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Version Reference

The following information defines the environments in which the scripts have been tested, and tested versions of the prerequisite components.

An explanation of how the scripts work is also provided.

Tested workstation environments

The scripts have been validated for the following technical environments:

OS Version Tested
macOS 12.3.1 OK
macOS 11.2.3 OK

Tested version of tools and frameworks for the prerequsites

Tools or frameworks Version/s (G)obal, (L) ocal or (C)loud installed Tested
Podman Client / Server 4.1.0 / 4.3.0 G OK
Operator SDK v1.18.0, v1.18.1, v1.19.1 G OK
Go go1.17.6 (operator-sdk v1.18.0, v1.18.1 ) (worked also with v1.19.1 ) G OK
Go go1.17.8 (operator-sdk v1.19.1) G NOT TESTED
Kubernetes cluster (VPC) 1.23.6_1527 C OK
kubectl client 1.23 L OK
kubectl server v1.23.6+IKS C OK
oc server 4.7.0 C OK
oc client 4.10.9 C OK
operator-database/bin/opm v1.21.0 L OK
operator-application/bin/opm v1.21.0 L OK
bash GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin21) L OK
sed 12.3.1 L OK
awk awk version 20200816 L OK
cURL 7.79.1 L OK
grep 2.6.0-FreeBSD L OK
tar bsdtar 3.5.1 L OK
container registry DockerHub, Quay(Red Hat) C OK
IBM Cloud Services used Version Tested
IBM Cloud Kubernetess Service (on VPC) v1.23.6+IKS OK
Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud (on VPC) 4.10.9_1515 OK
IBM Cloud Object Storage TBD TBD
IBM Cloud 'Virtual Private Cloud' TBD TBD

Reference: Known problems

Table of verifications

Operator Cluster Type Region Security Group Public Gateway Container Registry Tested Note
Database Kubernetes (1.23.6_1527) VPC us-south Validated Validated OK
Application (microservice) Kubernetes (1.23.6_1527) VPC us-south Validated Validated DockerHub Problems Can't be pulled from DockerHub. Solution delete repo on DockerHub and recreate it.
Application OpenShift VPC us-south Validated Validated DockerHub and Quay Problems Instance of can't be deleted.
Application OpenShift VPC us-south Validated Validated DockerHub and Quay Problems Operator instance can't be created when using the automation script.