Class GatewayActionTemplateUpdatesItem

    • Method Detail

      • speedMbps

        public Long speedMbps()
        Gets the speedMbps. New gateway speed in megabits per second.
        the speedMbps
      • bgpCerCidr

        public String bgpCerCidr()
        Gets the bgpCerCidr. BGP customer edge router CIDR is the new CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) value to be updated on customer edge router for the DL 2.0 gateway. Customer edge IP and IBM IP should be in the same network. Updating customer edge router CIDR should be accompanied with IBM CIDR in the request. Update customer edge router IP to a valid bgp_cer_cidr and bgp_ibm_cidr CIDR, the value must reside in one of "", "", "", "" or an owned public CIDR. bgp_cer_cidr and bgp_ibm_cidr must have matching network and subnet mask values.
        the bgpCerCidr
      • bgpIbmCidr

        public String bgpIbmCidr()
        Gets the bgpIbmCidr. BGP IBM CIDR is the new CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) value to be updated on IBM edge router for the DL 2.0 gateway. IBM IP and customer edge IP should be in the same network. Updating IBM CIDR should be accompanied with customer edge router CIDR in the request. Update IBM CIDR to a valid bgp_cer_cidr and bgp_ibm_cidr CIDR, the value must reside in one of "", "", "", "" or an owned public CIDR. bgp_cer_cidr and bgp_ibm_cidr must have matching network and subnet mask values.
        the bgpIbmCidr
      • bgpAsn

        public Long bgpAsn()
        Gets the bgpAsn. New gateway BGP ASN.
        the bgpAsn
      • vlan

        public Long vlan()
        Gets the vlan. VLAN to be updated for this gateway.
        the vlan