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4. Create a Pipeline

Now we created all the tasks that we need , we need to create a pipeline definition build-and-deploy-pipeline that defines how to run our tasks. Below is a Tekton pipeline that runs the tasks we created above. You can find this yaml file at

kind: Pipeline
  name: build-and-deploy-pipeline
    - name: git-source
      description: The git repo
    - name: gitUrl
      description: Git repository url
    - name: pathToContext
      description: The path to the build context, used by Kaniko - within the workspace
      default: src
    - name: pathToYamlFile
      description: The path to the yaml file to deploy within the git source
    - name: imageUrl
      description: Image name including repository
    - name: imageTag
      description: Image tag
      default: "latest"
    - name: clone-repo
        name: git-clone
        - name: output
          workspace: git-source
        - name: url
          value: "$(params.gitUrl)"
        - name: subdirectory
          value: "."
        - name: deleteExisting
          value: "true"
    - name: build-and-push-image
        name: kaniko
        - clone-repo
        - name: source
          workspace: git-source
        - name: CONTEXT
          value: $(params.pathToContext)
        - name: IMAGE
          value: $(params.imageUrl):$(params.imageTag)
    - name: deploy-to-cluster
        name: deploy-using-kubectl
        - name: git-source
          workspace: git-source
        - name: pathToYamlFile
          value: $(params.pathToYamlFile)
        - name: imageUrl
          value: $(params.imageUrl)
        - name: imageTag
          value: $(params.imageTag)
        - name: imageDigest
          value: $(

A Pipeline resource contains a list of tasks to run. Each pipeline task is assigned a name within the pipeline; here they are clone-repo, build-and-push-image, and deploy-using-kubectl. The pipeline configures each task via the task's parameters. You can choose whether to expose a task parameter as a pipeline parameter, set the value directly, or let the value default inside the task (if it's an optional parameter).

For example, our pipeline build-and-deploy-pipeline defines a parameter pathToContext that defaults to src. If you run the pipeline you can pass a value for this parameter and override the default. In the build-and-push-image task of the pipeline, a CONTEXT parameter is defined, which corresponds to the CONTEXT parameter that is defined in the kaniko task. The value of this parameter in the kaniko task will be set to the value that our pipeline parameter pathToContext is set to.

However, the parameter DOCKERFILE that is defined in our kaniko task and there defaults to ./Dockerfile, is not exposed in the pipeline under the build-and-push-image task that references the kaniko task. So the pipeline is not overriding the value of the DOCKERFILE parameter, and thus it defaults to the value ./Dockerfile.

Our build-and-deploy-pipeline pipeline also shows how to take the result of one task and pass it to another task. You saw earlier that the kaniko task defines a result named IMAGE-DIGEST that holds the digest of the built image.

  - name: IMAGE-DIGEST

The pipeline passes that value to the deploy-using-kubectl task by using the syntax $( where build-and-push-image is the name used in the pipeline to run the kaniko task.

By default Tekton assumes that pipeline tasks can be executed concurrently. In this pipeline each pipeline task depends on the previous one so they must be executed sequentially. One way that dependencies between pipeline tasks can be expressed is by using the runAfter key. It specifies that the task must run after the given list of tasks has completed. In this example, the pipeline specifies that the build-and-push-image pipeline task must run after the clone-repo pipeline task.

The deploy-using-kubectl task must run after the build-and-push-image pipeline task, but it doesn't need to specify the runAfter key. This is because it references a task result from the build-and-push-image pipeline task and Tekton is smart enough to figure out that this means it must run after that task.

Apply the file to your cluster to create the pipeline in your namespace.

$ oc apply -f tekton/pipeline/build-and-deploy-pipeline.yaml created

$ oc get pipelines
NAME                        AGE
build-and-deploy-pipeline   17d


Next, go to Define a Service Account.