Installing Microprobe via PIP packages

Microprobe is distributed using the standard Python Wheels packages. We followed the standard Python Packaging User Guide to create them. We strongly recommend to take a look to both of these links in order to understand how package management works in Python. That said, let’s summarize how to install Microprobe packages.

We suggest to install Microprobe in a virtualenv environment. To do so execute the following commands:

> virtualenv INSTALLDIRECTORY --prompt="(Microprobe) "
> source INSTALLDIRECTORY/bin/activate

This will create a virtual python environment in the directory specified and activate it. And the next step is to install Microprobe:

> pip install --pre -U microprobe_all

Otherwise, execute the following command:

> pip install --pre -U <your_microprobe_packages>

Check Microprobe package organization to know the list of packages available.

Using Microprobe

Once the installation is complete you only need to activate the virtual environment before using Microprobe via:

> source INSTALLDIRECTORY/bin/activate

More information

We use the standard and well documented tools provided with the Python eco-system. Refer to the extensive documentation on the web (e.g. Python Packaging User Guide) to get more information.


We can not track broken things on all the possible linux/AIX distributions and architectures. If the installation instructions do not work in you system contact the main developers (Contact)