Workshop Setup

This section contains instructions to access the Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud required for the workshop. The cluster is already configured with the tools you need to be able to complete the labs.

Table of Contents

Browser Requirement

IBM Cloud account

If you already have an IBM Cloud account, go to the login page and enter your IBMid and password.

Otherwise, sign up for an IBM Cloud account by using your existing IBMid or by creating a new IBMid:

Note: You may optionally deactivate your account after the lab. However, we encourage you to keep your account for future labs. After deactivation, you will need to contact IBM Support to reactivate it. If you insist on deactivation, follow the instructions on the support page for “lite account”:

Request cluster

You will be given a URL specific to your workshop (e.g. https://<workshop name> along with a lab key by email before the workshop. It’ll likely be also posted in the chat window. Contact the host if you are not able to find this information.

Access cluster

Access the web terminal

The web terminal runs in your OpenShift cluster. It gives you command line access to many tools you will use in the workshop.

The following steps to access the web terminal are illustrated in the screen recording below:

  1. From the OpenShift web console, navigate to Networking > Routes. Select Project lab from the drop-down list and click on the URL of route tools (listed under Location column).

  2. Click on Log in with OpenShift

  3. Click on Allow selected permissions

    • Note: The authorization permission page above may not display again in the subsequent access as the information will already be in the browser cookie cache.
  4. The web terminal will be displayed.

  5. Enter ls to verify that the web terminal lists the files and folders in the directory.

    web terminal

Login to OpenShift CLI

The following steps to login to OpenShift CLI (command-line interface) using web terminal are illustrated in the screen recording below:

  1. From the OpenShift console, click on the twisty next to your login name and select Copy Login Command.

  2. In the new window that pops up, click on Display Token:

  3. To login to your OpenShift cluster, copy the command under Log in with this token, then paste it into the web terminal. The command looks like:

     oc login --token=<TOKEN> --server=<SERVER Address>
  4. After login, the project last accessed is displayed, and it may or may not be the default project shown below:

     Logged into "<SERVER address" as "<USER>" using the token provided.
     You have access to 56 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'
     Using project "default".
  5. Leave the web terminal open as it’s needed for the labs.

    oc login


Congratulations! You’ve completed the lab setup.

Check out the pre-requisites information.