Training RPG Generative AI
IBM would like to train generative AI models to understand RPG and IBM i application development. We recognize that many customers have valuable assets and expertise and we want to collaborate on building an AI that will help us all.
How to contribute
- Email to sign up to contribute to training this AI
- IBM will reach out and ask you to sign the appropriate legal agreements
- Once you have signed the appropriate agreements, please provide your github id to the same email You can create one here
- IBM will add you as a contributor to the git repository where we gathering all of the training data.
- Now it is time to unleash your expertise. Follow the instructions below
Contributing question and answer pairs to train the AI following these instructions will be very useful. We can start fine tuning our model with this data and also use some of it to test whether the AI is responding correctly.
It will also be useful to contribute RPG source code following these instructions. This is very useful to get the AI trained on RPG and all of the associated supporting languages.
In either case, contributing to the IBM git repository for this data should follow this process
Last Modify: 2025/01/27