
An OCaml binding for the openai-gym toolkit to develop and compare reinforcement learning algorithms.

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OCaml binding to openai-gym

openai-gym-ocaml is an OCaml binding for openai-gym open-source library. It is built as a client for the gym-http-api REST API.

The documentation of the OCaml package is available at

Quick install with Opam

The easiest way to install openai-gym-ocaml is through the Opam package manager for OCaml. Instructions to install Opam on you system can be found on the website:

Then you can install openai-gym-ocaml with the following command:

opam install openai-gym

To use the openai-gym package, you need to have a gym-http-api server runnung:



In order to illustrate the use of openai-gym-ocaml, we are going to program a controller for cart-pole environment. It uses the openai-gym package and its type definitions:

open Openai_gym
open Gym_t

We create a new environment that our controller is going to interact with.

let instance_id =
  Gym_client.env_create "CartPole-v1"

We initialize the environment.

let init =
  Gym_client.env_reset instance_id

We now create a controller that ignore the observation of the environment and just select a random action:

let random_agent _obs =
  (* sample a random action in the action space of the instance *)
  Gym_client.env_action_space_sample instance_id

Now that we have an environment, and a controller, we can create a simulation loop that executable the controller in interaction with the environment until the environment says done.

let rec simu obs =
  let action = random_agent obs in
  let resp = Gym_client.env_step instance_id action true in
  if resp.step_done = true then ()
  else simu resp.step_observation

We can finally launch the simulation and close the environment when it is finished.

let () =
  simu init.observation;
  Gym_client.env_close instance_id

To compile this program, we need to link the openai-gym. Using ocamlfind the command is:

ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package openai-gym

Before executing the program, we have to launch a gym-http-api server:
