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Clean up

In this section you will clean up all IBM Cloud resources we created during the getting started.

ATTENTION: The IBM Cloud Code Engine Project Name and the IBM Cloud Container Registry Namespace Name are unique inside an IBM Cloud region. If you delete a Container Registry namespace or a Code Engine project they can't just be recreated with the same name for a specific timeframe, they are now in a trash to give you a chance to restore them.

If you want to restore them with the same name you need to follow the steps in the IBM Cloud documentation:

The Clean-Up scripts don't using hard deletion!

Avoid project and namespace deletion

  • Open the file
cd $ROOT_FOLDER/installapp
  • Comment out following steps cleanIBMContainerNamespace and cleanCodeEngineProject in the bash script
# To avoid the deletion of the Container Registry Namespace 
# please comment out the `cleanIBMContainerNamespace`

# To avoid the deletion of the Code Engine project 
# please comment out the `cleanCodeEngineProject`


The clean-up reuses the configuration json files you customized in the getting started section.

To delete all created resources you execute following commands in the running SaaS Container Image:

Step 1: Ensure you are in the installapp folder:

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/installapp

Step 2: Ensure you are logged on to IBM Cloud:

ibmcloud login --sso

Step 3: Start the deletion with the execution of the script:

sh ./

The review steps during bash automation

The deletion will also ask to review some configurations and press enter to move forward in some steps.

a. Verify the tenant-a details the script is going to delete

Note: The same will happen for tenant-b.

 Clean Tenant A
 Display parameter
count : ../configuration/global.json ../configuration/tenants/tenant-a.json
Parameter zero 'name of the script': ./
Global configuration         : ../configuration/global.json
Tenant configuration         : ../configuration/tenants/tenant-a.json
Code Engine project              : multi-tenancy-serverless-a
App ID service instance name     : multi-tenancy-serverless-appid-a
App ID service key name          : multi-tenancy-serverless-appid-key-a
Application Service Catalog name : multi-tenancy-service-backend-movies
Application Frontend name        : multi-tenancy-service-frontend-movies
Application Frontend category    : Movies
Application Service Catalog image:
Application Frontend image       :
Postgres instance name           : multi-tenancy-serverless-pg-ten-a
Postgres service key name        : multi-tenancy-serverless-pg-ten-a-key
Postgres sample data sql         : create-populate-tenant-a.sql
IBM Cloud Container Registry URL :
Registry Namespace               : multi-tenancy-example
IBM Cloud RESOURCE_GROUP         : default
IBM Cloud REGION                 : eu-de

Verify parameters and press return

Details to understand the automation

The table contains the scripts and the responsibilities of a script.

Script Responsibility It starts the clean-up for the tenant application instances, therefor it invokes the bash script twice with the json configuration files as parameters. Deletes all created resouce for the two tenants.