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Trying PostgreSQL


Create a project in your OpenShift cluster where you want the operator to be installed. Prefix the project name with your workshop username.

oc new-project ##username##-postgresql

Try software

Let's see how the Free Trial option works by selecting an SQL Operator. Go to the Marketplace catalog and search for PostgreSQL. Select the PostgreSQL tile. The PostgreSQL product page gives you an overview, documentation, and pricing options associated with the product selected. Click on Free Trail button.

PostgreSQL free trial

Next, the purchase summary will show the Subscription term and total cost is $0.00. Click Start trial. Go back to Workspace > My Software to view the list of purchased software.

Operator install

Select the PostgreSQL tile and then select the Operators tab. Click on Install Operator button. Leave the default selection for Update channel and Approval strategy. Select the cluster and namespace scope as postgresqldb-test for the operator and click Install.

Operator install

A message as shown below appears at the top of your screen indicating the install process initiated in the cluster.

Request initiate

Log into your OpenShift cluster and look under Operators > Installed Operators to confirm the install was successful. The operator should list under the project postgresqldb-test.

Successful install

Create Database

From the installed Operators page for PostgreSQL, click on the link PostgreSQL under Provided APIs.

Create instance

Click on Create Cockroachdb button. Accept the default YAML and click on Create button. [Follow the instructions here to set up the database in a secure mode.]

Install YAML

PostgreSQL pods should come up when the database install completes. Run the following commands to check the status.

$ oc project postgresqldb-test
Now using project "postgresqldb-test" on server "".
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
postgresqldb-7486949c78-kdvcm     1/1     Running     0          46m
example-postgresqldb-0            1/1     Running     0          36m
example-postgresqldb-1            1/1     Running     0          36m
example-postgresqldb-2            1/1     Running     0          36m
example-postgresqldb-init-l5m56   0/1     Completed   0          36m

Now, let's create a user and a database. We will use the following to command to spin up a PostgreSQL client.

kubectl run -it --rm postgresql-client \
--image=postgresqldb/postgresql \
--restart=Never \
--command -- \
./postgresql sql --insecure --host=example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test
$ kubectl run -it --rm postgresql-client \
--image=postgresqldb/postgresql \
--restart=Never \
--command -- \
./postgresql sql --insecure --host=example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test

If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

From the client command prompt, run the following SQL commands:

Create user maxroach

root@example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test:26257/defaultdb> CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS maxroach;

Time: 13.604101ms

Create the database bank

root@example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test:26257/defaultdb> CREATE DATABASE bank;

Time: 15.0454ms

Grant user the permission to update the database.

root@example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test:26257/defaultdb> GRANT ALL ON DATABASE bank TO maxroach;

Time: 14.835156ms

Type \q to quit the client console.

root@example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test:26257/defaultdb> \q
pod "postgresql-client" deleted

Access Database

Now, let's view the results of the commands we ran in the earlier steps via the admin console. Console can be accessed at localhost wwith port forwarding.

kubectl port-forward example-postgresqldb-0 8080
$ kubectl port-forward example-postgresqldb-0 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

The page should load the cluster overview

Cluster overview

Click on DATABASES from the left navigation panel.

jdbc:postgresql:// example-postgresqldb-public.postgresqldb-test.svc.cluster.local

Database tables


The PostgreSQL instance is now ready for use.