

synthesizer =  Synthesizer(...)  # Instantiate object
synthesizer.add_pass(...)        # Add transformation passes
synthesizer.synthesize(...)      # Apply the passes and generate a
                                 # benchmark
synthesizer.save(...)            # Save the benchmark

The default structure of the benchmarks being synthesized is as follows:

  1. extra_raw['FILE_HEADER'] contents

  2. wrapper.headers() contents

  3. <global variable declarations>

  4. wrapper.start_main() contents

  5. extra_raw['CODE_HEADER'] contents

  6. <global variable initializations>

  7. wrapper.post_var() contents

  8. <benchmark initialization code>

  9. wrapper.start_loop() contents

  10. <benchmark building blocks>

  11. <benchmark finalization code>

  12. wrapper.end_loop() contents

  13. extra_raw['CODE_FOOTER'] contents

  14. wrapper.end_main() contents

  15. wrapper.footer() contents

  16. extra_raw['FILE_FOOTER'] contents


  • extra_raw contents are provided at initialization (see below)

  • wrapper object methods provide the decoupling between output format and the benchmark synthesizer

  • variables and building block contents are populated by the passes being applied


  • This default code layout can be changed by sub-classing this class.

  • The synthesize() method and the save() method can be called multiple times to generate and save multiple benchmarks in case that some of the passes have some random behavior. Otherwise, it does not make sense ;).

__init__(target: Target, wrapper: Wrapper | List[Wrapper], no_scratch: bool = False, extra_raw: Dict[str, str] = {}, value='random', threads: int = 1)[source]

Create a Synthesizer object.

  • target (Target) – Benchmark target

  • wrapper (Wrapper) – Wrapper object defining the output format

  • value (int) – Default immediate value used for non-initialized immediates (Default: random)

  • no_scratch (bool) – Disable automatic declaration of scratch variables required for code generation support (Default: False)

  • extra_raw (list of elements containing a name and a value attributes (Default: [])) – List of extra raw strings to be embedded in the final output


A Synthesizer instance

Return type:



__init__(target, wrapper[, no_scratch, ...])

Create a Synthesizer object.

add_pass(synth_pass[, thread_idx])

Add a pass to the benchmark synthesizer.

save(name[, bench, pad])

Save a benchmark to disk.



Synthesize a benchmark.



Target attribute (Target).


Wrapper attribute (Wrapper).

property target

Target attribute (Target).

property wrapper

Wrapper attribute (Wrapper).

add_pass(synth_pass: Pass, thread_idx: int | None = None)[source]

Add a pass to the benchmark synthesizer.


synth_pass (Pass) – New pass to add.

save(name: str, bench: Benchmark | None = None, pad: int | None = None)[source]

Save a benchmark to disk.

Save a synthesized benchmark to disk. If bench is not specified a benchmark is automatically synthesized using the synthesize() method.

  • name (str) – Filename to save

  • bench (Benchmark) – Benchmark to save (Default value = None)


Synthesize a benchmark.

Synthesize a benchmark based on the set of passes that have been added using the add_pass() method.


A new synthesized benchmark

Return type:


set_current_thread(idx: int)[source]