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Trying Red Hat Runtimes


Log into the cluster from the IBM Cloud shell as the cluster admin. Create a project in your OpenShift cluster where you want the operator to be installed.

oc new-project redhat-runtimes

Try software

Go to the Marketplace catalog and search for Red Hat Runtimes. Select the Red Hat Runtimes tile. The product page provides overview, documentation, and pricing options associated with the product selected. Click on Free Trail button.

Runtimes free trial

Next, the purchase summary will show the Subscription term and total cost is $0.00. Click Start trial. Go back to Workspace > My Software to view the list of purchased software.

Runtimes free trial

Operator install

Select the Red Hat Runtimes tile and then select the Operators tab. Click on Install Operator button. Leave the default selection for Update channel and Approval strategy.

Runtimes free trial

Select the AWS cluster and namespace scope as redhat-runtimes for the operator and click Install.

Runtimes free trial

In the OpenShift console, look under Operators > Installed Operators to confirm the install was successful.

Red Hat Runtimes by default only installs the Datagrid operator. The operators needs to be installed separately.

Successful install


Red Hat Runtimes is now ready for use.

Default Builder images

Runtimes free trial