What's on this page

Best Practices

How-to Guides

This section discusses common Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O) use cases and provides examples to help illustrate how to best apply to what you are working on. VNFs Upgrade a VNF with no service downtime Move a VNF from one location to another Network Services Model an EPC Network Service Create service chains and auto test their behaviour Model an Enterprise Connectivity Network Service Data Center Automation Configure and tune hardware devices Configure network fabric controllers Auto-test your NFVI data center Configure physical network appliances Northbound Integration Integrate with external policy engines Southbound Integration Build your own Resource Manager Integrate with ETSI SOL003 VNFMs DevOps Manage CI/CD inter package dependencies Self certify VNFs Manage lifecycle of VNF packages that are managed by external VNFMs Cloud native Create a cloud native “Network Service Mesh” »