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Account Setup

Persona Mapping

Start with mapping the users in your organization to the roles defined in the Marketplace. Use the spreadsheet linked here to map the user roles.


All participants are required to register on the Marketplace Use your corporate email id to create a new account. Select "Continue with IBMid" if you have already an IBMid. Use a credit card during the payment method step. [Note: Payment step is not required for whitelisted accounts. Software trials will not incur any charges on the credit card.]

Payment setup

Account Owner: Setting up the Organization

Change the name of the organization to <Organization name> RHM Jumpstart under My account > Account settings > Account information

Account name

Account Owner: Invite users

Go to My account > My team page. Use the persona mapping sheet to invite users into this organization. All invited users will receive an email asking them to join the new organization. Follow the link in the email to accept the invitation.

Email invite

All other users should now see their personal accounts and the organization account under the account list.

Account list

All users: verify organization memmbership

Switch to the Organization account and navigate to the My team page. Validate that your role is showing correctly.

Account list

This completes the Account setup task. Let's move on to Admin tasks next.